ECUA Sewer Averaging Begins Today. Here’s What That Means For Your Bill.

November 15, 2022

The Emerald Coast Utility Authority’s sewer averaging period begins today.

If you are an ECUA mainland residential wastewater customer, your annual sewer charges are based on the average number of gallons of water used in your household during the period.

ECUA’s sewer averaging period begins with each residential customer’s first meter reading on or after November 15 (including ECUA sewer customers whose water service is received from another water provider). The length of the sewer averaging period is 90 days. If you have a separate irrigation meter, the water used through the irrigation meter is not included in the sewer averaging calculation.

“Since your actual water consumption during this period will determine your sewer charge for the next twelve months, it is important to check all indoor and outdoor plumbing fixtures for leaks. Water wasted due to leaks will affect your monthly water and sewer charges. Most leaks are easy to identify but sometimes, it takes a little creativity to track them down,” ECUA said.

Here are some quick tips to reduce water usage now, and save all year on ECUA sewer charges:

  • You need to lubricate, adjust or replace the flush handle if you have to jiggle it to stop the water from running after you flush. The “stuck” handle may be causing the stopper to stay open, allowing water to flow into the bowl.
  • Confirm a suspected leak in your toilet’s plumbing by putting several drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. Wait 15 minutes, and if the colored water shows up in the bowl, there is a leak in the tank. Check the toilet’s stopper ball for wear by removing the toilet lid, flushing the toilet, and rubbing the bottom of the stopper with your finger. If the rubber rubs off or crumbles, it is time to replace the stopper.
  • Water the lawn and garden only when necessary. ECUA recommends that our customers irrigate between the hours of 10 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., an optimum off-peak time.
  • Make sure that outside spigots are not forgotten in the “on” position.
  • Cut down on the frequency of at-home car washing, or use a commercial car wash.
  • Make sure you have a full load before running the washer or dishwasher.
  • Don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth or shave.


3 Responses to “ECUA Sewer Averaging Begins Today. Here’s What That Means For Your Bill.”

  1. Donna mccallion on December 29th, 2022 7:29 pm

    Do not see the answer to the pool filling question.

  2. Richard Highman on December 29th, 2022 10:06 am

    what relief do pool owners get? I have to fill water all the time due to wind/evaporation and lack of significant rainfall-ECUA needs to give water allowances for pool owners that have to maintain their pools

  3. Bewildered on November 16th, 2022 12:04 pm

    They need to come up with more reliable „toilet tank inserts“ from the ground up. Not much has changed in the last 50 years or so how the mechanism operates . Good idea to replace handles, balls, floaters once a year or so – it’s a choice between a higher water bill or pay a plumber $200 – $300