Woman Indicted For Murder After Her Escambia Jail Cellmate Overdosed On Fentanyl

August 23, 2022

A woman has now been indicted for the fentanyl overdose death of her cellmate at the Escambia County Jail.

An Escambia County grand jury indicted 40-year old Pamela Faye Schwarz, 40, on charged of first degree murder by unlawful distribution of drugs, introduction of contraband into a county detention facility, tampering with evidence and possession of a controlled substance.

According to Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons, Schwarz was remanded into custody from drug court and taken to the Escambia County Jail last May and placed into a cell with a 52-year old female later identified as Shirley Barney. There was no one else in the cell.

Prosecutors contend that the Defendant smuggled fentanyl and para-fluorofentanyl (synthetic fentanyl) into the jail and gave it to her cellmate who later died from an overdose of the drugs.

Instead of calling for help, Sheriff Chip Simmons said Schwarz helped her cellmate into bed before flushing the rest of the drugs down the toilet.

Several hours later, the victim was found unresponsive. Her death was caused by a fentanyl overdose, according to the Medical Examiner’s Office.

Schwarz remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond.


6 Responses to “Woman Indicted For Murder After Her Escambia Jail Cellmate Overdosed On Fentanyl”

  1. Susie Q on August 23rd, 2022 11:49 pm

    @Jim-Maybe the jail will let you volunteer to do body cavity searches on all new inmates to insure that no drugs make it into the facilities.

  2. Jim on August 23rd, 2022 4:19 pm

    There should be accountability beyond just her. We spend millions on top notch facilities and training , salary and surveillance.
    It should have had never made into the system period. But it will
    swept under the rug as just another unfortunate circumstance and given the rubber stamp once again because silence has been taken as acceptance for so long it just another person in prison and another deceased.
    Unintentional avoidable negative results.

  3. Bewildered on August 23rd, 2022 10:59 am

    Re: they don’t check the people before locking them up? I am sure they do, but druggies carry the stuff in every body cavity. A very tiny amount of fentanyl kills – you can’t flush out every body opening before locking them up – getting crazier and costlier all the time to keep inmates safe.

  4. Carl on August 23rd, 2022 8:43 am

    Druggies…will always be their own victim along with collateral damage.
    The only value to us is they provide jobs for the LEO and legal system for gainful employment.
    Nothing will make them stop except death from drugs murder or on a rare occasion they see the light.
    The more poverty ,lack of education or lack of vision..the more deaths.
    Politics in the matter is just rhetoric and posturing.
    In this social climate these past few years it is overwhelming.
    Dieing in jail from drugs is no different than dieing anywhere else concerning drug users.
    They already made a choice.
    Its sad really.

  5. Susie on August 23rd, 2022 8:42 am

    That woman needs to look in the mirror and see what drugs and her life style are doing to her. She looks aged way beyond her years. Not to mention, but I will, the look of no remorse for her role in the death of the woman.

  6. sam on August 23rd, 2022 7:11 am

    they don’t check the people before locking em up?