Vernon High Head Football Coach Killed In Tragic Boating Accident

August 8, 2022

Trey Pike, Vernon High School athletic director and football coach, was killed in a boating accident over the weekend.

Pike’s 21-foot boat struck an electrical tower abutment in North Bay, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. The boat was discovered early Sunday morning, but it was not known if the accident occurred late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.

There were no other passengers on the boat.

Pike was just recently named as the new head coach of the Vernon Yellow Jackets. He had served two years as an assistant coach at Vernon after teaching and coaching at Holmes County High and an Asheville, Alabama, school.

The accident happened in North Bay, near the Highway 77 Bailey Bridge at Lynn Haven — nearly 30 miles south of Vernon.

Photo: Trey Pike, Vernon High School athletic director and football coach, was killed in a boating accident over the weekend.. Photo courtesy Vernon High School Athletics for, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Vernon High Head Football Coach Killed In Tragic Boating Accident”

  1. Sunny Ferguson on August 8th, 2022 9:14 am

    Prayers for the family, friends, school staff, students and all who knew him.

    Such a tragic loss and he will be missed by many.

    North Escambia reader