Florida Gas Prices Drop 14 Cents On Average Over The Last Week

August 15, 2022

Florida gas prices dropped another 14 cents per gallon, last week. The state average has now declined for nine consecutive weeks, falling a total of $1.24 per gallon since mid-June.

Florida drivers are now paying an average price of $3.65 per gallon. That’s the lowest daily average since March 3, 2022.

In Escambia County, the average price per gallon was $3.57. The low price Sunday night in North Escambia was $3.43 at stations on Highway 29 in Cantonment. In Pensacola, a low of $3.23 could be found at the warehouse clubs, $3.26 on Nine Mile Road.

“The state average should continue moving lower, likely slipping into the $3.50s by the end of the week,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Oil and gasoline futures regained some strength last week, as analysts believe that falling fuel prices will encourage consumers to drive more.”


4 Responses to “Florida Gas Prices Drop 14 Cents On Average Over The Last Week”

  1. Denny on August 16th, 2022 1:12 pm

    ensley boy, since 2020 the us oil industry exports more oil than is imported. The companies do this to make greater profits overseas than selling it here. Thank them the next time you’re at the pump.

  2. Floridian on August 16th, 2022 12:39 pm

    Gas corporations love it when people blame politicians for gas prices while they’re raking in record profits.

  3. DoubleD on August 15th, 2022 9:46 pm

    Sure gas prices are coming down. Don’t get so excited though. It’s only because there’s an election coming up. Think about it. It takes only the slightest thing to happen and gas prices go up – fast! Then, when you’ve gotten really fed up, they drop – gradually. Today down 1 cent, tomorrow maybe another cent, 3 days later, 2 cents. That’s what it has been like in the past. This time they went too far too fast and realized folks were to say the least, furious. So prices are coming down a little faster. Early voting has begun in Florida. I dislike both major political parties but the one that starts with a D will never do anything but lower your standard of living. Both major parties look out for government first, citizen second. Power is all that matters to politicians. Partisanship just makes it easier for the politicians. They don’t have to negotiate with the other side and we pay the price.

  4. ensley boy on August 15th, 2022 8:43 am

    When Biden stops his raid on the strategic oil reserve, prices will go back up. Inflation is not going down until energy is produced in America. The oil will have to be replaced later.