School Janitor Charged With Lewd Act With Georgia Teen; Soliciting Local Student, And Child Porn

December 21, 2022

A school janitor from Beulah is facing multiple charges after allegedly exchanging explicit videos and messages with a teen in Georgia and attempting to solicit a local student.

Eric William Poston, 24, was charged with possession of child pornography, lewd and lascivious sexual offense involving a juvenile, using a computer to solicit or lure a child, transmitting harmful material to minors, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Poston worked as a contracted janitor at Warrington Elementary School and befriended a 13-year old female student at Bellview Middle School while he was working there, according to an arrest report. He allegedly attempted to meet her outside of school and provide her with marijuana, alcohol and electronic cigarettes.

Poston told deputies that he had three non-nude images of the student on his phone, and he denied having sent or exchanged nude images with her, the report continues. The victim told deputies that Poston used Instagram to send an explicit picture of himself to other possible students, but the name of the school was redacted from the report.

The ECSO seized the phone and obtained a search warrant.

The search found that Poston was a member of a group chat named “14-18 teens” and appeared to have exchanged nude images with a 16-year old female 10th grade student in Georgia. Investigators found that he had sent and received several explicit messages and videos with the girl, the arrest report states.

Poston was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $60,000 bond.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, Poston was employed by ABM Industries, not the Escambia County school district.


11 Responses to “School Janitor Charged With Lewd Act With Georgia Teen; Soliciting Local Student, And Child Porn”

  1. D.B. on December 21st, 2022 4:09 pm

    He isn’t off of the street! He is back out on a $60,000 bond! What is that…$6000.00?

    @area resident…unfortunately he IS “our” youth! Pathetic!

  2. Susie on December 21st, 2022 1:53 pm

    Well, we know he had full intentions of what he wanted to accomplish by his chosen employment. The Justice System will too. His name will be “Erica” in jail and rightly deserved. These imps are incurable. Glad another of his kind is off the street! Thank God and ESCO.

  3. NOT HAPPY on December 21st, 2022 11:55 am


  4. tg on December 21st, 2022 11:16 am

    Castration is the only cure.

  5. Kane on December 21st, 2022 11:04 am

    @Duuuh yes, they should but you see they have money and actual control of the internet, so they won’t face any consequences.

    @Jr sure you could end their lives but then you’d have a hard time justifying keeping any mentally ill person alive.

  6. Deborah Daugherty on December 21st, 2022 10:29 am

    He will be the little girl in prison

  7. area resident on December 21st, 2022 10:03 am

    Okay, roll your eyes now and get it over with. Why would a school even allow a man who can’t shave and get a decent haircut work around our youth? Whether you like it or not, your appearance says a lot about you. Yes, it is (or at least was) a free country, and you can look however you want, but we really need to get back to having some self-respect and protecting our youth. Bottom line, you look and act like trash…

  8. RaD on December 21st, 2022 9:32 am

    @jr…who are the “other countries” you mention?

  9. Security Analyst on December 21st, 2022 9:16 am

    @Duuuh – if the sender is using a Virtual Private Network, (VPN) the data is encrypted before it leaves the sender’s computer. The ISP has no way to tell what the sender is doing. Keeping people from knowing what is going on is the point, and this is the obvious downside.

  10. Duuuuh on December 21st, 2022 8:46 am

    ISPs’ also need to be on the hoop for this material also. Why do they allow this material to be transmitted in the first place?

  11. Jr on December 21st, 2022 5:14 am

    This is a very sick individual. I will never understand these types. Can they/will they ever be rehabilitated? I don’t see it. There’s only one end to a person like this and y’all know what I’m thinking. This scum of the Earth will never get the help they need and if it’s found on YOUR OWN PERSONAL DEVICE then why waste the tax payers money on a trial and/or incarceration. Some of these other countries have a way much better way of handling these types. Furthermore, why don’t we hear about OUR GOVERNMENT shutting these sites down and/or prosecuting the ones who run it? It’s all about that mighty dollar. This problem has been going on for many years and it’s not just an issue with current administration but in all administrations…we have got to do a better job and go after the sickos that actually run those sites!!!!! I’m not writing this as a political post so don’t go there with me.