Gas Prices Slide 15 Cents On Average Last Week In Florida

July 11, 2022

Florida gas prices dropped 15 cents per gallon last week. The state average has now declined for four consecutive weeks, falling a total of 47 cents during that time.

Drivers are now paying an average price of $4.42 per gallon, though Florida residents in some regions are paying less than $4.20 a gallon. The state average is now at a 2-month low. On average, it now costs $66 to fill a 15-gallon tank. That’s $7 less than when prices were at record-levels in mid June.

The average price per gallon in Escambia County is $4.35. In North Escambia, the low price Sunday night was $4.28 on Muscogee Road. In Pensacola, the warehouse clubs were at $3.95 as one station on Nine Mile Road.

“Floridians are getting some welcome relief from record high prices at the pump,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “The price declines are attributed to falling oil and gasoline futures prices, which suffered steep drops in recent weeks, due to concerns about a potential global economic recession, and how that could result in lower worldwide demand for fuel. However, there is still concerns about global fuel supplies, which is keeping somewhat of a floor on prices. Unless there’s a sudden rebound in the price of oil, the state average should drop below $4.30 this week.”


8 Responses to “Gas Prices Slide 15 Cents On Average Last Week In Florida”

  1. David Huie Green on July 13th, 2022 3:14 am

    “Biden has opted to sell China large quantities of our strategic oil reserve. It is questionable as to the legality of this maneuver, but that’s another topic.”

    According to snopes:
    “Once this oil was “released,” it went up for auction for energy companies to purchase, and once the oil was purchased, it was shipped around the globe. Among several countries that received the shipments was China. But industry experts noted that this was not unusual; The United States often exports oil to that country, or overseas in general. Also, under federal laws, the government cannot dictate where oil gets shipped once companies purchase it. ”

    So the questionable legality would be if it did not go to the highest bidder.

    According to my buddy, Wiki: “The U.S. Department of Energy has run seven sales since 2017, selling more than 132 million barrels, or about 18.2% of what had been in the reserve.” You can think of who was president when these sales took place.
    (Hint, Biden took office late January 2021.)

    The other parts are true, though. By committing to going to non fossil fuels exploration and development decreased while the intended replacements have yet to be built.

    David for nuclear power

  2. David Huie Green on July 13th, 2022 2:31 am

    That was kinda the point. Yet people get credit or blame anyway.

  3. np630ss on July 13th, 2022 12:11 am

    @Lee – it is true that the president does not directly control gas prices. However his economic policies carry considerable weight in the influence of gas prices. For example – Biden has opted to sell China large quantities of our strategic oil reserve. It is questionable as to the legality of this maneuver, but that’s another topic. By doing so, he eased world oil demand and the price fell accordingly. IMO – a better move would have been to stop hindering domestic energy production. The Fallacy of electric cars, solar and renewable energy can not make up the difference of the fossil fuel suppression. The stress of green energy on our existing power grid is a recipe for collapse.

  4. Lee on July 12th, 2022 4:19 pm

    @tc – Lowering gas prices would help Biden’s poll numbers. So, why doesn’t he do it??? Because a president does NOT control gas prices.

  5. David Huie Green on July 12th, 2022 8:28 am

    “people that blame the president when gas prices go up are strangely quiet when prices go down.”

    The (fill in the blank) is responsible for all bad things. Good things happen despite (fill in the blank) or are not as good as they would have been otherwise because of (fill in the blank).

    The name in the blank can be a despised person, group, or organization. Control over the good or bad thing is not required. Sometimes the accusation is valid, but this is not necessary.

    David for better (fill in the blank)

  6. tc on July 12th, 2022 7:51 am

    gas prices going down?? really Bob ? Gas prices are still at record highs & yes your prez shares some responsibility for that..

  7. Bob on July 11th, 2022 9:35 pm

    Funny how the people that blame the president when gas prices go up are strangely quiet when prices go down.

  8. concerned on July 11th, 2022 4:35 am

    looks like many have been doing car pool ? I’ve noticed alot of people in one car rather than one or two. I’ve noticed things at stores have been sitting on the shelf for awhile you can wipe the dust off the product. with it being hurricane season gas prices will rebound at its highest levels. I honestly worry about those who moved here and has never been threw a.major hurricane . I look to see power go out in so many areas and people sitting in cars trying to stay cool then run out of gas. oil rigs shut down during hurricanes. I’m afraid we are about to fall on extreme hard times. to many living on the coastline.