Contractor Jesse LaCoste Arrested In Santa Rosa County

December 1, 2022

Pensacola contractor Jesse LaCoste was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail Wednesday evening.

LaCoste, the 30-year old brother-in-law of Pensacola contractor Matthew Banks, was charged with felony larceny in connection with an incident in Gulf Breeze, according to authorities.

Escambia and Santa Rosa counties revoked both individual’s contractors licenses after numerous complaints were filed with county boards. They were ordered to repay millions to customers after allegedly failing to complete work for which they received payments in advance.

Banks was previously charged with felony fraud for failing to provide a refund.

A Pensacola resident paid Banks $6,740 by check for a renovation on North G Street in Pensacola. Banks, according to police, never started work and would not provide a refund despite the homeowner’s demand.


9 Responses to “Contractor Jesse LaCoste Arrested In Santa Rosa County”

  1. fisherman on December 1st, 2022 5:15 pm

    @ john bob
    You are 100% correct that’s the way it should be
    @ Swamp Gas I hope your statement comes true. Now for you bleeding hearts that think these comments are harsh the wives knew exactly what was going on. They lived high off others money.

  2. john bob on December 1st, 2022 1:55 pm

    why pay anything up front i dont pay til its finished

  3. Swamp Gas on December 1st, 2022 12:41 pm

    This is just the beginning of many more arrest and lots of of miserable days ahead for the contractor brother’s in law. Soon you will be broke and in prison. Your future x wives will have to move out of the fancy homes. All of the fancy clothes and cars will be gone. The x wives and kids will have to move into sub par housing that will probably need a contractor to fix up to the point where they are at least in a livable condition. Hope they can find an honest contractor out there so they can move on without you.

  4. Ron on December 1st, 2022 12:38 pm


  5. fisherman on December 1st, 2022 12:10 pm

    I blame who ever in Escambia County Government that over sees contractors and permitting department for allowing this to go on for several years. They had numerous complaints on him and Banks and allowed them to continue doing this instead of pulling their license sooner. I never pay more than 25% down and I pay for all material used in project. I keep track of all subcontractors and have them giver me statements that they have peen paid for their work before I pay the final payment to contractors. I tell the contractor up front how I operate and if they comply with my standards then they don’t get the job. The honest ones will comply the dishonest walk away.

  6. John Bone Jones on December 1st, 2022 11:41 am

    these guys mismanaged alot of money. They should have been putting every cent of the deposit that didn’t get paid out to the subs into an account that could be tapped if things went south. Instead they used that money to pay their employees and their mortgages. I feel real bad for the folks who lost large chunks of their savings and retirement funds. The biggest problem I have is the total lack of remorse and empathy these two have for the people whose lives have been wrecked.

  7. Good grief! on December 1st, 2022 9:19 am

    No wonder he can afford that big house he lives in.

  8. Shaking my head on December 1st, 2022 7:06 am

    Wow…the KARMA Train got this one and the Brother in Law is next. It’s bad for the good and honest Contractors who get out there and actually do a good job but are grouped in with these types like this one here. To do what these two have done is sad and I hope they both get what’s coming to them. They stole people hard earned money and took advantage of people who had their homes destroyed and these two crooks lived it up in lavish lifestyles along with certain family members flaunting this stolen wealth . I just don’t see how people can be like this knowing they have ROBBED people who trusted them. This is no different than holding a gun to someone and taking their money. Justice needs to be served and these two (Lacoste and Banks) should lose everything they have as well as their freedom for years. My prayers to their many victims that they can recoup some of the money lost in this ROBBERY of sorts. To those that will come after me saying how good of people these two are and how it was sub contractors who did this…save it…If you own the company then you are responsible for everything that happens under your signature on a contract…SEND THESE TWO TO PRISON FOR SEVERAL YEARS!!!!

  9. Bill on December 1st, 2022 7:04 am

    Finally!!! I hope some of the money this clown has stolen from so many hard working honest people can be returned and I hope he spends the rest of his life behind bars. A lesson taken from this…do not pay 50% deposits to anyone