FavorHouse Names New Executive Director

July 15, 2022

Tracie Hodson has been named the new executive director of FavorHouse of Northwest Florida.

Hodson will manage all day-to-day operations for the only certified domestic violence center in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.. She will also lead the organization’s fundraising, marketing, and community engagement initiatives.

Hodson joins FavorHouse with over 22 years of experience in nonprofit management and fundraising. She has a rich history of serving children, families, and survivors of intimate partner abuse including 10 years as the executive director for a domestic violence service provider in Indiana.

“I am both humbled and excited for the opportunity to serve as FavorHouse’s executive director,” said Hodson. “Being a voice for those who have lost their voice due to abuse is a calling! I look forward to working with the board, staff and community Stakeholders to build upon FavorHouse’s foundation of excellence as we strengthen and grow the organization for the benefit of the people we serve and the community as a whole. Intimate partner violence can happen to anyone. We want to make sure they know FavorHouse stands ready to support survivors in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.”


One Response to “FavorHouse Names New Executive Director”

  1. Anna on July 16th, 2022 3:29 am

    Wow, congratulations. Good luck to her. The Favor House does great work.