New Children’s Book ‘Jasper and the Christmas Faeries’ Set At Walnut Hill Ranch

December 24, 2022

One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is a special moment of reading with them.

Paul Entrekin and his wife Lisa are sharing a special story from their Walnut Hill ranch with just that in mind.

Proudly passing down his Scottish heritage, Paul Entrekin and his wife Lisa collaborated on this charming tale about a special holiday visit from Scottish pixies known as faeries, as seen through the eyes of Rufus, their Rocky Creek Ranch dog. “Jasper and the Christmas Faeries” follows Rufus as he takes his fluttering guests on a tour of his home and introduces them to his many friends, including a small donkey named Jasper.

“Our yellow lab Rufus had a story about his buddy Jasper, our donkey. It’s a story about Jasper’s encounter with some Christmas faeries when he was really sad during the Christmas holidays and how the Christmas faeries cheered him up,” Paul said.

The story was born on their Rocky Creek Ranch in Walnut Hill, where all of the characters exist in real life.

“It was a story I made up with my grandson sitting on my lap. We had some laser lights focused on the ceiling in our great room, and he said, ‘grandpa, what’s that?’. And me being me, instead of just saying those are laser lights, I said those are faeries and I concocted this story.”

Jasper and the Christmas Faeries” is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other retailers.

Paul Entrekin is a retired marine and naval aviator, airshow aviator, and Delta airline pilot. He is known for the first civilian pilot in the world to own and fly a Russian MiG aircraft. Lisa Entrekin is assistant principal at Bratt Elementary School and former elementary school teacher. They both hold bachelors degrees from Auburn University and both have masters degrees in educational leadership. The book is illustrated by Jane Brobst, a retired elementary and high school teacher.

Paul Entrekin also authored “Mr. MiG: and The Real Story of the First MiGs in America” and “Mighty Hands: Victory Over Adversity Through the Grace of God photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “New Children’s Book ‘Jasper and the Christmas Faeries’ Set At Walnut Hill Ranch”

  1. Hilda Malone on December 24th, 2022 2:19 pm

    This is wonderful so talented, so glad your in our area,Have a blessed and Merry Christmas! And more books for the New Year.

  2. Anne Sherrill on December 24th, 2022 10:37 am

    What an honor to have met Rufus, the star of this book! Can’t wait to share his story with my grands. Blessings on you both, neighbors!

  3. Kathy on December 24th, 2022 8:53 am

    Awww! This seems like a great story. I will definitely have to check it out!

  4. The Baggetts on December 24th, 2022 8:05 am

    Wonderful! Thank you for sharing your talents!