Teen Accidently Shot Himself At Dogwood Park Home, ECSO Says

July 6, 2022

A 17-year accidently shot himself in the leg early Wednesday morning in Dogwood Park, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The teen was at a party on Chaudron Road when he attempted to remove a gun from his pants pocket and it discharged, according to ECSO Sgt. Melony Peterson.

Someone drove the teen north on Highway 97 to the Walnut Hill Fire Station where an ambulance was stationed about 4:45 a.m.. He was transported by Escambia County EMS to a Pensacola hospital. He is expected to make a full recovery.

Peterson said it was unclear why the teen had the gun, but no disturbance was reported at the Chaudron Road home.

NorthhEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Teen Accidently Shot Himself At Dogwood Park Home, ECSO Says”

  1. Anonymous 32 on July 12th, 2022 9:43 pm

    I’m glad the guy is ok

  2. Anonymous 32 on July 12th, 2022 9:43 pm

    SMH kid’s thinking they can handle anything. Believing they are mature enough to hold a gun cause they raise themselves & all grownup” Kid’s can get a gun so easily today. 15y.o kid’s with a hand gun & stolen car. I told kid to put the gun in his pocket around me cause the 1 & only time I held a gun sitting at the kitchen table, my niece was about 3y.o I held it not noticing she was around at all & she took grabbed the other end & pointed it to her face & I panicked and moved it from her face and never touched a gun since.

  3. STEPH on July 7th, 2022 9:29 am

    @David Huie Green.. Well said Sir!

  4. Josh Jones on July 6th, 2022 2:27 pm

    Unlawful possession by a minor is a First-Degree Misdemeanor under Florida law, and a conviction could lead to a year in jail plus a maximum fine of $1,000.

  5. David Huie Green on July 6th, 2022 11:39 am

    Never point a gun — or allow a gun to be pointed — at anything you do not intend to kill.
    Remember, you may miss; consider what or who you may hit instead or as well.
    Remember things and people get in the way and be hit instead or as well.
    Remember, bullets don’t stop as soon as they hit something behind the main target.
    The body part or life you save may be your own — or mine.

    I hope the kid’s okay.

    David for uninterrupted parties

  6. spyderlady on July 6th, 2022 11:39 am

    Why was a seventeen year old at a party with a gun..and where were his parents.

  7. Grandma on July 6th, 2022 10:10 am

    Whose gun? Parents’ ? Was it secured as it should have been? How did the teen access a gun? Did he buy it; borrow it; or steal it? Seventeen has a still developing frontal lobe and adults responsible for him have a lot of answering to do.

  8. Jeff Sears on July 6th, 2022 9:57 am

    Hopefully he will have warrants waiting for him when he is released from the hospital. These young rebellious law breakers who think they are grown enough to have a gun need to face the consequences of their actions. This is not Los Angeles, New York or San Francisco! Need to start putting these types in jail! I’m going to predict the future here…. the state attorney will give this fella a laughable sentence then he will end up somehow with a gun again and injure or kill someone else and we will see it on the news.

  9. Bill T on July 6th, 2022 9:30 am

    Gun in his pants!!!! Tells me he had no reason or should I say good reason to have the gun in the first place!!! Charges should be filed!! Kinda stupid ain’t it !!! Very lucky he didn’t shoot his privates off !! Guns are not toys !!!!

  10. Jcellops on July 6th, 2022 9:17 am

    And, the parents knew the underage teen was out partying at that time of morning?? Guess they know now- BIG time! Wish the address was included. I know a lot of folks on that road.

  11. Wow on July 6th, 2022 9:12 am

    Okay first off, why does a 17 year old have a CONCEALED gun? Secondly why did he have a gun at a party, and thirdly why was he trying to remove said gun… AT A PARTY? I agree with Susie and I’m just glad this kid didn’t end up shooting himself in the femoral artery or someone else, so many questions about this.

    Also if you’re reading this kid, guns don’t just shoot, learn basic firearm safety and handling.

  12. Susie on July 6th, 2022 8:28 am

    Parties and guns don’t mix. He’s going to have to tell Deputies exactly why he had the gun in the first place and he better take a moment to thank God he didn’t kill himself or someone else. I’m sure there will be charges and rightly so!