ECUA Recycling Center Restart Delayed Again Due To Repair Part Delays

September 5, 2022

A restart of ECUA recycling services has been delayed as they await the arrival of repair parts.

The ECUA Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) was closed in June after the failure of an essential piece of equipment.

ECUA has received an update with a delayed shipping date from the supplier providing the two conveyor belts needed to return the processing lines to service.

Based on the new shipping date, ECUA is proposing a stage reopening of the recycling facility. On Monday, September 26, they plan to begin processing recycling materials for other partners. Materials from ECUA and the City of Pensacola will begin processing on Thursday, September 29.

ECUA is continuing to use the downtime for important maintenance that generally requires a facility shutdown on other equipment.

The second of two aging conveyor belts was slated for replacement in this fiscal year. The ECUA Board approved the $82,000 purchase of two new replacement belts at its February 2022 meeting.

ECUA is continuing normal recycling collections in the meantime.

“We urge our customers to keep in a positive recycling habit during this interruption in the recycling program,” Public Information Office Nathalie Bowers said. file photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “ECUA Recycling Center Restart Delayed Again Due To Repair Part Delays”

  1. Guy on September 8th, 2022 3:04 pm


    I’ve worked in industry for decades and if production was at a standstill the expediters would be beating the bushes to get the parts ASP. There must be dozens of belt suppliers on this side of the country. Three months? Were the belts beyond repair?

    What are the line workers doing? Are they laid off?

    Agree on parking the recycle trucks. What a waste by any metric. I have a full recycle can that I am holding until I know that recycling has started again.

    Has this recycle stream ever broken even financially? Would love to see the numbers.


  2. OnlyYourGubmintKnowsBest on September 6th, 2022 8:51 pm

    But…but…the planet! Not to mention all the warm fuzzys you get when you say “but we’re trying!” knowing all the time it’s just a hot mess that isn’t going to be changed.

  3. CW on September 6th, 2022 4:51 am

    @Mr Reality

    The purpose of recycling isn’t to lower your rates, it’s to help keep the landfills from filling up with plastic and glass.

  4. Eric M on September 5th, 2022 9:53 pm

    Our recycle can hasn’t been emptied for 2 or 3 months. It stays by the road, longing to be picked up and emptied like it’s green colored cousins. But nope, it still sits by the road, reliving it’s rejection each week as the trash guys drive on past, but the recycling can knows they see him, for they lock eyes, awkwardly, while the green ones are emptied.

  5. M in Bratt on September 5th, 2022 12:20 pm

    Meanwhile they continue to waste fuel, labor, and wear and tear on trucks by continuing to run recycling trucks, and hauling what they pick up to the dump with the rest of the garbage. You’d save a bunch of money if you park the damn trucks and let the drivers hang out in the break room.

  6. Bob on September 5th, 2022 10:48 am

    Recycling and green energy has never been financially viable. That is why everything is subsidized by governmental agencies via tax payers. Until China and India implement environmental laws and regulations we are just wasting our time.

  7. MR REALITY on September 5th, 2022 7:42 am

    and this boondoggle was supposed to LOWER our rates….LOL…JSUT SHUT IT DOWN!!!!