Woman Accused Of Embezzling $165K From Church, Bible College

August 25, 2022

A church secretary is facing charges for allegedly taking over $160,000 from her employer.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents arrested Lisa Michelle Hively, 55, on one count of organized scheme to defraud and one count of grand theft, both first-degree felonies. She was secretary at Faith Baptist Church and Faith Bible College from 2008 to 2021 where her husband was an assistant pastor, according to court documents.

The investigation began in February 2022 when FDLE agents looked into allegations of potential embezzlement by employees of a local church. Investigators conducted forensic audits of the church’s finances and interviewed Hively.

According to FDLE, Hively embezzled approximately $164,716 from her employer between 2015 and 2021.

The investigation showed that Hively, whose duties included writing checks to pay church bills, would write checks from the church or Bible college and deposit them into her personal bank account. FDLE said approximately 232 checks were made out to Lisa Hively or her husband, Christopher Hively. Investigators say that she then altered the church’s financial ledger to disguise the checks as payments for services rendered to the church.

Hively surrendered at the Escambia County Jail and was released on a $30,000 bond.


14 Responses to “Woman Accused Of Embezzling $165K From Church, Bible College”

  1. EMD on August 26th, 2022 10:10 am

    Sue B. How do you know who believes what? Being in a church does not mean one is believer, even if one is the pastor. The Bible mentions such.

  2. Former Church Secretary on August 25th, 2022 1:40 pm

    I was a church secretary for 14 years. Some years were part time;some years were full time. Never once did I write a single check to myself for services rendered (work performed). We had certain unpaid individuals responsible for that sort of thing. We also always had a crew of two unrelated people counting the offering on Sunday. The pastor never saw the offering and never wrote a check. That’s how to keep the devil from sneaking his way in. Also, monthly financial meetings and yearly audits help.

    I can’t speak to this particular incident but if it was a very small church and her job as secretary required/permitted her to write checks, that would include her paycheck and the pastor’s paycheck, it’s possible that would look bad to an outside source but may not be bad in reality. I’m not trying to say she is innocent….but it’s possible. I’m not saying she’s guilty….but it’s possible. If this was a case of her writing her own paycheck, she only made $12,670 a year….which is about what a part-time secretary would make.

  3. Bob on August 25th, 2022 1:05 pm

    According to the FDLE news release…”agents looked into allegations of potential embezzling by employees of a local church.”.

    If you notice, the FDLE news release is plural meaning more than one person.

    I went to this church multiple times in 2022. I was told about rumors of embezzlement within the church, but, the rumors included names other than Lisa Hively.

    I wonder if their is more to the story.

    The church is very secretive about everything. I left the church due to the lack of transparency. The truth will always withstand the scrutiny of day light.

  4. SueB on August 25th, 2022 12:22 pm

    lt is always the unbeliever that is the (demon) possessed individual. There are a lot of them in church today!

  5. Josh Jones on August 25th, 2022 12:06 pm

    Churches and other not-for-profits:

    An annual CPA audit is your friend.

  6. EMD on August 25th, 2022 10:29 am

    Christianity has become another “religion.” THE Church of Jesus Christ is made up only of those who are truly His. The other is buildings filled with tares and with wheat, and they will be separated, but not by mortal men. It is hard now days to tell what goes on in these buildings from what goes on in the world in general. And, that is very sad. However, it was foretold. The enemy planted the tares, not God.

  7. retired on August 25th, 2022 9:28 am

    BUT SHE IS A GOOOOOOOOOOD CHRISTIAN WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Susie on August 25th, 2022 9:15 am

    Hateful and sinful to steal from what is considered God’s house. How does this person sleep at night??? Something is most definitely sick in her head and heart.

  9. fisherman on August 25th, 2022 9:09 am

    Crimes like these are actually easy to pull off when there are no checks and balances in place to spot these types of crime. If a business allows one person to do the books that’s a disaster in the making. Always know who you are writing checks to and why. Get weekly updates on all accounts and take the time to check theses reports out. Check out the companies you are paying and always check out the payments going out with what you are buying. If her husband received one check he should be arrested also.

  10. Bill T on August 25th, 2022 8:59 am

    See this kind of stuff here really makes me mad!!!these people are the bottom feeders the need to be locked away forever!!!! A thief and a liar goes hand in hand and that includes her husband who also needs to be locked up as well!!! It really makes me mad that scum of the earth like this is taking advantage of the people who care and put the money in there to help the church!!!!!

  11. Lebowski on August 25th, 2022 7:15 am

    It’s written on her face, as clearly as a regrettable neck tattoo…..”Only God can Judge Me.”

  12. A Alex on August 25th, 2022 5:12 am

    and her husband isnt charged???
    If my wife had $160K in 6 years,I would likely know she is spending more than we have

  13. Jeff Sikes on August 25th, 2022 4:17 am

    Church to prison pipeline

  14. mnon on August 25th, 2022 2:43 am

    Isn’t there something in the Bible about someone lying to the Holy Spirit about money and falling down dead at His feet?

    This is the case of not practicing what you preach… literally.

    Acts 5:3-11