Century May Strip Power From The Mayor, Hire Town Manager With Charter Change

October 28, 2022

The Town of Century may strip power from an elected mayor and put a town manager in charge, reversing the course set by three years of work by a citizen charter review committee.

That was the key takeaway from a nearly two hour meeting Thursday evening between the town council and town attorney to discuss a proposed charter change.

The town charter — the document that establishes the town — outlines its powers and spells out how it should operate. The current charter has not been updated in almost 40 years.

The Century Charter Review Committee worked about three years, including pandemic delays, to create a new charter that was submitted to the town council to review and possibly place on an upcoming ballot.

The Charter Review Committee spent a great deal of their time deciding on a form of government for Century, ultimately settling on a strong mayor – town council.

But Thursday night, attorney Matt Dannheisser and consultant Buz Eddy suggested that the council instead look at a charter that has a town manager – town council form of government. A mayor might still be elected, but it would mostly be a ceremonial position with no real power. Dannheisser said the mayor would hold the title, but actually be one of the five members of the town council.

“It really makes the title of mayor obsolete,” council member Dynette Lewis said of the potential change.

“The mayor is no longer a separate office; it’s part of the council. So the five members of the council, one of them is the mayor,” Dannheisser said.

“You can’t think of the mayor as a separate entity. He is a member of council, has no more voice in the decision that any other member of the council,” he added.

Unable to take a vote because the meeting was just a workshop, the council reached the consensus that they would give official direction to Dannheisser at a future meeting. He said several more meetings would need to be held focusing on specific topics, such as the form of government, finance and other subsections of the charter.

During those discussions, he said that flexibility is the key to developing a charter that can serve Century for decades to come.

“Flexibility…don’t handcuff yourself and all future councils to one specific thing that might be solving a current problem that may not be a problem 20, 30, 40 years from now,” Dannheisser told the council.. “Rather, require that the subject be addressed, but then have it addressed in a manner that can be fluid and changed as circumstances change.”

Here’s a look at some of the major highlights of the draft created by the Charter Review Committee :

  • Establishes a consecutive two-term, or eight-year limit for the mayor. A mayor that has reached the term limit may then seek election as a council member. There are no term limits in the current charter.
  • A consecutive two-term, or eight-year limit is established for council members. A council that has reached the term limit may then seek election as mayor. There are no term limits in the current charter.
  • The mayor and council members will not be paid if they miss a meeting, unless it’s due to an emergency. With two or more unexcused absences per quarter from consecutive meetings, the council can determine with a fourth-fifths vote that the council member or mayor has abandoned their seat.
  • The town council shall conduct all meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • The town will create the position of town clerk/finance director, along with a public works director position that reports directly to the mayor. Both will be hired by the mayor with approval by the council. With the approval of the mayor — not the council — the town clerk/finance director and public works director will hire, fire and supervise the employees in their respective departments. (Currently, the council must approve all hires, from the highest to lowest positions in the town.)
  • The charter establishes the right of the town clerk/finance director to take part in town council discussion. The clerk has no guaranteed right to take part in discussions under the current charter.
  • The mayor will establish an agenda for all council meetings.
  • The mayor will provide quarterly reports on finances, administrative activities, and actions of various departments. The mayor will also present an annual budget to the town council.
  • The mayor will be able to authorize expenditures up to $5,000, or up to $10,000 in a declared emergency, without town council approval.
  • The council will request and receive bids and award contracts for expenditures of $5,001 or more.
  • To be eligible to seek election as a council member, one year residency in the town will be required. (There is currently no length of residency requirement for council members, and a 6-month requirement for the mayor.)
  • Before being sworn in as mayor or town council member, the individual must agree to complete any state-mandated training or orientation, and complete Sunshine Law and public records law conducted by the town attorney.

Any portion of the draft charter could be altered or removed from a final charter. The town council also has the option to reject the charter or never place it on the ballot.

Pictured top: Town attorney Matt Dannheisser (right) and consultant Buz Eddy addressed the Century Town Council during a Thursday night workshop. Pictured inset: Council member Sandra McMurray-Jackson listen s to Dannheisser speak. Pictured below: Council members Luis Gomez, Jr., and Dynette Lewis listen. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Century May Strip Power From The Mayor, Hire Town Manager With Charter Change”

  1. Mr.Sherpent on October 30th, 2022 6:12 pm

    I know a few people that worked there personally and the way that place is being operated is pathetic It’s the council members going against the city clerk I’ve attended plenty meetings the council members should be more open minded to and for the city of Century but it seems they operate within the liking of people they actually know and amongst each other it’s sad that once the town finally got an all black council nothing has happened they even pay their employees the bare minimum and have yet to give them a reasonable raise what’s $10-$11 for a city worker I wouldn’t be working for them you never see the mayor or the workers in the back it’s always the front workers have them doing all the physical work mean while residents can’t even get a notary done it’s down right laziness makes you wonder who’s in charge is it the council the mayor or the town clerk can’t get the bills out on time nor get a accurate meter reading. This town is a joke

  2. sam on October 29th, 2022 11:49 am

    Close Century down. Sell the town to Alabama. that way the state would fix hwy 29 through whatever we want to call this place. I’m thinking 20 dollars should cover it. then again alabama would want century to PAY them to take it. Oh well.

  3. Citizen on October 28th, 2022 11:06 pm

    Yes it looks like the CATF, never brought forth the recommendation to the council for a vote and to get it on the ballot. Makes you wonder what these 2 want. I used to think it was for the 2nd signature for the CTA.

    I doubt anything will be on the ballot early 2023.


  4. JDR on October 28th, 2022 9:28 pm

    I think a couple of you commenters need to re-read the article. The committee suggested keeping the mayor position as a strong arm mayor, and not hiring a town manager. I agree, there is no need for a mayor in our small town, to have a hand shaking job. Which is what the mayor position would essentially be if they hired a town manager. Sounds like the committee actually came up with good changes to the charter by imposing term limits etc.. but Century will probably do what they always do and mess it all up go a totally different direction and continue to be embattled and laughed at in the news. So essentially the whole thing will be for nothing.

  5. M in Bratt on October 28th, 2022 5:16 pm

    TOC never ceases to amaze and amuse me; There was a duly appointed Charter Commission seated for years (which Prather was an advisor to). At the meeting where TOC council was supposed to consider the recommendations of this Charter Commission, Prather (Gulf Breeze), and Dannheisser (Gulf Breeze) bring forth their own version of what should be put on the ballot. This brings several questions to mind; what motivated these two to do a end run on the Charter Commission?; did TOC pay for these recommendations, or did these two come up with them on their own?; What standing do these two have to bring anything to the council floor?. TOC stays in almost constant violation of laws and rules with these two on the payroll advising them, so would somebody tell me what either of them have accomplished that is in the best interests of TOC.

  6. tg on October 28th, 2022 3:02 pm

    Have a Drawing for Mayor and Council outcome would be the same.

  7. Citizen on October 28th, 2022 1:21 pm

    If disincorporated, it will go to ECUA most likely and the rates will increase tremedously. The cost to run street lights will be put on property owners.

    The county can assess an MSBU which is additional money on property tax to pay for services. A municipality that gets it’s power from the state also is eligible to get funding for waste water improvesments as well as potable water and more.

    Several other counties and cities east of here just got rewarded funds from the Govoner.

    If people in charge would implement what we already have, report the audit to the state on time like it’s supposed to be then the residents are better off.

    Do what it takes to get FDOT to get the road paved through here.

    Get staff to look around and be proactive with workorders straighten up signs and getting crappy looking stuff off of the sides of the roadway.

    We’ve put up with incompetence for a while. Tighten up.

    You gonna be dumb..you gotta be tough.

  8. Vicky on October 28th, 2022 11:30 am

    Just get rid of it all convert it to county and put the money where it is needed instead in all their pockets. Our town is a laughing stock it’s time to do something else! Ben Boutwell is a very good Mayor but we need change.

  9. Citizen on October 28th, 2022 11:26 am

    I think the manager would not have to be a resident, I think part of the problem is there is a lack of talent to draw from currently with skills to properly manage all aspects of wastewater, potable water, gas, streets, budget residing with in the population.

    Collectively they may be able to pull this off, especially if another will strep up or be appointed to vacancies on the council.

    I don’t think the manager would be elected. The drawback is because he doesn’t live here he may be more inclined to increase taxes or rates but keep the council to keep that in check.

    Running properly – there is balance between the powers set forth in the charter.

    For instance right now the charter states the president of the council is supposed to set the agenda.

    Looks like the clerk does now?

    Wheres the mayor?

  10. Citizen on October 28th, 2022 11:09 am

    Century needs to hire a competent manager, like Prather was, who understands how to manage a municipality complete with strong knowledge of utilities and FL Statutes and common sense. A council can keep him in check. I think a mayor being a voting member will be fine.

    Keeping a viable incorporation will be best for the residents.

    If it’s on the ballot, I’ll vote for it.

  11. SueB on October 28th, 2022 10:14 am

    It’s about time. Century needs the help and agree Town Manager is needed. But, again, who wouldd the towns people vote to be Town Manager? The now mayor? If so, this will put them right back in the pot as left overs.

  12. Just saying on October 28th, 2022 9:24 am

    This snowball effect is getting worse by the day. If feel sorry for Ben.

  13. Jim Stanton on October 28th, 2022 9:03 am

    So this committee wants to take the vote away from the people and hire a “yes person”. First only a fool gives up the right to vote, especially so the council can hire a “yes person”, because that’s exactly what the appointed manager would be. If he or she makes one council member mad, that member gets two other council members to go along with them to fire the “yes person” then town is wasting more money looking for another “yes person”. By the way how much will these “yes people” be paid a year, a lot more than the current mayor, I’m sure. It’s time to sunset the Century Charter Review Committee for good, since they want to take away the citizens right to vote for mayor and let the town council run the town.

  14. Well on October 28th, 2022 8:58 am

    What was the Charter Review Committee for ?
    To put forward something Buzz Eddy and Dannheisser could say to change, because they think some other way is better.

    Not what the Committee put forward !

  15. SW on October 28th, 2022 8:54 am

    Best thing would be for the charter to be revoked by the state, all city assets sold off and any services privatized.
    Become an unincorporated part of the county. May as well, the city offers no police/fire services, the county provides it.

  16. Mike Spinks on October 28th, 2022 8:30 am

    Let the people vote and have a say who should be the mayor. The mayor should have power over the council, not the council over the mayor. Seems like the good old boy system may in place here. Next round of beers on the newly appointed mayor.

  17. judy on October 28th, 2022 8:12 am

    Why even have a mayor, but if one is selected anyhow, he should receive NO money, be able to make NO independent decisions, and just have voting rights like any other council member. Good deal. NOW make sure the town manager is not in the pocket of the citizens and businesses of Century!

  18. Mike Honcho on October 28th, 2022 8:08 am

    This town council is a joke,a really bad joke.

  19. RaD on October 28th, 2022 8:04 am

    One would truly hope that whenever, whatever charter changes go on the ballot, there is also an option to return to county rule and bring the Century Soap Opera to a close.

  20. J-THE-G on October 28th, 2022 7:40 am

    Just disband the town. The current council is useless and the town of Century effectively has nothing to give to entice investors.

  21. Uuhh on October 28th, 2022 7:32 am

    Strip the Mayors power??? Really? We never see or hear anything from him anyway but that’s because the incompetence of this pathetic council. What a laugh, which is what they provide us on a regular basis. Century needs some intelligent people to run for city council and get this entire bunch of moronic wannabes out of there. Go get you a job you don’t have to think to much on.

  22. Bill on October 28th, 2022 7:09 am

    No hope for Century. Spent 3 years studying their form of government and then completely ignoring the primary recommendation. Might be best though based on the circus the elected officials put on just trying to approve a budget.

  23. Common Sense on October 28th, 2022 6:50 am

    Term limits yes, A hired official unbeholdimg to the electorate? No.
    The only check and balance to the council would be removed-and your
    Current council is run amuck-do the people of Century really want such?

  24. ROOT on October 28th, 2022 6:33 am

    The Century clown show…

  25. steve on October 28th, 2022 2:31 am

    Who ever is running that place into the ground, STOP…

    Seems like there are no educated people running for office up there and you just stuck voting for a buddy or friend of a friend. Stop doing that. Find some good EDUCATED people or at least a couple smart ones that know how to run a city.