Florida Gas Prices Decline For 10th Straight Week, AAA Says

August 22, 2022

Florida gas prices fell an average 11 cents per gallon last week. The state average has now declined for 10 consecutive weeks, dropping a total of $1.36 per gallon since mid-June.

Sunday’s state average price for gasoline was $3.54 per gallon. That’s the lowest daily average price since March 1.

The average in Escambia County was $3.46. Sunday night, a North Escambia low of  $3.26 on Highway 29 in Cantonment, while a low price of $3.21 a gallon could be found in Pensacola.

“Gas prices are still falling, but not quite as fast as they did in recent weeks,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “The state average was previously declining at a rate of 15-17 cents per week. Last week, however, the state average dropped 11 cents. This could be a sign that pump prices could soon begin to level out. Oil prices are currently trading at levels we saw in February, before Russia invaded Ukraine. During that time, the state average was in the $3.40s, which could be where pump prices eventually plateau.”


14 Responses to “Florida Gas Prices Decline For 10th Straight Week, AAA Says”

  1. Nick on August 25th, 2022 3:47 am

    O.P.E.C controls how much oil they are willing to drill and sell for most of the world. For those blaming politics and the President that’s ridiculous, Heck Europe is paying more just like most of the world. This slowly started with the Russians cutting off oil and gas from Europe which of coarse caused a rise in demand and thus prices, It’s not rocket science.

  2. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2022 10:50 pm

    “Thanks, could you send me sources on the US rad waste recycling? I cannot find where our nation is doing this vs EU nations.”

    Nope. Last I heard we were not doing it. Thus we call waste that which still has most of its fuel. As you pointed out, France recycles, so it is not like we can’t but that we aren’t.

    I do not want the future to be just like the present; that is the path to destruction.

    “I’m certain you are aware of the devastation at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in WA.
    I spent many years in the Pacific North West and this one site has caused ecological damage that may not be restored. As of June 2022 they are still pouring concrete at this site! So, like the opposite of “green” right?”

    Use of a tool does not require misuse of that tool. Once you have learned what causes problems, you are not required to continue doing it. Much of Hanford, as I recall, was carelessness and poor record-keeping:
    “What’s in this tank?”
    “Beats me.”
    “Then let’s dump it.”

    That kind of thing. Certain people would have stolen the records (djt for example) so you have to be careful not to do it again. It is a matter of education, dedication, sanity — which we always need to insist on.

    “Even the most of hard leftist must see that there are powers that be that can and do manipulate political situations”

    I can’t speak for leftists, but only the paranoid can not tell the difference between taking advantage of a situation and CAUSING every situation. You would need a mechanism and motivation. (means, motive, opportunity?) You can wildly assume they exist but not be taken seriously other than by True Believers who have already decided unless you can show how and why by whom. Hasn’t been done. Why would Texas oil companies try to shore up Biden? Louisiana? Oklahoma? Pennsylvania? California? British? How would they collude?

    David for rationality — we’ve tried the other

  3. FL native Dave on August 23rd, 2022 7:44 pm

    @ David Green-

    Thanks, could you send me sources on the US rad waste recycling? I cannot find where our nation is doing this vs EU nations.
    I recall there being a huge push back on shipping rad waste to Nevada on rail to be stored in the salt mines (I believe Harry Reid was minority leader and this was his complaint).

    From: the US Government Accountability Office website:

    The nation has over 85,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear power plants. DOE is responsible for disposing of this high-level waste in a permanent geologic repository, but has yet to build such a facility because policymakers have been at an impasse over what to do with this spent fuel since 2010. As a result, the amount of spent nuclear fuel stored at nuclear power plants across the country continues to grow by about 2,000 metric tons a year. Meanwhile, the federal government has paid billions of dollars in damages to utilities for failing to dispose of this waste and may potentially have to pay tens of billions of dollars more in coming decades. If Congress were to authorize a new consent-based process for siting a repository, it could help break the impasse over a permanent solution for commercial spent nuclear fuel.

    I’m certain you are aware of the devastation at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in WA.
    I spent many years in the Pacific North West and this one site has caused ecological damage that may not be restored. As of June 2022 they are still pouring concrete at this site! So, like the opposite of “green” right?

    We will also disagree on Coincidence vs Paranoia… (In politics)
    Even the most of hard leftist must see that there are powers that be that can and do manipulate political situations and sell “Media spam” them as coincidences.
    I’m sure about 90% of the people reading this would agree.

    Thanks again David!

  4. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2022 9:37 am

    “the current oil rig count growing (599 for Aug) but you do realize that that count was 877 Jan 2019″

    …and that it had dropped to 677 by December 27 of that year, continued dropping down to 172 by August 14, 2020, started rising afterward.


    My point was that hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico have little effect on oil rigs on land, say in North Dakota and that current production is not tied to current drilling.

    “The push/force to “green energy” is apparent with this admin, they literally ran on this for their platform.”

    Yes. They want to switch to energy sources which do not pollute the air, hold us hostage to Islamic states or imperialists like Putin, risk flooding Florida via climatic changes. President Biden knows an instant switch-over is not possible but is needed as soon as feasible. That is why nuclear holds so much promise.

    “Nuclear is a great option, given they find a place to store the rad waste.”

    Don’t store it. Burn it up in reactors. Neutrons are competent atom smashers and give more energy in the process.

    “there are no coincidences in politics ever, there are just too many to count as of late”

    Coincidence: a situation in which things happen at the same time without planning. The alternative is to believe someone somewhere has the power and is able to plan and control every event everywhere all the time (also known as paranoia). Please reconsider.

    David for sanity — even if I lack it

  5. Josh Jones on August 23rd, 2022 9:08 am


    “Just another Biden failure , he gave China our gas reserves ; crooked failure !”

    But it was okay when the Trump administration sold oil from the U.S. strategic reserves to China’s largest oil producer in 2017?

  6. Steven on August 23rd, 2022 12:24 am

    Just another Biden failure , he gave China our gas reserves ; crooked failure !

  7. FL native Dave on August 22nd, 2022 11:39 pm

    @ David Green-
    You are correct with the current oil rig count growing (599 for Aug) but you do realize that that count was 877 Jan 2019.. Things slowed after this obviously but the rate of growth has not progressed back to these levels and probably will not. The push/force to “green energy” is apparent with this admin, they literally ran on this for their platform.
    Nuclear is a great option, given they find a a place to store the rad waste. Even if they can fill a salt mine in NV safely, there is no way this admin will consider this energy part of the “green” plan. We all know this already though, and @ Plain County- there are no coincidences in politics ever, there are just too many to count as of late

  8. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2022 8:13 pm

    “I look to see them go way back up to around $8 gallon ? the reason will be the oil rigs will have to shut down for the threat of hurricanes”

    A number pulled straight from the terminus of the digestive system.

    Production platforms? Maybe.
    Drilling rigs? No.
    They drill the holes reaching the hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs, porous rocks with petroleum and/or natural gas. After that, the hole is cased off and production installed and flow lines to production facilities.

    “The oil rig count is currently 599 rigs, compared to 594 one month ago and 387 one year ago. The gas rig count is 155, compared to 157 one month ago and 104 last July.”

    Louisiana South (land & offshore): 15 rigs. 15 out of 599 at most ain’t agonna do it.

    Most are drilling onshore, into established hydrocarbon-bearing shales.


    “Prices start dropping JUST in time for the ELECTION!!!!!!! what a coincidence!!!!!!”

    It is interesting anyone believes the silliness that oil companies support Democrats over Republicans. It’s like they live in their own little world. Oh well. they seem happy there.

    David for nuclear power

  9. LML on August 22nd, 2022 1:49 pm

    @dubz ,, I won’t thank that clown or his whole clown show for anything !

  10. Plain Country on August 22nd, 2022 1:35 pm

    Prices start dropping JUST in time for the ELECTION!!!!!!! what a coincidence!!!!!!

  11. dubz on August 22nd, 2022 8:08 am

    Thanks Joe!
    Some folks want it for free.

  12. SW on August 22nd, 2022 7:33 am

    Still almost twice as high as two years ago.

  13. concerned on August 22nd, 2022 6:21 am

    well yes most agree gas prices are very high even as they so call came back down? however I look to see them go way back up to around $8 gallon ? the reason will be the oil rigs will have to shut down for the threat of hurricanes and I look to see this become a on going problem as we are getting a late start with the hurricane season. I’m old school and I honestly believe the earth has shifted meaning extreme bitter cold winter so look for everything else to go even higher in prices and criss your fingers a war dissent break out between u.s.a. — and — Russia the old draft might come back real fast. – end of story.

  14. Master Mechanic on August 22nd, 2022 5:39 am

    Still too EXPENSIVE