Free Rent In Century Building Ends For Startup Transportation Company. Now It’s $1 A Month.

October 20, 2022

A six month rent-free ride for a startup transportation company in a building owned by the Town of Century comes to an end Thursday as their rent increases to $1 a month.

In late April, the council approved a zero dollar, three month  lease for space in the Century Business Center with Metro Rapid Transport and their for-profit non-emergency medical and other transportation service business. That lease was set to expire July 20.

Then in July, the council extended the agreement by three months to October 20. At that time, the council said they would renew the lease before it ended and consider future options. Metro Rapid officials requested the additional three months as they continued to work toward a positive cash flow.

This week, Metro Rapid officials told the council that they are continuing to work on building their business while serving the town. But, they said there have been delays and difficulties in receiving payment from Medicaid and Medicare for services already rendered.

Expressing a desire to help the local business succeed while noting the town has  no other paying tenants in their Pond Street complex, the council opted to extend the Metro Rapid lease for three months at $1 a month. They will revisit a fair rent before the end of the term.

During their use of the town’s building, Metro Rapid is responsible for utility costs. Under the lease, Metro Rapid accepted the premises “as is” with the town having no responsibility for any repairs or alterations.

Metro Rapid also has non-exclusive right to use the paved parking surfaces and driveway. The lease also allows the company to use a portion of the property to the east of the Century Business Center as a bus parking area, but the buses and other vehicles are not allowed at the Century Business Center at any time. Their use is limited to overnight and temporary parking of less than 12 hours. They are not allowed to make any repairs or service the vehicles on the property.


6 Responses to “Free Rent In Century Building Ends For Startup Transportation Company. Now It’s $1 A Month.”

  1. Dewey on October 21st, 2022 9:30 am

    Seriously, when there’s roads that has been closed for over a yr due to not having enough funds, tax increases, people walking the streets, sleeping in parks, I can keep going on and on. I’ll be passing this along to higher officials, there’s something being untold about this and I’ll get to the bottom of it.

  2. Jeff Sikes on October 21st, 2022 6:45 am

    Please tell me this is a joke.

  3. Kevin on October 21st, 2022 1:16 am

    I applaud the council on this issue. The building wasn’t being used and I don’t believe that it is costing the town anything to have this start-up business use the facility. I think that it is great to be in a position to offer a hand up to a small local company that in turn benefits citizens of the community that need this transportation to take them directly to where they need to go to receive care. Waiting for the cash flow from services rendered when dealing with Medicaid and insurance companies is certainly a valid point. I see this as a positive for the town by helping a new local business get started and helping the citizens with specific transportation. “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.”

  4. M in Bratt on October 20th, 2022 11:22 pm

    It seems like this Town Council would require some proof that this is a real company. I have seen no sign of any busses, and this has been going on for a year. This council should require a business plan, financial statements or any other proof that this is a genuine business. How can anybody with any sense believe that a company will be able to compete with the tax supported service that is already in place(ECAT). Maybe somebody should look for any connection of the principals of this company, and the members of TOC council. Maybe Metro Rapid is waiting for the TOC to open the bank for one more big loan.

  5. Me1 on October 20th, 2022 2:47 pm

    You just have to laugh at the unprofessional manner as to how this city has been run , these people are in no position to be around any of the city funds let alone left to making decisions as it appears that the level of corruption here is very high …they all and past council members need to be investigated .

  6. Chris on October 20th, 2022 8:17 am

    And people wonder why Century is continually ridiculed. Then you read about sound business decisions like this one.