You Saw The Blue Angels Air Show. But Did You Hear This Korean War Vet’s Once Top Secret Story?

November 19, 2022

Over 210,000 people attend last  weekend’s Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show at NAS Pensacola this past weekend.

And last Saturday, the crowds heard the story of an American hero that was only recently declassified.

NAS Pensacola Commanding Officer Capt. Terry Shashaty had the privilege of hosting Capt. (ret.) Royce Williams for the show. And his once top secret story was shared with the crowd.

Williams’ solo dogfight with seven Soviet pilots during the Korean War was a classified military secret for decades.

For 30 minutes, he was the lone American in a dogfight with several Russian Migs.

He was assigned to a Carrier Air Group aboard the USS Oriskany off the extreme northern coast of North Korea on November 18, 1952.

Williams was awarded the Medal of Honor in July 2022.

“To me and everyone who learns his story, Royce Williams is more than the Navy’s Top Gun pilot for all time,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) at the time. “His courage under fire and service to our country in a time of war should be an inspiration for all Americans. While Royce seeks neither fame nor recognition, those of us who know him and know what he did won’t give up until our mission to honor him is a success.”

According to the Military Officers Association of America”

“On that day in 1952, Williams’ team of F9F-5 Panthers had just conducted an airstrike on the Hoeryong industrial complex near the Korea-Soviet Union border when Williams and his wingman, Dave Rowlands, were surprisingly engaged by seven enemy MiGs. Rowlands pursued one of the MiGs out of formation, leaving Williams to deal with the other six.

“As the MiGs buzzed by him, Williams was able to shoot down the trail plane before entering in a high stakes cat-and-mouse game in blizzard-like conditions. The end result of a 35-minute dogfight: four downed MiGs, one damaged MiG, and Williams’ badly beat up Panther.

“With 263 bullet holes and limited ability to steer, Williams was able to limp back to USS Oriskany.”

After the ordeal, he was awarded the Silver Star and received credit for downing one plane and damaging another, as the complete events of the day were classified for five decades.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “You Saw The Blue Angels Air Show. But Did You Hear This Korean War Vet’s Once Top Secret Story?”

  1. Patrick Malcolm Hagan on November 21st, 2022 7:59 am

    As the proud son of a very distinguished naval aviator, I honor with great respect U.S.N. Capt. (ret.) Royce Williams for his unrelenting valor during the Korean War. My father, U.S.M.C. Capt. Malcolm (Mac) Charles Hagan, Jr., and his Marine fighter squadron “Flying Leathernecks” VMF-122 served aboard the legendary attack carrier U.S.S. Oriskany CV-34 “The Mighty O” during it’s first Mediterranean cruise with the Sixth Fleet in the summer of 1951. Also, he flew Grumman F9F Panthers while assigned to the renowned Marine fighter squadron “Tomcats” VMF-311 at Yongilman Airfield K-3 Pohang, South Korea. During aerial combat over North Korea, Mac, like many of his fallen hero brothers, would have to make the supreme sacrifice for our beloved country, sadly on his 30th birthday May 11th 1952.

  2. Laura Lee Cook on November 20th, 2022 3:40 am

    So many of our heroes never received the honor they should have, I lost the youngest uncle in World War Two. He lived with us in Mobile Alabama when I was about 5 years old. He had just turned 18 and was drafted because the war was getting so bad until the military was drafting anyone that turned 18. He had just met a girl and they fell in love. After he was drafted and came home he married his sweetheart Agnes but then he was immediately sent into the war and got killed. Someone buried him where he got killed and years and years later another relative (after the war ended) was sent to the same base where so many had been buried during the war and found Lewis Green, Jr. grave and this was amazing after this many years it was found. God Bless these young men that gave their life for us to live. We lost touch with his young widow. Her name was Agnes Wheeler from Mobile,Ala. and to this day wonder what happened to her after he was killed because they were so young and in love.

  3. PAULINE Skipper on November 19th, 2022 2:38 pm

    Wow, I would love to shake his hand And thank him for his service to this wonderful country

  4. G. M. on November 19th, 2022 1:51 pm

    What an amazing story of tenacity and dedication.

  5. Dennis HE Wiggins on November 19th, 2022 1:50 pm

    *ASPIRE. Voice to text doesn’t always work. I need to learn to proofread, I reckon.

  6. Dennis HE Wiggins on November 19th, 2022 1:48 pm

    Wow! It is like Capt. Williams was the inspiration for Duke Mitchell on Top Gun! Capt. Williams is a true hero; more people need to inspire to be like him. Thank you for your service and sacrifice, Captain. SALUTE!

  7. Concerned on November 19th, 2022 10:17 am

    True hero, God was there with him! Thank you for your service.

  8. James conway on November 19th, 2022 8:25 am

    Thank you for your brave service. My dad was injured in that war. So this story means a lot to me.

  9. Molino resident on November 19th, 2022 7:03 am

    You are an amazing American. So proud of you and thankful you survived this. God bless you

  10. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on November 19th, 2022 1:57 am

    WOW!!!! Thank you for your service. You are a “true” hero to America.