Update: Escambia River Gun Club Addresses Accidental Shooting Incident

September 16, 2022

One person was injured in an accidental shooting incident Thursday afternoon at the Escambia River Gun Club on Rockey Branch Road in Cantonment, and the club is now addressing the incident.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, an adult male fired the wrong type ammunition for his weapon and it ricocheted back.

The man was struck in the arm, according to the ECSO, but his injuries were not considered severe.

“The injury sustained by a club member was the result of unpredictable splatter from the use of a steel target. The Escambia River Gun Club conducted an internal investigation and found that the target equipment was operating as intended at an appropriate distance and that the member was operating under safe conditions. At this time there is no evidence to support the claim of improper ammunition,” Escambia River Gun Club President Josh Bledsoe told NorthEscambai.com Friday morning.

“At ERGC we have a NRA certified Range Safety Officer on duty at all times to ensure the safety and well-being of our members and guests,” Bledsoe continued.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


11 Responses to “Update: Escambia River Gun Club Addresses Accidental Shooting Incident”

  1. Barry King on October 23rd, 2022 7:02 am

    I joined this club because off its safety policies.
    On becoming a member no matter how many years you have been shooting you are taught how many yards and what ammunition you use on steel target .
    I feel bad for the man injured but I can not condem this club .
    We are all told if we see something wrong to call a cease fire
    I was not at the club at the time off the injury but my mind is at peace knowing it was not the equipment or the range officers fault

  2. Rasheed Jackson on September 18th, 2022 10:37 am

    Maybe what should have been said was, he used the wrong type of ammo for the targets he was shooting at. Apparently, he was not a safe distance from the steel targets. Unfortunately, most safety rules are written in blood.

  3. DLo on September 17th, 2022 7:01 am

    I’m looking forward to the apologies to start rolling in from know-it-all commenters that jumped the gun and made judgements before knowing the facts.

  4. CC on September 16th, 2022 9:00 pm

    “an adult male fired the wrong type ammunition for his weapon and it ricocheted back.”.

    ” unpredictable splatter from the use of a steel target. ”

    The article actually didn’t say anything about wrong ammo for a target and did indeed say the male fired the wrong ammo for his weapon. Having put many bullets down range myself, I questioned how someone fired the wrong ammo for his weapon.

  5. BRING IT ON on September 16th, 2022 7:00 pm

    I teach hunter/firearm safety in Northern Indiana and all my young hunters know that there is no such thing as an accidental shooting if you follow the 10 commandments of gun safety. It seems to me some grown ups need to learn those commandments also

  6. John Fox on September 16th, 2022 6:48 pm

    Tim as a member of the range I can tell you that there is a range safety video. You have to watch it before you can shoot. They are very very clear about not using steel targets with ammunition that might include steel in the bullet. Not only can this type of ammunition damage their steel targets but it can also cause ricochets and other issues.

  7. CCHGN on September 16th, 2022 4:53 pm

    Ummm folks need to read it better. They didn’t say he put a different caliber bullet in the gun , they said he used the wrong TYPE of ammo for steel targets. Frangible ammo is best with steel targets. He probably shot a steel core bullet.

  8. Eric M on September 16th, 2022 2:22 pm

    I have sent probably 10,000 rounds downrange at their facility – including at the pistol lane with the metal targets. I’ve never had or seen anything like that. I’ve shot from .22 to 45’s there, all types of ammo. Nada. Not sure how that even happened, unless they hit the metal stand instead of the targets.

  9. SueB on September 16th, 2022 8:16 am

    What was he doing putting the wrong shell in the gun?

  10. The Patriot on September 16th, 2022 6:47 am

    Never assume. Always check and double check.

  11. Tim Almon on September 16th, 2022 5:29 am

    Looks like the mandatory NRA registration to join the Escambia River Gun Club should also include a Range Saftey Class sadly. Do we need to start roding folks off the range and assigning a safety to every lane to insure proper calibers? Come on civilians get it together.