Now What? Century Council Member Has Resigned And No One Is Running For Two Seats

October 6, 2022

Seat 3 on the Century Town Council is now vacant and will remain vacant until the start of a new term in January, at which time the council seat will remain, well, vacant, albeit for just a little while before a temporary appointee is named that might be forced to vacate the seat in a few weeks after an election to fill the vacancy for the next four years.

Confused? So was the town council this week as they tried to sort it all out.

On September 27, Seat 3 councilman Leonard White resigned just hours before a budget meeting, citing time constraints due to his job as correctional officer at the Century Correctional Institution.

That obviously leaves Seat 3, one of five seats on the council, vacant. Because there are less than six months remaining in White’s term, the town’s charter indicates that a replacement can’t be appointed unless the council loses additional members and their quorum.

Seat 3 held by White, Seat 4 currently held by James Smith, Jr., and Seat 5 held by Sandra McMurray Jackson were up for election this year. Jackson was the only candidate to qualify for Seat 5, so she was reelected automatically. No one qualified for Seat 3 or 4.

At their first meeting in January, the council will swear in Jackson and appoint temporary members for Seats 3 and 4. Then, a special election will be held within 60 to 90 days later for two members to finish the remainder of the four year terms.

At this week’s council meeting, current council members Jackson, Luis Gomez, Jr. and Dynette Lewis expressed concerns about making sure they have a quorum of three present at every meeting for the rest of the year in order to conduct town business.

Smith was not present at the meeting where Gomez stated that another council member might resign soon.

“We may have the same thing happen again prior to the end of this year,” Gomez said. ” I mean if you understand what I’m saying that could be, that it’s a possibility that might even happen. You following me?”

When asked if he plans to resign, Gomez quickly said no but alluded to his feelings that Smith might resign.

The council will seek any opinion from the town attorney on the steps that are taking. They are also searching for two people to appoint to the council in January; interested citizens can contact town hall or council members Gomez, Jackson or Lewis.

Pictured top: (L-R) Century council members Sandra McMurray-Jackson, Luis Gomez, Jr., and Dynette Lewis at a meeting this week. photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Now What? Century Council Member Has Resigned And No One Is Running For Two Seats”

  1. William Reynolds on October 12th, 2022 11:07 am

    “Where do I sign up to run? I will look for a link.”

    There’s no link right now. An election date has not been finalized yet. With that will come a qualification period with the Supervisor of Elections.

    In the meantime, you can contact the mayor, town hall or any (or all) council members and put your name in for the temporary appointment in January.

  2. Matt Z on October 12th, 2022 10:18 am

    Where do I sign up to run? I will look for a link.
    Century isn’t done yet. That town has unlimited potential.
    It isn’t just in the middle of anywhere.
    It’s in the middle of Brewton and Pensacola.

    We have rail roads for importing and exporting.
    We have opportunities to cut back on taxes to help incentives entrepreneurs.
    We’re surrounded by raw resources ranging from farmland, lumber, mills, etc.
    Several sites that can be refurbished to bring back manufacturing jobs to the people to provide a product and bring money into the town.
    The list goes on and on.

  3. NPC on October 6th, 2022 7:02 pm

    If this were a reality show how much would income would it provide? That is impossible because no one would believe a city government is that inept.

  4. Mr.Metoo on October 6th, 2022 1:41 pm

    For those who complain about the council it’s time to step up if you qualify.

  5. J-THE-G on October 6th, 2022 10:15 am

    Disband the town. Those who run the town have failed over and over again for so long that the town is basically dead already.

  6. SW on October 6th, 2022 9:22 am

    Just shut it down.
    Century had a good run; but it’s time is over.

  7. tg on October 6th, 2022 9:00 am

    Simple answer DISEBAND CENTURY.

  8. Well on October 6th, 2022 7:21 am

    I’ve heard Curly and Moe were interested……

    But hopefully someone better will step up !