Escambia Approves Static Millage Rate, Defined As A Tax Increase, And $654.5 Million Budget

September 21, 2022

The Escambia County Commission Tuesday evening gave final approval to a static property tax rate for next fiscal year, which is defined by the state as a tax increase.

The final aggregate millage rate is 7.4679, which is not an increased millage rate but is a 13.20% increase over the rolled back rate of 6.5969 mills.

The rolled back rate is a computed millage rate that would generate the same amount of ad valorem tax dollars as the prior fiscal year, based on the proposed year’s tax roll, excluding new construction. A millage rate higher than the rolled-back rate is defined by the State of Florida as a tax increase and was advertised as such.

The county also adopted a budget of almost $654.5 million for the next fiscal year, which begins October 1. The new budget is 15.17% more than the current-year’s $568.26 million.

To read the budget summary, click or tap here.


22 Responses to “Escambia Approves Static Millage Rate, Defined As A Tax Increase, And $654.5 Million Budget”

  1. Kane on September 22nd, 2022 12:37 pm

    So, is this on top of the property tax increase the school board just approved as well or are they combined into one now?

    The Problem isn’t that we are being made to pay more taxes it’s that the taxes we are already paying are not fixing the roads, funding the schools, preventing the crime, feeding the masses so where is all that tax money vanishing to? As many have pointed out we are at the bottom of lists we should be on top of and at the top of lists we should not be on at all so how is more money going to help any of this.

    And as far as it goes, we are already paying more Florida taxes already thanks to our new Second National Guard and the upcoming new election police and hey let’s dump on everybody for not wanting double property tax increases in one year we won’t begin to talk about that power bill hike coming from Florida People Lose.

    Spending 657,000 plus tax payers money on flying 50 immigrants to a posh island no that’s okay what a fantastic gov. I could’ve got those tickets for 38.510 dollars easy. Did he fly them first class?? Hey who paid for those fancy looking phony brochures they made up and gave out to those immigrants? Was it us? It was wasnt’ it? No one care about that though right, that’s a perfectly great use of our tax money.

    Whatever happened to No taxation Without Representation?

  2. DAnna Redleski on September 22nd, 2022 12:28 pm

    I was disappointed that there wasn’t more monies added to the
    Storm water drainage budgets. Escambia County needs more
    Resources to do a better job of managing and maintaining
    Storm water drainage and our infrastructure. Without more
    Resources,our county will continue to fall behind in this area.
    We hope our counties District leaders will push forward in getting
    The different departments More help to do more projects to
    Clean up some of the decades of neglected wetlands, Storm
    Water ponds, ditches and drainage areas so that our homes
    don’t continue to flood out. Flood defender- Panhandle

  3. Lance McClure on September 22nd, 2022 9:27 am

    We must fund our schools, first responders, and those who maintain our infrastructure. We must be looking at our County needs for 2027 and beyond. Fund you government, then hold them accountable. Your elected leaders can’t do anything for you if they are not provided the fiscal resources required to do so.

  4. Bob on September 22nd, 2022 9:17 am

    Escambia County has terrible schools. Our roads are falling apart. Our fire departments and libraries are underfunded. The homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity rates (especially for children) are significantly higher than the national average.

    Hell, the only part of Escambia County that seems to be well funded is our sheriff’s office. But even they are unable to do anything about our high property and violent crime rates.

    …and any time someone in a position of power proposes fixing any of those problems, we all clutch our pearls and scream about how paying an extra $50 in taxes every year is “literal communism”.

    I swear, some of y’all would be happy to go back to living in caves and giving up on modern society because “at least I won’t have to pay taxes”

  5. KG on September 21st, 2022 8:35 pm

    How much revenue is produced due to new construction??

    The rolled back rate is a computed millage rate that would generate the same amount of ad valorem tax dollars as the prior fiscal year, based on the proposed year’s tax roll, excluding new construction

    If they include revenue from new construction, they don’t have to raise taxes

  6. StraightShooter on September 21st, 2022 8:21 pm

    For those blaming it on inflation, I bet it will never go down when inflation goes down.
    The county needs to do like the rest of us and live within your means.

  7. Mike Honcho on September 21st, 2022 4:30 pm

    Where are these quality services you speak of,at best they are mediocre

  8. Lou on September 21st, 2022 3:03 pm

    Vote them out. Bocc , School board and cronies. They do what they want, but when they come out for re-election say Nooooo. We are not a rich County in Florida. Stop charging taxes like we are in Dade, Palm Beach etc. they income per capital is nowhere as low as ours.

  9. Tax-exempt on September 21st, 2022 1:39 pm

    For one- if I actually got the services I already pay for from the “county, I would consider the increase( saying it’s not an increase is semantics). It is a matter of public record going back YEARS of all the times I have had to call, only to get lied to, given the run around and relegated to voicemail hell. And they think I have an ” attitude” when I keep calling. I even worked for the county for a long time, in case I didn’t mention. They are counting on you to lose interest and to fall for their double talk. As the land owning tax paying residents of Escambia county, we need to step up, together.

  10. Kelly Newlan on September 21st, 2022 12:36 pm

    Vote them out. Hope for the best for new outlooks and more care for our citizens in our community trying to make it. End of the day the corruption is so rampant. Never ending stresses on our financial obligations. :(

  11. Jlb on September 21st, 2022 12:10 pm

    I vote… I believe in term limits. Therefore I voted against district five’s commissioner last election. Hes turned into a politician. So district 5 let’s get out and vote. Also when voting t The tax appraiser’s office could use some changes too. Hes been their way to Long also. Time for some changes.

  12. Beach Boy on September 21st, 2022 11:09 am

    Back when the school board voted for an increase in property tax…..I called Patty Hightower’s office and told them….”I WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR PATTY HIGHTOWER” when she runs for re-election. The “only way” to stop this madness is to “VOTE THEM OUT!!” How do these politicians expect senior citizens to survive if they keep increasing property tax?!?!?!?!?

  13. Tired of All of You on September 21st, 2022 11:09 am

    Not that any of you bothered to actually understand the article or how taxes work, but this isn’t an increased tax rate, this is the effect of inflation. I agree with another comment, stop expecting services for free. If you would complain about the county not fixing potholes on your road, remember that someone has to pay for it. That someone is you.

  14. sam on September 21st, 2022 10:57 am

    the feds, the state, the county, the towns all stand there with their hands out. the public gets hosed with nothing to show for it till next year when they come back wanting more.

  15. tc on September 21st, 2022 9:57 am

    What do you all expect with RECORD high inflation?? It costs more for everyone to do business not just property owners!

  16. Mike Spinks on September 21st, 2022 8:37 am

    I agree with DR. Vote them out. Why don’t they just take all of my income? Even with that, they’ll still want to take more of my land so they can widen the road and still want to tax me the same if not more. We are to live within our means, so the county ought to operate within its budget. Vote them out!

  17. t on September 21st, 2022 8:00 am

    I for one want to thank you for thinking about the little people who vote you in. In a time were many are struggling to make end meet. With rising prices on everything we could use a break on our property taxes.

    I for one will remember this when it is time to vote.

  18. Me on September 21st, 2022 7:14 am


  19. SW on September 21st, 2022 6:44 am

    Vote the tax assessor/appraiser out as well.

  20. SW on September 21st, 2022 6:43 am

    Vote every commissioner out of office as soon as possible.

    Do not let them run unopposed ever again.

  21. brianh on September 21st, 2022 5:45 am

    Last night I sat back and watched Santa Rosa’s BOCC do the same thing. They all voted in favor before even hearing from the public. They all were so proud of themselves for being so “responsible”. These are all so called conservatives. NONE will get my vote if they run for office.

  22. DR on September 21st, 2022 5:25 am