Embattled Contractor Jesse LaCoste Wants To Pull Building Permits Again

January 12, 2023

An embattled local contractor asked a county board to allow him to once again pull building permits.

Jesse LaCoste and his brother-in-law Matthew Banks have been accused of taking money from people but never completing, or even starting, their jobs. Both have been arrested, and both counties have suspended their licenses while ordering large sums of restitution.

Both were scheduled to appear before the Escambia County Contractor Competency Board Wednesday, but only LaCoste was present.

He told the board he wants his privilege to pull building permits reinstated so that he can get back to work .

“I’ve been called a lot of things this year,” LaCoste said, adding that he has been a builder for 11 years as of this month. “I had nothing but beautiful relationships all along the Gulf Coast, and was touted as something pretty good to work with for a long time. And had nothing but positive interactions.”

“This year, I’ve had my entire life stripped from me,” an emotional LaCoste said. “I’ve continued to be the same person I am, while being called everything you can imagine, receiving death threats and all of those things.”

The Contractor Competency Board told him they would revisit the reinstatement request in the future after fines and restitution are paid.


20 Responses to “Embattled Contractor Jesse LaCoste Wants To Pull Building Permits Again”

  1. Dale on February 2nd, 2023 8:57 pm

    He says he wants to continue to work…Put him at camp 5 he can work on the road gang.

  2. The Patriot on January 15th, 2023 7:50 am

    The building department has no legal enforcement jurisdiction on this manner and the board is a group of his peers . This is a civil matter that the courts should reside over and not a group of fellow gangsters. If a prison were to elect a parole board it wouldn’t be among the inmates.

  3. RC on January 14th, 2023 9:46 am

    Get it right buddy. You are most certainly NOT a victim, you just HAVE victims. And then you have the gall to stand up there and talk about how hard it’s been on you. You have no remorse and no shame. His “contractor” days need to be over for good.

  4. Charlie Mike on January 14th, 2023 1:06 am

    He sounds like he thinks he’s the victim. Lock him up and throw away the keys.

  5. Michael McCormack on January 14th, 2023 12:00 am

    Mr. LaCoste, you have nobody to blame for your situation but yourself. You can work under someone else’s license until you pay back the people you stole from. There is no excuse you can offer to allow you to continue in the manner that got you here. Like others, I suggest you cut back on your lifestyle and possessions if you truly want to make amends, and get right with the Lord as you claim to be a Christian man. My God lived among the poor whilst he gave gave them riches beyond measure. You can at least do the same and make restitution to all who you robbed. Be the change you are espousing first before seeking redemption.

  6. Lou on January 13th, 2023 8:34 am

    If these contractor would have done crimes like these up north, he would have been sitting in jail. Proof of a contract submitted to the victim’s law enforcement jurisdiction and that is it, and immediate restitution , or lien on everything. These criminals are getting away with it. Teach them a lesson or many other contractors would do the same. Protect the consumer, and honest contractors by throwing the book and jail keys on them.

  7. Murray Finkelstein on January 12th, 2023 8:16 pm

    This guy is what 90% of my experiences have been like anytime I’ve tried to get anything done in the FL Panhandle. Corrupt good ol’ boys everywhere.

  8. Frank on January 12th, 2023 7:22 pm

    He could also sell that $80,000 truck he is riding around in as well to contribute to what owes people!

  9. steve on January 12th, 2023 6:34 pm

    He can swing a hammer and a shovel without a permit. Work for someone for a while and see just how you treated people.
    Also disrespect of a hat inside did not go un-noticed.

  10. Greg on January 12th, 2023 11:04 am

    At the very least, take your hat off while addressing the Board.

  11. Robert on January 12th, 2023 10:03 am

    He said it himself..he is still the same person he has always been…a person who steals and lives a high life with that stolen money…Maybe sell that fancy house on the golf course and pay back some people. He should never be in a position to control money paid for jobs. Let him go work for someone else and he won’t need a license to pull permits etc. Pay back what you stole and then ask for favors…

  12. Bob Vila on January 12th, 2023 9:42 am

    Bob Vila needs to do a reality show on this…

    What part of “you are a crook” doesn’t this guy understand

  13. RaD on January 12th, 2023 8:11 am

    Kudos to the Escambia County Contractor Competency Board. Hopefully the Santa Rosa County CCB will provide the same answer when he shows up there next.

  14. Chris on January 12th, 2023 8:01 am

    Mr lacoste you have stolen enough money from the community . You don’t deserve to be a contractor anymore. You should get a job in another career. They should take all your possessions. Everything and put you where you belong . A theif is a theif …. just saying .

  15. Ben H on January 12th, 2023 7:38 am

    Is this a joke. The guy steels from people and now wants to do it again. How bout no.

  16. David on January 12th, 2023 7:23 am

    It’s a shame these 2 are not in prison for what they have done to these people. What a broken system we have

  17. Bill on January 12th, 2023 6:44 am

    This guy is delusional I guess he has run out of the money he has STOLEN and now wants to start the scheme again. He should and hopefully will be in jail

  18. Jr on January 12th, 2023 5:43 am

    I just hope they don’t allow him to start up again. Yes, he’s been put through the ringer this past year but HE CAUSED HIS OWN DOWNFALL. Hey Lacoste, how about start paying back those you owe…or start making restitution…and maybe they will allow limited permits. Banks not showing up or paying any monies back says about him what we’ve all have known about him. The multitude of people who have been literally screwed out of their money, savings and some their life savings is sad. I’m not sure if either have remorse from what they BOTH have done to these people who trusted them to do THEIR JOB but for me? No, don’t allow them to go back to work until their debts have been paid…I said what I said!

  19. SW on January 12th, 2023 4:39 am


  20. Rob on January 12th, 2023 12:36 am

    Well, considering he isn’t sitting in jail, what do we expect?