Molino Man Charged After Allegedly Using AirTag To Track His Ex-girlfriend

November 17, 2022

A Molino man is facing a criminal charge after allegedly using an Apple AirTag to track his ex-girlfriend.

The victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that she met her ex-boyfriend Bailey l. Wilson, 23, to exchange custody of their child. During the exchange, Wilson placed a diaper bag in her backseat and took a photo of her vehicle’s tag, according to an arrest report.

About five hours later, she received a notification on her phone about an AirTag tracking her location since the time she met with Wilson.

The victim told deputies that she searched the diaper bag and found the AirTag.

When confronted by text messages, Wilson told the victim that he wanted to know where the child was at all times and that “as long as she is not anywhere she shouldn’t be she shouldn’t be scared or worried”, the arrest report states. Deputies noted that text messages corroborated the victim’s statement.

Wilson told deputies that he fears for the safety of the child because he claimed his ex-girlfriend is dating a convicted sex offender, according to the arrest report.

Wilson was charged with unlawful use of a tracking device. He was released from jail on a $200 bond.


18 Responses to “Molino Man Charged After Allegedly Using AirTag To Track His Ex-girlfriend”

  1. Bewildered on November 22nd, 2022 8:18 am

    Off the subject: to save law enforcement manpower hours. Most silver alerts would not be necessary, if drivers who have memory issues would be required to have these trackers on their vehicles. Hardly a day goes by where some memory impaired person goes missing, only to be found sometimes hundreds of miles away

  2. Jcellops on November 18th, 2022 12:01 pm

    I heard about these Apple trackers and the legal ramifications of using them. If he has a law enforcement background, as reported in a previous comment, he should have known the law on this device usage. I think that the low bond of $200 indicates that the judge did not see his actions as a major threat to the community, his ex-GF or child. As tempting as it was to go rouge, there is a legal pathway to address his concerns. I have a feeling that the judge will take into account his motive, along with his past alleged charges. This incident serves as a useful learning tool for others who are tempted to illegally use this monitoring device on others.

  3. Wow on November 18th, 2022 8:14 am

    It a woman had done this, everyone would call her a stalker and crazy.
    Since a man did it, everyone calls him a good parent.

    Sounds like he’s harassing her, threatening her and controlling her.

  4. Susie on November 17th, 2022 7:20 pm

    I’m just going to chime in and say I don’t blame the guy for trying to track the girl. Sounds like she doesn’t make such great decisions if she is, in fact, dating a sex offender or even a criminal of any kind. The child’s needs should come first and foremost. The guy made a mistake doing something illegal but he did it for the child’s sake. That doesn’t make it right but he had the right intentions.

  5. My2Cents on November 17th, 2022 11:24 am

    If the new boyfriend is a sex offender then the father should have contacted the authorities. I imagine the guy wouldn’t be able to be around children.

    @Goodgrief – marriage doesn’t guarantee anything.

  6. DLee on November 17th, 2022 10:53 am

    What’s up with all the baby rappers? You illiterate hicks dont even know how to spell rape!! Ya I wouldn’t want my child around a convicted sex offender! Trash running with Trash

  7. Deeda Foster on November 17th, 2022 10:51 am

    I would have done the same if it was my child the girl needs to grow up

  8. Deeda Foster on November 17th, 2022 10:49 am

    Anyone that would date a sex offender which would be the mother and have their child around him he’s got to be out of their tree I think the man was right doing what he did I would’ve done the same thing

  9. Deeda Foster on November 17th, 2022 10:48 am

    I think the father was doing the best thing anybody to date a sex offender and have a child is out of their mind no respect for the child

  10. Bill T on November 17th, 2022 9:27 am

    Unfortunately the child is the one who gets a raw deal !!! I personally don’t know the parents !!! From what I see both need to get straightened out ASAP!!! Protect the child at all cost peroid!!!!!

  11. Bystander on November 17th, 2022 9:22 am

    Sounds like a controlling ex to me, probably why the relationship didn’t work out in the first place. Regardless if he had trust issues and wanting to know about the baby etc. he probably should’ve did it a different way. As a parent myself if I got that alert that would scare the living daylights out of me thinking that somebody was stalking me and tracking me and my whereabouts with my kid. Thankfully and I say that lightly it was the child’s father and not some random kidnapper/abductor, but that is definitely an invasion of privacy. That’s what court arranged child custody agreement is for. Sounds like he decided to take it into his own hands, rather than letting the courts do what they need to do.

  12. Good grief! on November 17th, 2022 9:07 am

    Poor little baby. Sad when your parents were bf and gf. Dad if you’re so worried about your baby perhaps you and mom should have settled down, married and raised the child in a loving, safe home. Mom, I truly hope you have better sense than to take a chance with a convicted sex offender, if that is even true. Put this child first!

  13. Bystander on November 17th, 2022 9:05 am

    I know the family’s of both parties. I know and love these two young parents. I know they both are great parents that would never let anything bad happen to their child. The thing that’s going on here, has nothing to do with the child. It’s a control issue. Plain and simple.

  14. Erin on November 17th, 2022 8:46 am

    “he fears for the safety of the child because his ex-girlfriend is dating a convicted sex offender” have we discussed the “charges” that the guy has?? I do believe it’s rape 2nd… IF you don’t know what that means it is CONSENSUAL sex but by age; state of Alabama regulation is 2 YEARS AND A DAY. I’m sure you have ALL slept with someone over that age difference. Rape 2nd ALSO states that the person IS ALLOWED to be around children but NOT OVER NIGHT; unless married. What all of this boils down to is a BITTER baby daddy; Bailey was friends with the guy at one time now he’s mad because his baby momma left him because of his narcissistic and toxic behavior. Baileys father was made to retire from escambia county Florida Sheriffs dept because HE WAS SEXUALLY HARASSING AND STALKING FEMALES. If he retired (like he did) he was able to get his settlement from hurting his back. Reason being charges wasn’t filed is because the female didn’t show up for court. The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  15. Carl on November 17th, 2022 8:32 am

    If she is doing what the father said is true, I would do the same thing , against the law or not. As a matter of fact I did indeed “stalk my ex” years ago for reasons similar to this man’s dilemma. I was threatened by my ex wife’s boyfriends parole officer to stop surveillance on my ex wife’s house and other venues where she liked to visit. It wasn’t long before the boyfriend was arrested for child abuse and the ex charged with child endangerment. I was awarded full custody of my child with child support. My daughter is full grown with children and a husband and she thanks me to this day for rescuing her from that horror. I’m the kind that highly respects authority but there comes a time when a father will risk his freedom for his family.

  16. Just a Resident on November 17th, 2022 8:23 am

    SFP, who said it was a baby rapper? Why even put that out there? Scum gets what scum gets. No one should be illegally tracked. Maybe if he showed more concern for his kid, then he wouldn’t have to be so paranoid. He needs to get his priorities and life straight before judging everyone around him. Sometimes the baby daddies are trash too.

  17. D. on November 17th, 2022 8:01 am

    That’s right . You don’t stalk the mother of your kid and have her worried all night.

  18. SFP on November 17th, 2022 2:57 am

    If the statement from this father is true. I and hopefully anybody would do the same thing. I would not want my kids around a convicted or here say baby rapper.Two sides to every story. Do what you need to do to keep your child safe. AT ALL TIMES!