Proud To Be A Chief: Northview Falls To Hawthorne In State Championship Game (With Gallery)

December 11, 2022

The Northview Chiefs made an incredible run at the school’s second-ever state football championship.

The Chiefs had won 13-straight, but Saturday night that streak came to an end.

You could see the excitement on their faces, and the faces of over 1,000 Northview Chiefs fans headed into the game.

For a photo gallery, click or tap here. (More photos and more coverage to come later this week.)

But you could see the pain on their faces as the game ended with Hawthorne winning 13-2. They were the underdogs headed into Gene Cox Stadium. Just a little team from a little place called Bratt, from a stadium that sits next to a cotton field and behind the FFA’s cow pasture.

A band of brothers with a family of Chiefs behind them who put up a heck of a fight for the FHSAA 1-Rural state title.

A state championship was the ultimate goal, but head coach Wes Summerford said his Chiefs should still be proud of the winningest season in school history.

“You know number two in the state ain’t bad in the state of Florida. We are one of the top four or five states in football,” he said. “They’ve got a lot to be proud of…not every year you are going to get to come to this…I think they’ll remember the trip anyways for the rest of their lives. Even though we didn’t come on top and didn’t do what we wanted to do.”

It was the first game of the entire season in which Northview did not score a touchdown.

Jamarkus Jefferson was held to just 35 yards rushing, 49 yards receiving. Quarterback Kaden Odom had 132 yards passing and 40 yards rushing.

Hawthorne had 218 yards rushing; Northview just 86 net yards rushing on 30 attempts. With 132 yards passing, Northview had 218 total offensive yards while the Hornets had 257.

“I’m just proud of these guys,” Northview head coach Wes Summerford said. “The stuff that goes on behind the scenes, and the stuff that they have been through, and just battled back from that. I just told them we played a good team tonight and it wasn’t our night. Hawthorne is a good team, been here three times, and we just didn’t do the stuff we needed to do to win a football game tonight.”

“I’m proud to be a Northview Chief.”

For a photo gallery, click or tap here. (More photos and more coverage to come later this week.) photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Proud To Be A Chief: Northview Falls To Hawthorne In State Championship Game (With Gallery)”

  1. Lisa garrett on December 14th, 2022 11:57 pm

    Way to go Chief’s. Yall r wonderful and played hard y’all will always me my team do matter what. Excited Job.

  2. judy on December 12th, 2022 8:42 am

    To get that far was still a great honor and shows just how good the team is! Go Chiefs!

  3. Bryson on December 11th, 2022 8:45 pm

    Y’all did y’all’s best this season, glad we got to go to a championship for the first time in 10 years, proud of the players for playing their hardest this season and proud of all the coaches, hope you get to go to state again soon, also proud of summerford for leading a great team this season

  4. Steve on December 11th, 2022 7:28 pm

    Would love to see them play UWF in a fundraiser game,
    Would be a great experience for the both groups of men.

  5. Jason Thompson on December 11th, 2022 3:28 pm

    As bad as it felt after, there’s a LOT of teams that would loved to have been in their shoes

  6. Wizard on December 11th, 2022 2:15 pm

    To the Team and Coaches, THANK YOU!!! What an amazing year. You men have worked hard and pushed yourselves to the limit. If anything, let this chapter of your life be the torch that lights your path to a brighter future. Keep the fight and make a comeback next year. Thanks again.

  7. Kevin on December 11th, 2022 10:59 am

    Whether your won or not your still the winners just for being there

  8. Well on December 11th, 2022 10:32 am

    So proud of you guys !!!
    Awesome season to remember.

    GO CHIEFS !!!

  9. Johnny on December 11th, 2022 9:52 am

    We are proud of y’all hold ur heads up y’all went the entire season without a lost that wonderful the team y’all played was a hard team and I know this was some of y’all last game every but be proud for the memories and the success & season it’s been a awesome one

  10. Steve on December 11th, 2022 9:21 am

    Congratulations Chiefs, on making it as far as you did. Hold your heads high! For you went farther than other Escambia County, FL teams.

    You had a winning season, your only loss coming at the State Championship. THAT’S something to be proud of.

    Continue to be the good young men you’re developing into. We are proud OF YOU!

  11. Proud Chiefs Fan on December 11th, 2022 8:45 am

    These boys should hold their heads high because they have a lot to be proud of this season!! These young men poured their hearts into the game, and it showed! We are always proud of our Northview Chiefs!!

  12. Willene & Preston Bryan on December 11th, 2022 7:58 am

    We are still proud of our Northview Chiefs!! Winning 13 straight games is a great accomplishment.

  13. Rebekah on December 11th, 2022 6:10 am

    Good job Chiefs.. be very proud of yourselves