Century Town Hall Reopens After Lobby Floors Refinished (With Before And After Photos)

September 8, 2022

The Century Town Hall reopened this week after being closed last week to refinish the lobby floors.

Local contractor Peacock Builders did the work at a cost of $2,952, according to the town.

The last picture below shows the lobby before the work.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



12 Responses to “Century Town Hall Reopens After Lobby Floors Refinished (With Before And After Photos)”

  1. Vicky on September 10th, 2022 5:41 pm

    Just do away with the city hall and we won’t have to worry about the circus anymore. Just saying it’s rediciulious they can’t fix our town! We need all new leadership

  2. Molino Girl on September 9th, 2022 9:54 pm

    Absolutely ridiculous waste of money. What was wrong with the floors to begin with?

  3. William Reynolds on September 8th, 2022 11:34 pm

    “when you get grants they are for different projects and that’s what this grant was for town hall rehab work.”

    This was not funded by a grant. It was paid for from the general fund.

  4. Susie on September 8th, 2022 10:13 pm

    Whomever ordered that redone should have to pay restitution for it after they got arrested. That was not needed or more important than the money issues they already have.

  5. Century guy on September 8th, 2022 9:18 pm

    I know century may not be where it needs to be but when you get grants they are for different projects and that’s what this grant was for town hall rehab work.

  6. Chris on September 8th, 2022 2:55 pm

    Priorities. Not even once.

  7. skeptical on September 8th, 2022 12:59 pm

    It looks great, but it looked fine before. I’m not sure why it was redone. Was the floor rotting or needing boards replaced? Or did the employees just get tired of the light color? Do they ever think that at a time when people are struggling with high inflation and just getting by, they may not appreciate remodeling being done instead of just making do like the rest of us? It just seems like so much money here gets wasted. It’s really sad.

  8. concerned on September 8th, 2022 11:38 am

    now put up a toll booth right in the middle of century and charge $1 per car for all those out of town people going on vacation every year. the town needs the money .

  9. Housewife32535 on September 8th, 2022 10:17 am

    Wow ! New flooring, smh that money could have been used elsewhere you have got to be kidding

  10. Well on September 8th, 2022 10:10 am

    Looks good.

  11. taxpayer on September 8th, 2022 9:41 am

    Could have sent that on needed services. OOOOOOOh sorry my brother-in-law needed extra money.

  12. Johnnysayswhat on September 8th, 2022 1:37 am

    Look Mom, Who needs reliable water sources when we have shiney new floors. Unbelievable.