Ethics Panel Files Final Order Recommending Doug Underhill Be Removed From Office

October 27, 2022

The Florida Commission on Ethics on Wednesday filed their final order recommending that Escambia County Commissioner Doug Underhill be removed from office.

During a meeting last Friday, the commission found that Underhill disclosed confidential documents only available to him as a public officer and gained by reason of his official position; solicited donations through a GoFundMe page from a vendor, lobbyist or principal of a lobbyist of the county; accepted prohibited donations to his personal legal defense fund from a vendor, lobbyist or the principal lobbyist of the county; and failed to disclose reportable gifts in excess of $100 on a required form.

For the violations, the Ethics Commission voted to recommend a total civil penalty of $35,000, plus public censure and reprimand, and removal from office. It will be up to Gov. Ron DeSantis to impose the penalty and whether or not to remove Underhill from office.

Underhill’s term in office expires November 22 because he did not seek reelection.

To read the final order, click or tap here (pdf).


9 Responses to “Ethics Panel Files Final Order Recommending Doug Underhill Be Removed From Office”

  1. Paul P on October 29th, 2022 1:57 pm

    Couldn’t have happened to a “better” person. He’s been crooked forever.

  2. A.W.Thompson on October 27th, 2022 10:45 pm

    Run him out on a rail.

  3. Anne on October 27th, 2022 5:40 pm

    @ Anonymous

    Thank You, very informative and totally agree,
    Underhill has been a horrible public servant.
    He has worked very hard to earn this final riding out of town on a rail.

  4. Fence Jumper on October 27th, 2022 4:23 pm

    He should be fired just for dumping all of those oyster shells at the public beaches in Navy Point where the blue collar folks have been swimming for years and years. You have to be a sorry individual to not take the safety of the swimmers into consideration.

  5. Bill T on October 27th, 2022 4:03 pm

    Doug listen carefully GOOD -BYE !!!!!

  6. Anonymous on October 27th, 2022 12:07 pm

    Anne, to be vested in FRS, if enrolled after 2011 one has to be in office 8 years. That’s why he drug out and delayed the ethics commission hearings to try to keep that benefit.

    That’s also why he is stirring up propaganda about the lump sum retirement 3 other commissioners elected to receive instead of participating in the FRS with long terms draws and survivor benefits.

    Both cost the tax payer the same with the elected class.

    He is still involved in federal lawsuit involving his refusal to turn over public records.

    His tenure is a hallmark of toxicity and lawsuits, costing the taxpayer dearly.

    The odd thing is he has no self reflection and will continually project, deflect, blame and not accept responsibility nor apologize. He will also continue to lie.

    Best to stay away from that type but since he took public office, you can’t let those abuses go unchecked.

  7. About time on October 27th, 2022 11:13 am

    He always violated his oath of office, this is just the tip of some of the abuses. He always feels he is above the law and above expected behavior, respect and manners. His constant insults toward anyone did him in. His propaganda on social media against the ordinances of the county allowed us to see into the mind of a person with a personality disorder, even as far as having a cult following.

    He will always blame others and twist the truth to suit his purposes.

    Time to move on.

  8. SueB on October 27th, 2022 9:13 am

    He has to be FIRED before term in office is up. Fired, no retirement.

  9. Anne on October 27th, 2022 6:54 am

    Question, please, if Governor DeSantis does follow the Ethics Commission recommendation to Remove Underhill from Office, will Underhill still keep his State Retirement (FRS) or will that be taken away from him for violations while in office?

    Hopefully, anyone in public elected office will take a lesson from this situation.