Salzman Easily Defeats Hill In House District 1 Republican Race

August 24, 2022

Incumbent Michelle Salzman easily defeated challenger Mike Hill in the Florida House District 1 Republican primary on Tuesday. She will now face Democrat Franscine Mathis in the November general election.

Salzman received 65% of the vote to Hill’s 35%, or a margin of about 6,200 votes.

“It was a great victory for Northwest Florida,” Salzman told from her victory party Tuesday night. “All across the board, the right people won. We are going to pick up the pieces and head toward November and continue the momentum.”

Salzman defeated Hill in the 2020 GOP primary by about 1,000 votes — five percentage points. In her campaign, Salzman highlighted the fact that Hill failed to get any bill that he sponsored passed or any appropriation approved during his previous time in the Florida Legislature.


14 Responses to “Salzman Easily Defeats Hill In House District 1 Republican Race”

  1. That dude on August 26th, 2022 2:27 am

    Just STop mike hill

  2. Rita Jenne-Ryan on August 25th, 2022 5:08 pm

    I always research candidates before voting. Ms. Salazar background was impressive, Mr Hill’s record as the current Representative wasn’t. So I cast my vote for her & not disappointed. She has taken on the hard jobs, fights for her constituents and has common sense. That’s why, w/o hesitation I voted for her again. She doesn’t shrink away from concerns or problems she acts. Congratulations, well deserved

  3. Molino woman on August 24th, 2022 6:43 pm

    Definitely the best choice. Although we don’t agree on all topics, I voted for her because I can respect her as a person, and in the past few years I have found tha ist a very difficult thing to do with politicians. She works hard, and I personally have not been to any of her public appearances but I have seen very little if any participation on social media or tv in the craziness and conspiracy theories and divisiveness that her predecessor and others in her party are constantly engaging in, and I hope that I’m right about that and it remains that way because it is a breath of fresh air.
    Congratulations Michelle!

  4. Bonnie Exner on August 24th, 2022 3:48 pm

    Congratulations, Michelle,.and remember that you don’t have to agree with everything your constituents say..but just keep your communications lines open so that people feel that someone listens and cares.

  5. se on August 24th, 2022 3:42 pm

    Salzman is a Patriot! Hill is a faker. Great Job Salzman!

  6. concerned on August 24th, 2022 3:34 pm

    this lady will keep on winning we all know she will fight for what is right. she will move up the ladder in years to come.

  7. Steve on August 24th, 2022 2:44 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please continue to fight for our community.

    We appreciate it when our representatives remember WHY they are there.


  8. Anne on August 24th, 2022 2:14 pm

    Michelle, Congratulations and Thank You for your Service to our nation and to the people of Your District. Looking forward to your even better term.

    Mr. Hill, it’s time for you to concentrate on your business and put politics in the rear veiw mirror. Your do nothing, achieve nothing for the people came to an end last time and this has put a lid on your little aspirations.

  9. Local on August 24th, 2022 2:08 pm

    So glad to see folks opening their eyes!! Well done

  10. yellarhammer on August 24th, 2022 1:22 pm

    She’s a good candidate Hill is nothing but a bald face liar.

  11. Kelly Newlan on August 24th, 2022 11:39 am

    From the first time I met Michelle and her husband I found them to be caring and attentive people. At that time she was supportive of the PTSA in Escambia. I was impressed with her dedication to support All of our children and their parents and teachers. She was a great leader and made it easy and very welcoming for other parents who wanted to support this program as well. I have watched her grow and my respect for her only grows stronger. I believe she does want to help our community reach goals that will further contribute to the betterment of our community. I feel with her in such a position that my voice can be heard. I feel she is always accommodating and willing to listen to others points of view, and I am confident she will truly hear and research concerns as well for our population here in the gulf coast. I am confident she will do her very best on any topic brought her way. Gods blessings to you and your family. Congratulations, Im so thankful to have you working for the future’s of our children.

  12. Bill T on August 24th, 2022 9:30 am

    There was never a question as to who would win !!!!! Congratulations and thank you !!!!!!

  13. Autism mom on August 24th, 2022 3:13 am

    It was nice to meet you yesterday. I am excited for what lies ahead for Florida.i look forward to meeting up with your group of friends every 6mos, Thank you.

  14. Charlotte R Bates on August 24th, 2022 2:49 am