Century Council Gets First Look At Proposed Budget, And It’s $51K In The Black

August 9, 2022

The Century Town Council got their first look Monday evening at the town’s proposed budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year that begins October 1.

Noticeably absent from the budget is any project income from the Capital Trust Agency.  As we were first to report last week, Century will no longer receive any income from the CTA as it was organized into another agency that did not include Century as a partner.

Century’s budget for the current fiscal year ending September 30 projected $200,000 in income for CTA. According to a recent financial report, the town had realized $264,841.09 this fiscal year. For the new budget, the estimated income is zero.

RELATED: Century Loses Bond Agency Deal That’s Made Them $1.8 Million By Approving Nearly $4 Billion In Projects

According to the town’s accountant, the proposed budget still projects $51,000 more in income than expenses.

Having seen the proposed budget for the first time Monday, the council will hold another workshop as the budgeting process continues.

Pictured: A Monday evening Century budget workshop with council members (L-R) Sandra McMurray-Jackson, Dynette Lewis, and James Smith, Jr. Council member Leonard White joined mid-meeting by phone. Council President Luis Gomez, Jr. was absent due to a death in the family, according to the town clerk. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Century Council Gets First Look At Proposed Budget, And It’s $51K In The Black”

  1. Philip on August 12th, 2022 4:15 am

    Well, that’s good news for Century.

  2. Reaident on August 11th, 2022 6:34 am

    51k century “hold my beer”

  3. retired on August 9th, 2022 5:38 pm

    Maybe I can get in line for a loooooong term loan???????

  4. Well on August 9th, 2022 5:13 pm

    Century has gotten by for many years.
    They’ll get by next year also.

  5. Citizen on August 9th, 2022 4:29 pm

    The answer would be no.

  6. RaD on August 9th, 2022 3:44 pm

    They could use some of it to put a binding referendum on the November ballot and ask the citizens if they would like to return to county rule.

  7. Citizen on August 9th, 2022 3:11 pm

    The county spent the money for the roof, although, I do like the new word you coined there, Jack.

  8. Citizen on August 9th, 2022 2:52 pm

    Look, no doubt there is incompetence and ignorance. If the town is dissolved what would happen with street lights, water sewer for the residents. It is to our advantage to remain incorporated.
    The interim manager was probably somehow involved with CTA to keep Century viable and the council by council president Gomez actions toward the manager and also he committee’s inability to even get a change on the charter to the ballot may have shown him the handwriting on the wall. I’m not so sure it would be to our advantage to change the charter and have let Gulf Breeze interests in anyway.
    CTA seems a bit shady, especially after the arrest of the principal but they seemed to have enough gumption to overcome that. No wonder they negotiated with Quincy. That’s on the council and the CATF.

    Not sure what will happen if 2 more council members aren’t appointed.

    We are too old, and taking care of elder parents and can’t serve and if there arent enough younger more will able bodied people to step up the that is just the way it is.
    One of the new D2 candidates, Kohler is calling for consolidation with Pensacola which could double our property tax.

    I don’t know why Century doesn’t divest the gas department like the Grand Jury recommend, especially while for a minute in time it was viable.

    Anyway. A tab in the black is good news.

    Keep the water running in and out and garbage picked up.

  9. Jason on August 9th, 2022 2:49 pm

    At Jack —- the $311,710 roof was paid for out of the Escambia County Budget and not by the Town of Century.

    The second line in the article regarding the new roof, reads as follows: “Earlier this year, the Escambia County Commission approved a $311,710 contract with Centennial Roofing for the project”.

  10. sam on August 9th, 2022 2:30 pm

    would still like a fire hydrant near my home. would drop my homeowners insurance. also my neighbors homes. look around town there are many places needing hydrants

  11. William Reynolds on August 9th, 2022 1:36 pm

    “Be alot more if they hadn’t spent 311 thousand for a roof redickless”

    They didn’t spend $311K on a roof. The Century courthouse roof is paid for by Escambia County because it is a county building. The town has nothing to do with the courthouse.

  12. Jack on August 9th, 2022 1:34 pm

    Be alot more if they hadn’t spent 311 thousand for a roof redickless

  13. new to Century on August 9th, 2022 12:50 pm

    I am hoping the council knows this is only a $4250 per/mo surplus. From what I have read the Gas Department over spends more than that every month.

    Maybe instead of increasing the budget this year there can be an account set up for future tangible assets costs.

    One area I see Century failing in lately is there is no vision for the future of Century. It seems all they do is put out fires. No planning for the future. Everything looks like or actually is a crisis. Let this be the seed money for the future of Century. Just an idea.

  14. Fence Jumper on August 9th, 2022 9:18 am

    Does this mean we don’t get another fireworks show this year?

  15. tg on August 9th, 2022 8:51 am

    They all look at each other and say How Quick Can We Spend This!

  16. Chris on August 9th, 2022 7:59 am

    I’m sure that 51k surplus will vanish quickly if Century is involved.