Escambia Sheriff’s Office Has Filled Every Sworn Position — All 447 Of Them

October 10, 2022

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has announced that every sworn position with the agency has been filled — all 447 of them — as of last Friday.

That includes 20 new sworn positions added during the past two years, the agency said.

The ECSO is continuing to accept applications for sworn positions, along with non-sworn openings like an administrative support assistant, dispatcher, accounting and more.


13 Responses to “Escambia Sheriff’s Office Has Filled Every Sworn Position — All 447 Of Them”

  1. Stumpknocker on October 14th, 2022 2:04 pm

    There’s a lot to factor in when speaking of crime and why is it high. I’ve spoken to law enforcement on a patrol level. They all say law enforcement has become a catch all, such as calls like barking dog, alarms that go off every day most twice a day, my wife stole our car or spent money, little Johnny won’t do his homework, suspicious people who are only walking down the road, parking complaint on private property and now repeatedly called to deal with overdoses 24 hours a day approximately 3-6 per shift. All this and more keeps them from concentrating on actual crime being common. Like some being cut off in traffic and demanding law enforcement responds. Citizens need to learn when to call and consider it like spending money , where will I get the most from. Me personally don’t think that after more than one false alarm in a week they should have to answer it at all. The alarm company should be responding to check or fix alarm.

  2. RB on October 13th, 2022 9:15 am

    Josh, please tell me what news articles these gangs have been named. Maybe I missed one that said, “this felon belongs to this gang”. We’re too concerned about tourism dollars. I have talked to several deputies about it. Do I remember their names? No. But I will keep up with that from here on out. What I was told was that we don’t say a lot about gangs because of tourism. The deputy also said that they don’t want gangs knowing how much they know about who is in what gang. Makes sense. We still need more information out in the open.
    “Perhaps the journalists and the LEO’S have a conspiracy going on to keep that information from just you.” No need to be childish Josh, this is an adult conversation.

  3. Josh on October 12th, 2022 4:50 pm

    @ RB
    “There are too many gangs and drugs in this town that police and journalists don’t want to talk about”
    Name the names of the journalists and the LEOS that told you they dont want to talk about it.
    Perhaps you dont understand the narrative.
    Perhaps the journalists and the LEO’S have a conspiracy going on to keep that information from just you.
    Your boat is not floating RB!

  4. RB on October 12th, 2022 10:17 am

    C.J. Lewis, I’m glad you’re paying attention to those stats. Wayne, you apparently don’t understand the significance. Janet, Ensley Miss did not say it was LEO’s speeding. Now that all the positions are filled, maybe you can start charging fentanyl dealers with murder as you should have been – it’s the law. Other counties are charging this scum correctly. There are too many gangs and drugs in this town that police and journalists don’t want to talk about.
    Congratulations to all those people in position now and stay safe.

  5. Wayne on October 11th, 2022 9:11 pm

    @ CJ Lewis

  6. CJ Lewis on October 10th, 2022 6:20 pm

    Wayne. The only crime statistics made public to date in Florida are for up through 2020. I have reviewed Escambia County, Santa Rosa County and City of Pensacola crime statistics going back to 1995. Each year’s crime statistics are normally released by FDLE in June for the preceding year. FDLE vets the data.
    The FBI vets that data. Sometimes the numbers submitted by a law enforcement agency are changed by FDLE or even by the FBI after review. The numbers for 2021 were not released in June as usual. In August I called FDLE and was told the 2021 numbers were coming soon. It’s now mid-October. Maybe the plan is to keep them secret until after the election. Crime statistics by individual jurisdiction or county can be misleading. In the past the PNJ has normally regurgitated whatever they were told by Escambia County and the City of Pensacola. In 2021, the PNJ did emphasize that the crime numbers for 2020 for the county decreased but not as much as the state. For 2020, the crime rate in Escambia County was more than three times the crime rate in Santa Rosa County. When people tell me they are leaving Escambia County to live in Santa Rosa County they usually give one of two reasons: 1) the high crime in Escambia County; or 2) the bad schools in Escambia County. We know that the Escambia County Commission fully funds the Sheriff’s Office giving it whatever Sheriff Simmons asks for. So lack of resources cannot explain the high crime in Escambia County. Its a mystery why the crime in Escambia County is so much higher than in other counties in Florida. It wasn’t always like this. When Sheriff McNesby was in office, the Sheriff’s Office’s crime rate was lower than the state average. Then under Sheriff Morgan’s “leadership” the crime rate in Escambia County started to worsen relative to the state average. Sheriff Simmons was Chief Deputy for the last part of Morgan’s tenure and is now the Sheriff. When the 2021 numbers are released, we will all see where Escambia County ranks statewide and most importantly relative to Santa Rosa County.

  7. Warren Piece on October 10th, 2022 3:40 pm

    Does the 447 include the 60 plus cadets who have not fulfilled law enforcement certification requirements, have not completed the LEO academy, have not met police standards, cannot enforce any law, and are they just counted on the roster?

  8. Janet on October 10th, 2022 1:38 pm

    @ Ensley Miss

    I can LEO’S are speeding on Chemstrand Road dearie

  9. Jcellops on October 10th, 2022 1:27 pm

    Thankful and excited! So many big northern cities are terribly understaffed. That’s what happens when you foolishly advocate for “defunding police”! Such a dumb idea.

  10. Ensley Miss on October 10th, 2022 12:45 pm

    Then please do something about the speeding on new Chemstrand Road.

  11. Wayne on October 10th, 2022 11:19 am

    @ CJ Lewis
    This is 2022,not 2020.
    You are 100% incorrect on irrelevant dates and statistics my friend.
    Have a nice day
    Not going to debate or qualify.

  12. CJ Lewis on October 10th, 2022 9:14 am

    In 2020, Escambia County had the third highest per capita crime rate in Florida. Why?

  13. BG H on October 10th, 2022 5:35 am

    Congratulations to OUR NEW DEPUTIES. We pray for your safety and thank you for your service to OUR GREAT COUNTY.