Molino Woman Charged With Burglary, Battery

August 18, 2022

A Cantonment woman allegedly forced her way into a local home after knocking on the door.

Christine Elizabeth Haynes, 42, is facing charges of first degree felony burglary with a battery and misdemeanor battery causing bodily harm.

Haynes allegedly knocked on a door, punched an adult female resident in the eye, and forced her way into the home. Haynes’ biological child resides in the home, but she does not have custody, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report said.

Deputies said Haynes attempted to open the child’s room door, but it was locked. The adult female retrieved a firearm, and Haynes left the residence.

The adult female suffered bruising and swelling on her right eye and also had scratches on her neck, chest and arms, deputies said.

Haynes was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $27,500 bond


6 Responses to “Molino Woman Charged With Burglary, Battery”

  1. Jr on August 20th, 2022 7:01 am

    Them drugs will make people do crazy things in desperate times. Prayers for the homeowner and child. There’s a good reason this one doesn’t have/deserve to be in the custody of a child. She’s very lucky the homeowner didn’t stop her permanently. Tom many are doing things like this without a care in the world of the consequences of their actions…a DOPED OUT PERSON is not only a threat to themselves but to everyone around them.

  2. Old friend on August 18th, 2022 3:18 pm

    So very sad to see this. Christie and I started kindergarten together and went to school together all the way to graduation. We were closer at different points like most kids growing up together. Back then she was always so sweet. I haven’t really spoken to her in the 20 plus years since graduation but I’m saddened to see this. I hope everyone involved gets the help they need.

  3. Bill T on August 18th, 2022 9:14 am

    I hear ya knocking but ya can’t come in !!!!!let the song guide you in the right direction!!!

  4. fisherman on August 18th, 2022 8:33 am

    Wondering who paid her bail. People like seems to always bail out. She’s lucky the home owner didn’t shoot her. Maybe next time she won’t.

  5. Susie on August 18th, 2022 8:25 am

    Sounds like a very sad situation to me. I pray for both the mother and child.

  6. Single_Dad on August 18th, 2022 7:47 am

    Pretty much guarantees zero visitation and custody at the next hearing. Congrats!