More Charges For Man Accused Of Scamming Homeowners For Fences That Were Never Built

August 19, 2022

A man accused of scamming three people out of money for fences that were never built is facing more charges after a story we published earlier this month.

Cody William Brown, 33, is facing new charges of felony fraud, grand theft, three worthless check courts and an organized scheme to defraud. He was released from jail on an $8,000 bond.

In an August 1 article, we reported that Brown was charged at that time with three counts of an organized scheme to defraud, three counts of grand theft, and fraudulent use of a credit card.

A victim on Millstream Drive that saw that article called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to report he had contacted Kodiak Fence Company to replace a privacy fence. He stated he provided Brown with his credit card number in June for the $2,325 repair with the understanding that work was to be completed within three days. With no work on communication from Brown, the victim canceled the credit card transaction.

Brown told the victim that he had been sick, but would complete the work, according to an arrest report. On June 24, the victim wrote a $2,025 check that was soon cashed, the report continues.

On July 18, the victim asked for a refund  because work had not been completed.

When deputies arrived at  the victim’s home, he showed them a previous article about Brown, telling deputies that the mugshot in the article was the man he had met with on two occasions after the fence.

Brown is also facing a new accusation involving a company on Ely Road.

The company had been selling materials to him for other jobs for about three years, and they also hired him for $5,000 to repair their fence, the Sheriff’s Office said. Brown also wrote three bad checks to the company for material that totaled $8,277 according to records.

The victim stated he contacted Brown and only received text messages from Brown claiming that he was in the ICU following an accident. The victim stated the last time he tried to contact Brown, the number had been disconnected.


11 Responses to “More Charges For Man Accused Of Scamming Homeowners For Fences That Were Never Built”

  1. Mary Ann Taylor on August 31st, 2022 4:02 pm

    Sondra Thompson — I am glad you are one of the few that Cody Brown came through for. He has been arrested several times in the past for fraud and swindle. He does not give receipts or invoices for most of his work. For my $8000 job I got a receipt for a total of $900! I wonder why. Had to go to the BBB for him to complete my job. He did not give me the promised warranty bc it was not his to give! Scammer. Glad you did OK.

  2. Bill T on August 22nd, 2022 10:00 pm

    Mr pretend to build a fence how would you like it if people lied to you the way you lied to them!!!! And then take your money too!!! This is a prime example of greed and stupidity!!!! More stupidity than greed either way you are gonna learn a good lesson you won’t forget for a long time !!! DONT LIE CHEAT OR STEAL!!!!!

  3. D.B. on August 20th, 2022 2:16 pm

    How many times are they gonna let him bail out. And screw other people.

  4. bob c on August 20th, 2022 8:32 am

    Cody needs some time INSIDE a compound where the fences are High and topped with razor wire so he can contemplate how his actions have put other good citizens in financial and emotional distress.
    There are MANY Hardworking, Honest, Reliable contractors in our area, thankfully.

  5. Kevin on August 19th, 2022 11:44 pm

    I’ve known Cody Brown for about three years. He was and is a shyster. His good manners are an act to make creditors and customers let their gard down. I know of at least one business that let him get deep in debt, but after about a year finally got their money. Many of his customers had to fight with him to do the agreed upon fence jobs. I had to fire his workers and do the job myself after they did horrible work. He’s a fast talker and never does the work himself. When he hired people that knew what they were doing, he wouldn’t pay them , or they had to hunt him down to get it. Once they quit Cody couldn’t even do the work, because he was too lazy. So, Yes. He is a 100% SCAMMER!

  6. Bobby on August 19th, 2022 9:12 pm

    He’s a swindler!!! Hopefully he’ll get what he deserves!!

  7. Js on August 19th, 2022 5:23 pm

    @M in Bratt you are so spot on….he is not a victim but he sure made others a sad but Victims he knew he wasn’t gonna do the work he should be charged with elderly abuse because of fraud I sure hope he gets what he deserves because there is truly honest people out there that need the work and because of people like him its sad no one can trust anymore. It’s sad what this world has come to

  8. Chez on August 19th, 2022 2:16 pm

    Cody Brown has finally been caught at his game, thank God. Nice and respectful is nothing but a front. Cody has caused many people from Escambia and Santa Rosa county plenty of heartache due to his DISHONESTY. First of all, real honest businessmen don’t require the customer to pay upfront; that’s the first RED FLAG. Only CROOKS want full payment upfront. Cody is no victim of “our terrible economy.” Apparently Cody has a Jekyll & Hyde personality, which is dangerous. So yeah I also feel sorry for ALL the people Cody scammed. His habit was intentional indeed; you think he got those funds upfront and then FORGOT to go complete the job? Cody has ruined his own life. The state of the economy has absolutely nothing to do with Cody choosing to be a SCAMMER.

  9. Chez on August 19th, 2022 1:41 pm

    I just had to respond to “Sondra Thompson.” First of all Cody is a far, far shot from being an angel. He is a crook and he’s been caught, thank God. Ms. Thompson is great that Cody came thru for you but he has caused plenty of people to be very dissatisfied with his work ethic and integrity; all of which has absolutely nothing to do with the

  10. M in Bratt on August 19th, 2022 1:13 pm

    @Sondra; Cody is not a victim of anything except his own greed and stupidity. I am sure his victims appreciate your character reference though.

  11. Sondra Thompson on August 19th, 2022 10:54 am

    This article really saddens me. I met Cody last summer when he was installing a neighbor’s privacy fence. He is such a nice respectful young man with a great attitude. He did a wonderful job installing my privacy fence, and even came back earlier this summer to finish the part that had to wait until our pool was installed. He did a great job finishing our fence and gate. We paid him the full amount up front (even for the part he finished a year later), and had no trouble getting him to come back out when we needed him. Its been difficult to survive these past few years for many small businesses, and I feel horrible for the people that are out money and didn’t get there fences or work done. I can’t help but feel that Cody Brown is another victim of our terrible economy. With the work ethic and integrity I saw, it’s just hard to believe any of this was intentional on his part. So many lives have been ruined because of the current state of our economy.