Back To School In Escambia County: Today For Teachers, Thursday For Kids

January 4, 2023

The Christmas and New Year’s break is coming to an end for students and teachers in Escambia County.

Teachers will be back in school today, January 4, for a non-student day. Students will return to class on Thursday, January 5.

The next holiday for students and teachers will be Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 16, and spring break is March 13-17.


One Response to “Back To School In Escambia County: Today For Teachers, Thursday For Kids”

  1. Tracy on January 4th, 2023 9:56 pm

    Sure would like to understand the reasoning behind getting out on a Uesday and returning on a Thursday. Most peoplw start vacations on Friday or Saturday. Not sure how much school work will get completed on a Thursday and Friday, or how many will show up. I hope I am wrong.