Open House Tuesday At High Schools In Escambia County; Middle and Elementary Coming Soon

August 28, 2022

Open house events are this week for high schools in Escambia County and are coming up next month for middle and elementary schools.

All high school open houses in Escambia County will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 30.

Elementary school open houses will be September 13 and 15. The schedule is below.

Middle school open houses will be September 8 at 6 p.m.

Pictured top: Visitors to the open house Tuesday at Northview High School will get a look at the school’s new flooring. Pictured below: The elementary school open house time and date schedule. graphic, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Open House Tuesday At High Schools In Escambia County; Middle and Elementary Coming Soon”

  1. Common Sense on August 29th, 2022 10:14 am

    For the person who decided to do them ALL on the same day and roughly the same time, you sure know how to make it difficult on parents. How are we supposed to attend if we have multiple children/multiple schools? What if one parent is an teacher and their student goes to a different school? You want us to be involved in our children’s lives but make it nearly impossible to do so.