Update: Driver Charged In Nine Mile Wreck That Killed Cantonment Man

November 11, 2022

A 19-year old driver has been charged with the causing the death of a 37-year old Cantonment man in crash Friday morning on Nine Mile Road.

The Florida Highway Patrol said a pickup truck driven by a 19-year old Pedro De Souza of Pensacola was traveling west on Nine Mile Road in the outside lane and failed to stop at the traffic signal, entering the intersection with Guidy Lane. At the same time black Nissan sedan driven by the Cantonment man turned left from Guidy Lane onto Nine Mile, causing the vehicles to collide. .

The Cantonment man was pronounced deceased on the scene of the 4:54 a.m. wreck. His name has not been released.

FHP has charged De Souza with driving without a driver’s license causing death and failure to stop at a steady red traffic signal.

Westbound traffic on Nine Mile Road was diverted onto Guidy Lane for several hours due to the crash.

NorthEscambia.com photo by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


36 Responses to “Update: Driver Charged In Nine Mile Wreck That Killed Cantonment Man”

  1. Maria Borges on November 27th, 2022 4:41 am

    I’m Pedro’s girlfriend! I am heartbroken for the family of the deceased, and saddened by the comments made. Pedro is a wonderful person and he didn’t do it because he wanted to or had that intention, God knows everything, people, it’s no use blaming him, stay with God!!

  2. Kiara on November 23rd, 2022 10:13 pm

    Sending prayers and my condolences to the family. I was the person first on the scene who called the cops. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him and wish I could’ve done more. Prayers for the family for strength and understanding. God Bless

  3. David on November 14th, 2022 8:09 am

    I’ve recently moved back here after many years. People constantly run red lights in this area. It’s a cultural phenomenon or something. The cops must have given up years ago enforcing it because you see it every day.

  4. Pensacola Pete on November 14th, 2022 5:17 am

    Let’s be honest, folks

    This wasn’t an accident, it was a collision caused by the negligent actions and decisions of the survivor. There should be equal consequences for drivers who cause death and destruction behind the wheel as there would be for people who kill while recklessly handle firearms.

  5. Bill T on November 13th, 2022 10:22 pm

    @nikki we are all god’s children granted!!! But some of these children are rotten to the core sad but true especially when they kill another innocent child of god by driving without a license or maybe not paying attention when they are not supposed to be driving peroid!!! But are we supposed to forgive them the answer is still NO!!! If this was a family member of yours I bet you would not forgive anybody !!! But then again some people would forgive a alligator for chewing a leg off right !!!!

  6. Robert Bruner on November 13th, 2022 7:51 am

    Don’t be like Steve. Posters with no last names have a lot to hide. Or they just like to be judge, jury and executioner from the comfort of their fat Lazy-Boy.

  7. brianh on November 13th, 2022 7:29 am


    Your call for red light cameras is misguided at best. Plenty of studies have shown that the placement of red light cameras actually cause accidents to go UP not down. The only winner is the companies who own the cameras. Let’s not forgot that with the camera tickets you are guilty until proven innocent. If you loan your car to someone and they run one guess who gets the ticket, YOU do. To get out of it the person who was behind the wheel has to admit they were driving.

  8. Jack and. Barbara on November 12th, 2022 4:50 pm

    @UPS driver……That is exactly the thing to do…..good advice!! I have adopted that
    very tactic for many years now….it works…the very same thing at ALL stop

  9. MiB on November 12th, 2022 12:22 pm

    Be careful out there folks! I’ve seen 5-vehicles run a solid red light… All together as a wolf pack… @University & 9-mile… It’s not safe out there anymore!

  10. Nikki on November 12th, 2022 8:17 am

    Prayers for all of you as well. At the end of the day we are all Gods children and if you can’t forgive someone then why would the good Lord forgive you? Oh yeah because it’s his job to judge not yours. You sadistic people are forgetting that and wonder why the world is so ugly today. Good day to you negatively impacted souls

  11. UPS driver on November 11th, 2022 11:43 pm

    The number 1 place accidents happen is at intersections. One of the main things taught at UPS driving school is to count between 3 to 5 seconds before starting thru a intersection. You always look left, right, left, or right, left, right. Always assume someone is going to try and beat the red light.

  12. Susie on November 11th, 2022 8:30 pm

    This extremely careless person will have to live with what he did for the rest of his life…in more ways than one. God bless the victim’s family. This did not have to happen.

  13. Sad! on November 11th, 2022 8:15 pm

    @Nikki, where is the good in this?

  14. Wayne on November 11th, 2022 8:08 pm

    Prayers for all parties involved.

  15. Martin on November 11th, 2022 7:54 pm

    Lived in area for years and it’s a must to look for oncoming traffic before turning. Not the first such accident seen over years on just few miles of 9 mile. Saw this as leaving knowing someone died. All is make mistakes and it is a must to look good for someone making such mistake. The amount of people driving not licensed or insured is a common action unfortunately. Remember a young man told by parents to go to store around corner and same thing happened years ago as person hit his car. Dangers always everywhere on roads.

  16. Stephen on November 11th, 2022 7:21 pm

    I saw the wreckage this morning and the driver of the truck had to be traveling at an excessive rate of speed.

  17. Bill T on November 11th, 2022 7:08 pm

    @nikki I think you need to rethink what people might say about a tragedy the could have been prevented!! Negative comments are on you !!! You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking it’s not normal to criticize a person who killed another person for no reason and should have never been driving in the first place!!! Shame on you!!!! No sympathy for the killer or people who thinks it’s ok !!!!

  18. Anne on November 11th, 2022 6:34 pm

    I want to go out on the limb no one wants to go. Most of my friends hate the cameras on the lights and feel we are being spied on. I think we need cameras on every light and in all directions at intersections too. They need to send tickets with steep fines. Then we will all straighten out, knowing the points are adding up and habitual speeders won’t be driving for long. Sound harsh? You bet! The drivers have a right to turn on a green light without being killed. There will never be enough police to go around.

  19. Lakenanne on November 11th, 2022 6:11 pm

    I have no sympathy for this 19 year old, no license and undoubtedly never learned how to drive. I am going to get screamed at for this but thought went through my mind, illegal? They do not get drivers license in majority of states and they have no drivers training! Prayers for the family and friends of the victim. I hope this murderer goes away for a long time!

  20. Big trucks on November 11th, 2022 6:09 pm

    Side impact testing has not kept up with the increasing size of modern (grocery getter) pickup trucks.

  21. Kathy on November 11th, 2022 5:31 pm

    I travel this same intersection everyday at 3:20am to go to work – the light will change to green- folks continued to run the red light, I cross into nine mile when I know is clear

  22. Bill T on November 11th, 2022 5:25 pm

    The nerve of some people to say things like the negative comments are coming !!! Don’t say anything about the one that survived!!! Well I got news for you this could have been prevented !!! The driver of the truck I hope gets the maximum sentence when convicted !!! no license he knew not to drive and did so anyway!!! Sympathy for the family of the one who died!! This should have never happened !!! No sympathy for the one who chose to drive without a license and kill a innocent person!!!!!

  23. No Driver License on November 11th, 2022 5:16 pm

    This is tragic again an accident which involves speed and lack of concern from an unlicensed Driver which has no care about the laws. The reason we have a drivers license is to ensure everyone knows how to drive safely and the laws of the road. People need to realize that they do not have the right to drive on the roads until they have one. I am a CDL driver and see way too many vehicles that think a yellow light means step on it as well as when it turns red the next 3 to 4 cars can go thru it. This is a problem created by lack of law enforcement. This means law enforcement should lead by example and stop as well. Which I have seen them blow though a solid red as well. Yes this driver made a terrible decision today which should now result in this man spending the rest of his life in prison. He chose to drive with no license and I am sure he doesn’t have insurance as well. Who ever owns this truck if it is not him should be sitting in prison as well. They allowed an un-licensed Driver to operate their vehicle. Consequences for all. If you can hold a teenager and parent accountable for crimes you can hold both accountable for driving.

  24. Rick on November 11th, 2022 5:13 pm

    A shame someone has to die. I was routed around this accident before the body was removed from car. By the looks of things, and I am no professional, the truck must have be going really fast to cause the damage it caused. Praying for everyone, especially the family of the deceased.

  25. Rita Jenne-Ryan on November 11th, 2022 4:04 pm

    This is one of the safest intersections around. I travel it constantly fm Guidry onto 9 Mile. It was inattention & carelessness that caused this accident. Rest in Peace & prayers to his family & Friends. The 19 yr old who did this I’m sure is scared & remorseful.

  26. steve on November 11th, 2022 3:53 pm

    Thomas,,, Well the negative comments are warranted.

    The 19 year old was driving without a license, BUT SOMEONE let him use their truck. He is a adult and should have known better. His lack of driving skills and paying attention cost a person their life.
    This was an accident that could have been prevented with just the slightest about of PAYING ATTENTION.

  27. Nikki on November 11th, 2022 2:48 pm

    Prayers for everyone. Unfortunately people are going to leave negativity this is the world we live in. I’m sure the young man involved is suffering and feels a lot of pain and sadness as well. These things affect everyone involved and their families as well. People never look for the good anymore only the bad they feed off of it so they can sleep at night knowing someone else is suffering besides them. I pray that both families get through this hard time and stick together to get through it.

  28. Patti Roberts on November 11th, 2022 2:34 pm

    Prayers for Family .

  29. Tabitha on November 11th, 2022 2:21 pm

    He was my friend. One of the nicest, talented, free spirited and funniest people you would ever meet. I can’t believe this has happened. We was supposed to finish my salon and work together. We got our license and finished cosmology school together. All the fun nights out we had I will never forget. Now every time I do hair I will think of you. You should be here. I will miss you my dear friend!

  30. Thomas Gorby on November 11th, 2022 1:57 pm

    Heartbreaking for the family but the negative comments against the teenager isn’t cool I’m sure they are going through it also

  31. Thomas Gorby on November 11th, 2022 1:56 pm

    These comments kill me the kid didn’t have to be speeding for that damage to occur if he didn’t hit his brakes with the weight difference it makes sense how far he went from the intersection

  32. Tiy Qualls on November 11th, 2022 1:03 pm

    rest easy Rex , we love you

  33. Paul on November 11th, 2022 12:44 pm

    The FHP will figure it out no doubt..
    What I see is a high-speed impact.
    The vehicle intrusion and distance it is from the intersection is telling.

  34. Denny on November 11th, 2022 12:33 pm

    Same thing happened on Nine Mile to a friend in a sedan, but she wasn’t hurt badly. That truck must have been flying.

  35. Melissa Underwood on November 11th, 2022 11:48 am

    Omgosh how horrible

  36. Mrs. Ellis on November 11th, 2022 11:47 am

    Heartbroken for the family