Escambia School District, Teachers Union Reach Salary Increase Agreement

December 9, 2022

The Escambia County Public Schools and the Escambia Education Association (EEA) teacher’s union have reached an agreement with a salary increase.

The new minimum salary will increase 3.17% from $44,100 to $45,500 for about 900 teachers. A new starting salary of $47,500 will go into effect on July 1, 2023, increasing pay for about 70% of instructional staff, or about 1,900 teachers.

Beyond the minimum salary increase, all teachers hired prior to July 1, 2011, and who have opted to stay on the “Grandfather” salary schedule will receive the appropriate level increase to guarantee no less than a 2% raise.

These teachers will also receive an additional $200 based on a performance rating of “Effective” or “Highly Effective” from the 2021-2022 year.

All other teachers will receive the appropriate level increase to guarantee no less than a 3% raise. Returning teachers with an “Effective” or “Highly Effective” rating from the ‘21-22 year will receive an additional $200 or $400, respectively.

All instructional staff will receive a one-time $1,000 retention supplement before the end of the school year, and all Exceptional Student Education (ESE) teachers will receive a $300 supplement added to their salaries.

The total value of this salary increase for all instructional staff is $9.7 million, according to the district

The EEA will implement the ratification process for this agreement in all schools and work sites across the district. EEA representatives will construct a ballot and ensure all teachers have the opportunity to vote in agreement or disagreement with the settlement. For this year, the ballot will also include an opportunity for teachers to provide input on the potential movement from 12 pay periods to a 24 pay period, bi-monthly payroll option. Both parties agreed if the majority of the teachers agree, the district can begin implementation on this change the following school year.

Results of the ratification will be attached to the agreement and submitted for school board approval. Upon that approval, and pending ratification by the union, the finance department will begin working on implementing the salary increase for teachers.


24 Responses to “Escambia School District, Teachers Union Reach Salary Increase Agreement”

  1. Hannah on December 13th, 2022 9:26 pm

    Here’s a glimpse into the day of a bus driver. Who makes $24000 a year 10 months.
    Monday 60 elementary kids sound bouncing off the roof. Sally’s crying because Suzy’s not her friend. Tommy and Robby (bros) get into a fight over who knows what. Mary’s tummy hurts causes she hungry. That’s before 7 am. Onto middle/ high school runs. I’ve written up 6 kids for vaping on bus in the am they get back on in the pm still vaping . By 5 pm my head is rolling off my shoulders. Go home tackle kids homework dinner then to bed to do it again tomorrow. Why because I care about your child!
    Teachers aren’t going to have kids to teach because mass call outs are coming! (Bus flu)

  2. Rob on December 12th, 2022 8:56 am

    So the government keeps giving raises to its folks descent benefits, but the corporations just do stock buybacks reject doing the right thing and passing on the rotors to employees. Capitalism is phony only works for the 1%

  3. Amanda on December 11th, 2022 10:28 pm

    What about the coustdiion people as well??

  4. n.godwin on December 11th, 2022 7:26 pm

    wjhat did the maintenance, office, and janitorial workers get? the blue collar folks?

  5. No Excuses on December 11th, 2022 5:43 pm

    Answers to a few comments here….
    I have worked both public and correctional education. Frankly, the inmates were better students in regard to respect and effort in many cases. I’ve spent 20 years in correctional education and 19 years in public education. I love my job in spite of it’s many challenges. I will say that unless you’ve subbed or been a teacher, you really can’t pass an opinion on our working conditions. We don’t have great infrastructure and I constantly buy things for my classroom out of my own money or I wouldn’t be able to teach. I might add that several of the critics on this thread must not have paid attention in English class. I’ve seen to, where too was needed multiple times. Don’t comment on things you have no experience with. It just makes you look foolish. And, just because we knew what we were getting into, but cared enough to do it anyway, does not make it right. I pay taxes too!

  6. Stumpknocker on December 11th, 2022 11:27 am

    The teachers knew the pay and conditions prior to becoming a teacher, the rules and procedures didn’t change once they were hired. They knew what they were signing up for.

  7. derek on December 10th, 2022 11:03 am

    Just a quick note about unions! The teachers union is a local union for the county, not a large national union. The union has no authority because the state of Florida does not have binding arbitration. In other words, the county could agree to a 10 percent pay increase and then a month from now say…..oops we aren’t doing that! Teachers in Florida have NO JOB SECURITY from year to year. In other words, a teacher must wait every year and hope and pray they will have the following year. Anyone thi king about teaching in Northwest Florida should consider taking their Bachelors or Masters degree to Navy Federal where they can make on average 40-50% more money with better benefits!

  8. Bob on December 9th, 2022 5:20 pm


    The way you combat price gouging is setting prices. Do you really want the government to decide how much businesses are allowed to charge for their products?

    That’s kinda the complete opposite of the le sais faire, free market doctrine that Republicans like to run on.

  9. Josh Jones on December 9th, 2022 4:44 pm


    “the Democratic Party….the political party and policies that have led to the current inflation rate.”

    So the US Democrat party is responsible for inflation all over the world? Who knew it had such power. Did the Democrats also raise the price of gas?

  10. ESP on December 9th, 2022 2:40 pm

    Happy for the teachers. At least some employees will be getting a raise. All you here about in the news is teachers but their are hundreds of educational support personnel employees who are here 12 months out of the year working behind the scenes out of the medias attention who are also feeling left out, un-appreciated, and burnt out. The moral is extremely low. The board members have been hearing this from a few ESP’s at the monthly meetings but they just sit without giving so much as a “hey, we hear you”. If you don’t know, the ESP employees fall under the operations division. They are warehouse workers, school bus drivers, food service workers, bus mechanics, bus washers, custodians, transportation, IT workers, maintenance department workers, surplus operations, capital improvement employees and so many others. Just like the teachers you hear about in the news, the ESP employees are leaving in droves also and they cant find people on the outside to fill these positions at the current rate of pay. ESP are valuable employees and need to be recognized as so. All of this behind the scenes and out of the media stuff an ESP does is what keeps the school doors opening each day.

  11. JR on December 9th, 2022 1:30 pm

    I find it ironic when teachers complain about how little their raise was negotiated based on the current inflation rate. Teachers have a huge union and lobby, and are one of the largest donors and backers of the Democratic Party….the political party and policies that have led to the current inflation rate.

  12. Denny on December 9th, 2022 1:03 pm

    Cost of living is so high because of greedy corporations and their CEOs making millions off our backs. Professional athletes are paid millions simply to entertain us. Meanwhile, teachers are paid diddly-squat to teach our FUTURE. They don’t get paid enough for what they try to do, especially since many parents now have abdicated their responsibility in teaching their kids how to behave.

    I never had children but gladly pay taxes (and increasing taxes) for schools because it’s a good thing for our country to be educated. Others whine about this cost even while paying $100 to fill their gas-guzzling trucks. It’s all about priorities.

    Go teachers!!!!

  13. Bob on December 9th, 2022 12:37 pm


    Yeah, that’s not true. Summer is when teachers attend workshops and renew their certifications.

    Imagine going into debt attending college, completing all of your certifications and classroom rotations, finally getting a job at a school, just to find out that you will be required to work 60+ hours a week, use supplement your classroom funding with your own paycheck, and and won’t be able to afford to pay rent on a 1br apartment.

    We have garbage schools, a teacher shortage, and a serious crime problem because we would rather save pennies than give our kids the education they will need to succeed in the future.

  14. challenger on December 9th, 2022 11:37 am

    @Ridiculous, since you seem to know so much about teaching, I challenge you to come and try teaching for a year at the middle or high school level. The pure lack of parental involvement and disrespect the kids have for teachers is above anything you’ve likely experienced unless you’re in law enforcement. I agree that “some” teachers spend time on politics and BS where they shouldn’t, but honestly to say that “most” are bad only says to me how poorly informed you really are. Every county around us gets paid better(even in Alabama) and also you know nothing of the benefits package teachers get or you’d change your tune. Should have chosen a high-paying career? Okay, so that means there will be NO teachers out there trying to educate the youth of the area and parents would have to do it on their own. A fair number of parents in this county use school as nothing more than a babysitter and could care less what the kids do or learn. Sadly there are more uninformed people out there who think the way you do(or maybe they don’t think at all) and the teachers here have to deal with this type of nonsense and attitude. How about showing some respect to them for the garbage most have to endure on that 9-month gravy train(as you seem to think it is) Once again, come in and fill a teachers shoes for a year……….you can’t do it.

  15. RayeG on December 9th, 2022 10:53 am

    Daycare makes more $$ and you get the Joy of teaching.
    Our Teachers & Police starting pay maybe double…. sounds about FAIR.
    & No, I’m not a teacher or an Officer…. But I Know what I put them through when I was young. & OMG…. Bus Driver… GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  16. Ridiculous on December 9th, 2022 10:41 am

    So you want more of my tax money? You have one of the largest unions in the country behind you. You have great benefits. You only work 9 months out of the year. Most of you do poor quality job of teaching and spend more time on identity politics than reading writing and arithmetic. And you want MORE of my money?!? If you want more money you should have chosen a high paying career. Terrible.

  17. Bob on December 9th, 2022 10:18 am

    Do y’all know why we have so many D and F schools?

    It’s because all of the good teachers are fleeing to counties/states that actually pay a living wage.

  18. Just me on December 9th, 2022 9:15 am

    And yet they are still some of the lowest paid in the state and surrounding areas. Not to mention how they constantly ask more and more from them without even considering their already staying late everyday to try and keep up with the requirements that are nessasary. The people at the top are so checked out on how much is required of them and how stressed they all are. There is a reason they can’t fill tons and tons of jobs in this area. Even 6 figure principals are leaving. It’s just not worth it. Love for the children is one thing , keeping your sanity is another.

  19. tax payer on December 9th, 2022 8:49 am

    That is a very good starting salary for someone who ONLY works 10 month a year, no weekends, no nights, 2 weeks off for Christmas, 1 week off for Thanksgiving, ETC.

    Also get off if it rains to much, to cold, to hot?

    I know some that get summer jobs also.

    Where as law enforcement starts lower, works shifts, holidays, ETC.

  20. My2Cents on December 9th, 2022 8:02 am

    I swear you all need more money. Starting pay should be at least $50-55K for teachers. They do a lot of work and have to deal with a lot of drama from everyone. Entitled students & parents, combative for no reason, disrespect, and more. I couldn’t do it. PLUS you have to accept whatever subpar work the students turn in so it won’t affect them in the long run. You can’ win. Teachers are the real heroes!

    No, I’m not a teacher. Wanted to be one years ago but decided I like my freedom more.

  21. CHA CHING!!! on December 9th, 2022 7:53 am

    Maybe this increase will propel some of these numerous D & F schools in the district.

  22. Oversight on December 9th, 2022 7:40 am

    With an 8% plus CPI (according to Big Brother, but it’s actually 15% or more on everything we purchase), a 3% raise is an embarrassment.

  23. DW on December 9th, 2022 4:45 am


  24. tap on December 9th, 2022 2:36 am

    more tax on us