Leaders Discuss Escambia Gun Violence Solutions

October 19, 2022

Tuesday night, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office hosted a Gun Violence Round Table event to address gun violence and explore potential solutions.

Sheriff Chip Simmons said there have been 25 homicides so far this year, but none of them have been random, and none have been gang-related. The increase is not across the board; he said the number of violent crimes like aggravated assaults, robberies and sexual batteries not increasing.

“You may hear that crime is going up and up but statistically, that is not true in every benchmark,” Simmons said during the event at the Brownsville Community Center. “I can tell you that these numbers that are considered violent crime are at or below last year’s level.”

“When a gun discharges, we are missing a lot of shots fired calls because people become so immune to it in their community that they just figure that nothing can be done about it. That’s unacceptable,” Pensacola Police Chief Eric Randall said.

The group, consisting of city, county and state officials, agreed that it will take time to find the ultimate answer to gun violence in Escambia County. They plan to schedule additional meetings to work toward executing solutions.

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21 Responses to “Leaders Discuss Escambia Gun Violence Solutions”

  1. David Huie Green on October 25th, 2022 11:48 am

    “most gun violence is perpetrated by people who where not criminals until they had a gun”

    I will go further than that: NO gun violence is perpetrated by people who do not have guns. Up until then, it is just violence. Most murders throughout history have been done with something other than guns — but only because they didn’t exist.

    Most guns are not used to harm others. When they are, it is often because the other intends harm.

    Guns are easy to make. So is poison. So are explosives. Disarming the harmless is a poor solution.

    David for love and kindness

  2. David Huie Green on October 25th, 2022 11:38 am

    “But some twisted minds believe the solution is to give all the other kids sticks.”

    Doesn’t sound twisted.

    I doubt one kid with a stick cares to anger a dozen or more kids who also have sticks.

    What strikes me as twisted is thinking the others with sticks would suddenly start whacking everyone in sight.

    After all, sticks abound and are seldom used to whack others .

    David for sticks

  3. Lee on October 25th, 2022 11:21 am

    It’s not guns, it’s a segment of our population with access to guns, and the kinds of weapons available, that’s the problem. We seem to be using bandaids to fix a broken dam. Our country has chosen to avoid the root cause of gun violence. We have chosen to ignore why other countries have handled this issue much more successfully. We are arrogant in a mindset that touts “rights,” but isn’t willing to take reciprocal responsibility. Arming teachers, installing deputies at every school, and repeated intruder drills won’t stop this; perpetrators will find other opportunities. Nothing will change until we are honest and less self indulgent.

  4. Right this way please on October 24th, 2022 5:53 pm

    There is a people problem, not a gun problem and it is not going to be fixed because there is not political will to do it. Go ahead, take away all guns. You are naive if you think all you will have to deal with are knives, bats, bricks and chains. Nutjobs will scour the internet and learn how to take out many without a gun.

  5. dubz on October 21st, 2022 9:02 am

    A child picks up a stick and begins hitting the other children playin in the playground. A normal response would be to take the stick away from that child.
    But some twisted minds believe the solution is to give all the other kids sticks.
    Give that some thought!

  6. uncle rico on October 20th, 2022 6:10 pm

    @bob,most gun violence is perpetrated by people who where not criminals until they had a gun,the more guns there are the more chance for violence.

  7. Bob on October 20th, 2022 8:15 am

    uncle rico, I fixed your comment for you…

    Fewer criminals with guns equals less gun violence!

  8. Arjuna on October 19th, 2022 7:47 pm

    There is totally a gun violence problem. In fact, in 2020 more people died by way of a gun than ever recorded, with a record number of murders by gun and a record number of suicides by gun. Also record number of mass shootings. Are the numbers wrong? Google gun violence in America!

  9. uncle rico on October 19th, 2022 6:18 pm

    less guns equals less gun violence!

  10. steve on October 19th, 2022 4:04 pm

    You seem to believe that people do not drive while also knowing their license is suspended… They do.. Just they also do something else to get taken to jail other than that..

  11. steve on October 19th, 2022 4:01 pm

    It starts with PARENTS.. But there is a large amount of kids growing up in broken homes. Then those same kids want things in life and turn to crime as a EASY way to get it.
    A functioning home life that shows the kids that life is tough but fair if you work hard at it.
    Its even harder if you want to be a criminal as the time spent worrying about the cops and jail time is even harder on a person.
    I grew up in a home that we barely had food to eat. But we never thought of crime as a way out.
    Too many people want everything NOW and with no sacrifice. Anger and rage boils in those with no empathy for others.
    Also recognizing being a link in a chain of never doing better is a step out of that chain. So many blame others for their failings.
    Gun is just a tool and part of that never ending WANT but with very high consequences..

  12. Fence Jumper on October 19th, 2022 3:02 pm

    Guns do not kill people. Neither did the knife that was used to stab the man to death Sunday night on Y st in Pensacola.

  13. TM1777 on October 19th, 2022 2:49 pm

    @Rafael lowprice lopez , Thanks for reporting your info. After reading your comment,you posted, the comment the PPD Chief made make more contextual sense.

  14. John Bone Jones on October 19th, 2022 1:44 pm

    gun violence, or just violence in general, has been going on since the dawn of guns/time. We just have a whole lot more people living here now. And the demographic has changed and it’s a much more urban type environment. I’m not saying to get used to it, but don’t act like it’s something you can just wish away.

    give kids something else to do- address the problem one child at a time. you’ll never be rid of gun related violence while there are guns that are readily available. take away the guns and they’ll use baseball bats. I’ll take my chances against a bat, though. I can outrun that.

  15. JOHN on October 19th, 2022 1:01 pm

    Get tough on crime.

  16. Truth and Consequences on October 19th, 2022 12:20 pm

    Follow the true details and you will have your answers and where to start. Who is doing it, where is it happening and what time of day is this happening.

    Is it clear now?

  17. Cantonment on October 19th, 2022 12:02 pm

    Maybe if everyone had driver’s license. maybe everyone will stop robbing stealing to get buy they could drive to work to support theres home an have a job . If the license suspension would stop then everyone would calm down the jail is full of driving on suspension just saying

  18. Cantonment on October 19th, 2022 11:53 am

    This is craze they have the law 10 20 life. I look on here all the time and I’ve seen convicted felonys on here get into trouble with fire arms have bonds to get let back out *(** come on naw )** how can gun crime getting better when that stuff is going on yep yep true story believe that hello somebody I’m just saying I’m not preaching it I’m teaching it . !!!!¡!!!!!

  19. retired on October 19th, 2022 9:36 am

    You can not control who has guns!!!!!!!!!!!

    But you can control how long gun violators stay in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Like convicted felons with guns start at 25 years, use a gun in a crime 20 years, ETC.

    We are going to support them one way or the other.

  20. JimC on October 19th, 2022 8:53 am

    It isn’t “gun violence”, it’s criminal violence- and, yes, it’s escalating.

  21. Rafael lowprice lopez on October 19th, 2022 7:51 am

    The sheriff called this to essentially let me know that they either bought or are considering purchasing expensive microphones and police cameras set up in the hood to monitor gun shots in primarily black areas.
    They don’t have an answer to reach the streets, 2 members left during the round table, and there was not a single young person under 35 in attendance.
    I could hear passion in some in attendance, but there were some whose input was just pathetic as a leader. I’m very glad I attended because these details couldn’t be conveyed without being present.