‘Stupid Mistake’ — Motorcyclist Charged With Fleeing From Traffic Stop In Cantonment

July 15, 2022

A motorcyclist has been charged with fleeing from a traffic stop in Cantonment.

Brandon Martin Spivey, 34,  was charged with fleeing and eluding an officer in a marked patrol vehicle with lights and sirens activated, and knowingly operating a motor vehicle with a suspended driver’s license.

Earlier this week, an Escambia County deputy was behind a blue motorcycle with no license plate on Jacks Branch Road near Green Tree Circle. The deputy activated the emergency lights on his marked patrol vehicle as the motorcycle turned onto Green Tree.

Spivey accelerated, coming back out onto Jacks Branch Road and turned down Fargo Road as the deputy followed, according to an arrest report. The deputy was able to follow the tire tracks on Fargo Road to locate the motorcycle behind a house. When backup arrived, the deputy knocked on the front door. Spivey immediately walked out and and was taken into custody.

“Spivey was apologetic and said he made a stupid mistake,” the arresting officer wrote in his report.

He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $1,500 bond.


10 Responses to “‘Stupid Mistake’ — Motorcyclist Charged With Fleeing From Traffic Stop In Cantonment”

  1. Jeff on July 18th, 2022 1:47 am

    Okay well there is a good way to put it and a bad way and I have only read negative here. So here is my take. Someone said something about dui drivers now it is a proven fact that most drivers around 95% will continue to drive drunk with or without a license while intoxicated you can only lock them up for so long on each offense until they become habitual then the judge can give them a longer vacation or if the kill someone they can get a longer stay the bad thing is we have these attorneys who go into court with these people and get these dui’s dropped down to wreckers driving charges and these people don’t learn just pay a little fine maybe probation suspended license for short time and do it again our judicial system has gotten soft on so many things and we have allowed it to use to be do a crime do the time. Okay enough on that.
    Now for the other part I read for the people who get their license suspended for back child support the is a tricky and stupid thing I could see a partial suspension with limited rules where you can only drive for business reason for your job coming and going not to go hang out with buddies or just to drive to mall no because how are you supposed to be able to pay child support if you can’t get to work how are you going to make money not everyone can work from home.

  2. uncle rico on July 16th, 2022 9:23 pm

    made a mistake,owned up to it,on his way of becoming a man.

  3. Bill T on July 15th, 2022 7:36 pm

    @CB: sounds like you did a lot of crazy crap too !!! The idea is to teach youngsters not to do crazy crap !!!! Not to undermine what older people did yesteryear!!!!nobody is perfect including YOU !!! Maybe he leaned something and I hope you did too !!!!

  4. CB on July 15th, 2022 5:30 pm

    Sure are alot of comments here from people who act like they were angels there entire lives

  5. Soobee on July 15th, 2022 4:55 pm

    @Charlotte R Bates

    I see your reasoning for keeping some in jail, however, many people are losing their license over unpaid or back child support. Also, the cost to get the license back is outrageous for something like that. If they are not working, they cannot get caught up and show good intentions to pay for their child(ren). Furthermore, if it’s a one time screw up for reckless driving, impaired driving, etc. the fines MUST be paid. Again, without the opportunity to earn wages, those fines will not be paid.

    I don’t know what the overall answer is but one size does not fit all.

  6. Captain Willard on July 15th, 2022 12:59 pm

    I always was taught that the word is reckless Charlotte. Can you please renumerate so forth? An expired operator’s lic. is not the same as a revoked one.

  7. James on July 15th, 2022 12:17 pm

    @Charlotte I’m all for strict punishment for criminal behavior, but your suggestion is a very slippery slope. You are assuming the majority of license offenders will repeat. You’re advocating punishing someone in what they may do in the future, not their actual act. So now someone with a first time minor drug offense is jailed on the assumption he will repeat. Someone who runs a stop sign or speeds automatically has her license suspended because she did it once so she’ll certainly do it again, and then is sentenced to jail based on your assertion that all suspensions should warrant jail time. This may seem absurd, but the law is often very literal and your precedence could easily lead to these absurd penalties. Though our judicial system is screwed up in so many ways, the two resounding facts that a person is innocent until proven guilty and a person can’t be prosecuted for a crime he hasn’t committed are what make our judicial system unique from many other countries. Your proposal is exactly what red flag laws are endorsing – punishing someone based on someone else’s opinion of what they may do, not an actual act.

  8. steve on July 15th, 2022 10:37 am

    No that hair is a mistake, but running from the police is CRIMINAL..
    Fix your life a little at a time with small goals each day.
    Start easy with just making your bed then getting a haircut.

  9. Charlotte R Bates on July 15th, 2022 10:12 am

    Just my opinion, but I am sure I’ll get a lot of flap for saying this, but if for any reason you lose your license, be it drunk driving, wreck less driving, and so forth, and you lose your license, say for six months, a year, and so forth, then that person should be in jail for the duration of the time they lose their license. Especially drunk drivers. Why? Because nine times out of ten, people that lose their license will drive again without their license. Save a life, keep them in jail. No license, no bail, and stays in jail. JMO.

  10. Bill T on July 15th, 2022 8:30 am

    Now this is a perfect example of you guessed it STUPIDITY!!!!! How is that working out for ya!!!!!!!!!