Escambia School Board Advances Tax Increase On 3-2 Vote

July 29, 2022

The Escambia County School District voted 3-2 Thursday evening to advance a property tax increase on a recommendation from Superintendent Tim Smith.

On a motion by District 5 member Bill Slayton, the board voted 3-2 to adopt a tentative millage rate that exceeds the rolled-back rate by 7.33%. Kevin Adams and Paul Fetsko cast the dissenting votes.

A lower rolled-back rate is the tax rate that would generate the same amount of property tax revenue as approved for the prior year. The rolled-back rate was calculated at 4.914 mills. A millage rate higher than the rolled-back rate is defined by the State of Florida as a tax increase and must be advertised as such.

The board approved a total tentative millage rate of 5.274. It’s a rate lower than the current year rate of 5.657 mills, but due to rising home values, it will generally cost many taxpayers more.

No member of the public spoke for, or against, the millage rate at Thursday’s meeting.

The board also voted 5-0 to adopt a $810,300,864.75 budget for fiscal year 2022-2023, which begins October 1.


41 Responses to “Escambia School Board Advances Tax Increase On 3-2 Vote”

  1. Referendum on August 3rd, 2022 3:57 pm

    1. The mileage rate is actually lower than now, but rising property and home values are the real culprit. So, the higher price paid on taxes is due to close commodity prices and real estate speculation, demand, and sales. Voting people out of office will not impact that part of market forces.

    2. On the ballot in November: more constitutional amendments exempting certain groups from portions of property taxes. When we vote to exempt one group, everyone else covers the loss. I will not be voting to exempt ANY more groups from paying their fair share. No more tax exemptions for special groups or population segments.

  2. Thetruth on August 2nd, 2022 7:30 pm

    810 million dollar budget….Somebody ask the board how much it cost for their rebranding of the district and name change. Could of slashed that from the budget, but Noooo we needed to pay a firm to come up with a new name and logo for something that doesn’t need to rebrand itself.

  3. Lee on August 1st, 2022 9:08 pm

    @Lu. The State of Florida gives that authority, within certain parameters, to school boards. The applicable Statute is 1011.71 “District school tax”.

  4. Lu on August 1st, 2022 5:58 pm

    Who gave the School board the Power to vote on a property tax increase. This is against the Law & Unconstitutional. My kids are Grown. But the Parents need to take up take up names & call Congressmen or Senators to hold these School board officials accountable. It’s against the Law. It’s suppose to be a Vote from the County voters.

  5. Lee on August 1st, 2022 3:48 pm

    @Jeb. It’s not a buffet. We pay for roads we don’t travel, bridges we don’t cross, fire departments we don’t ever call, etc.

  6. Lee on August 1st, 2022 3:40 pm

    @FMCW. Florida, like all except three or four states, does not give tax credits for homeschooling. There are still tasks that school districts and FDOE perform (testing, record keeping) related to homeschooling, and some homeschooled students participate in sports, band, public schools. So, while some kids might not be sitting in a public school, resources for them are paid by taxpayers.

  7. se on July 31st, 2022 10:12 pm

    Vote School Board Members Laura Edler, Patty Hightower, and Bill Slayton out. They voted for this tax increase during a time of inflation and hard economic times.

    District 3 Laura Elder is on the ballot next month for the district 3 voters… her out.

    District 4 Patty Hightower and District 5 Bill Slayton will not be on the voting ballot till 2024……set a reminder to vote them out.

  8. Bewildered on July 31st, 2022 10:47 am

    Vote this one out – vote that one in. It does not matter. decent people are not running for office anyway, because the elite would not stand for it and stop at nothing to destroy that individual.

  9. FMCW on July 31st, 2022 10:36 am

    Do folks who homeschool, private school etc get a tax break from fundingpublic schools? Disclaimer, I don’t live in Pensacolaanymorebut was wondering, do the residentson PensacolaBeach pay propertytaxes or are they still exempt?,

  10. Jlb on July 31st, 2022 10:25 am

    This is why I voted against an appointed superintendent. Cause now we can’t vote him out. II find that a very dangerous situation when those on the board are the ones who decide who are superintendent is . School board members come and go, some more qualified than others. Just remember when voting time comes many of our members on the school board have been there several years.

  11. Robert Bruner on July 31st, 2022 5:44 am

    Obviously the schools need more money because ya’ll do not understand math. Or reading comprehension. Think about what you are bitching about or run for office and do something about it if you think you are so smart. You are not.

  12. JJ on July 31st, 2022 12:56 am

    Thanks for increasing the Taxes …because we’re not paying enough for electric, gas,groceries,and everything else
    And how bout some pay cuts for all the people voting to raise these taxes…just saying

  13. Cyrus on July 30th, 2022 12:06 pm

    People who are in government’s including local are all crooked. They get voted in with promises, they get the job and it becomes about what they want…not us.
    Politicians are doing what they want,and not reflecting what they promised us.
    Look at whats going on here in the U. S.
    Did any of us vote to have to live like we do today,?
    It dont matter who you vote in..they are in it for themselves.
    Never in my 70 years seen such dishonest liars who dont care about anything but themselves.
    They call it..the new world.
    Who you going to vote in that’s honest…if you give a name you are delusional…
    Good money in politics, our money.

  14. Molino Miss on July 30th, 2022 10:30 am

    Remember at voting time who voted for the tax increase and vote them out.

  15. Beach Boy on July 30th, 2022 10:22 am

    Those who live in District 4 and are fed up with District 4 School Board Member who voted YES for property tax increase…..she is up for re-election in 2024. MARK YOUR CALENDERS. I’m NOT voting for her. Anyone interested…PLEASE consider running. I’m too old or I would run.

  16. Beulahwood on July 30th, 2022 8:55 am

    Absolute craziness! vote vote vote

  17. localbusiness on July 30th, 2022 8:46 am

    No Problem Escambia County, you charge us more we charge you more – as soon as that takes effect, our business with Escambia County will charge a surcharge to Escambia County government and we encourage all businesses that do business with Escambia County to do the same. When Escambia County learns to run its business like a business instead of something that helps out the county commissioners whenever they need, and a school board that can’t even properly educate our children as proven by schools that have FAILED year after year. Your tax increase will not help it will only HURT.

  18. joy on July 30th, 2022 7:14 am

    if they worked on budget like we have to this would not be happening and they were CLOSED during COVID and the gov. returned the millions given from the feds to update the schools–power bills since the HORRIBLE Florida Power took over (supposed to be investigated HAHA) our bills have almost doubled-house insurance OUT OF SIGHT-and NOW car insurance for me $200 more!! WHY? no tickets, no wrecks, no NOTHING-and I was told when they told Fl they they were increasing due to wrecks–THEN CHARGE THE ONES THAT WRECK- not those that haven’t!! Sam’s now charges you$4 to to bring your groceries out AND want you to pay much more for extras???? Walmart – join for free delivery BUT THEY WON’T DELIVER TO MOLINO!!! Freon – way high! these companies are making a fortune off of us and we are going broke!! Going to get another SS raise – WELL that is gone just to keep up!! This rant doesn’t do any good-but I feel better venting!! Have a great weekend

  19. Jack Shelby+ on July 30th, 2022 1:51 am

    Vote them out. Thats what you get when the people voted for a non-elected head of our schools. do not ever give up your right to vote. you will be at the mercy of some one who is appointed. big mistake that happened. Big money talks bull crap walks.

  20. rw on July 29th, 2022 6:23 pm


  21. Jeb on July 29th, 2022 6:20 pm

    Just remember who they are and vote them out, also for those that do not and are not going to have children in the school system, why do we have to pay?

  22. thetruth on July 29th, 2022 4:56 pm

    810 million to operate a school system that has an entire building on Pace blvd full of “administrative employees” and an the Hall Center full of “administrative employees” Yet our test scores are not getting better by taking all of these people and giving them inflated salaries downtown. Ask your elected school board member when is the last time they visited every school that they represent. If anybody not named Fetsko say’s that they visit their schools regularly then they are lying to your face. Fetsko is the only one that visits his schools and answers the phone when teachers and community members reach out. Somebody needs to tell Bill Slayton that Jimmys grill is not one of his schools, so he cant count his lunches there as a campus visit. Slayton makes 41k a year to do absolutely nothing for district 5 or the school district in general. This has nothing to do with elected or appointed superintendent. Malcolm had to answer to the board just like Smith does, this has everything to do with nobody paying attention who they elect to the board. 3 of the 5 board members have never been in a classroom as a teacher or school based administrator for Escambia County, let that sink in.

  23. E on July 29th, 2022 4:53 pm


    Question, why doesn’t the article show who voted in favor. I’d like to push to oust mine if they voted yes! I’ll start with my scouting family, proceed to my kid’s school families, then my hundreds of business contacts, then I’ll add graphics to my truck informing the public. Spread the word. Escambia is is more crooked now then when Jim L was sheriff.

  24. Local enthusiast on July 29th, 2022 3:10 pm

    Always trying to screw the citizens when we already can hardly afford to live and survive as it is smh

  25. Beach Boy on July 29th, 2022 2:57 pm

    We need to “remind them” that “THEY” work for us because we in essence hired them by voting for them. If you don’t do your job as expected from your employer…..what happens? You lose your job for not doing your job as stated in your “position description” or other duties as assigned. They have NOT been doing the duties as expected by Escambia County Residents. So it’s time we hire someone else who WILL.

  26. jm on July 29th, 2022 2:03 pm

    “Serious question, how does a school board have the authority to levy property tax on citizens?”

    My question exactly. Does this at least have to go before the county commission?

  27. Terry on July 29th, 2022 12:17 pm

    Feed all the kids. If you can feed some feed them all. My taxes should include my grand kids school just like the rest..
    As far as raising my taxes I have a good memory when it comes to election day. We the tax layers need to get out and vote the old guard out and also we need an elected Superintendent here we can get rid of them to. A appointed Superintendent is nothing but a yes man and puppet to the school board. Tax payers you need to VOTE VOTEVOTE.

  28. Terry on July 29th, 2022 12:04 pm

    How is you want to raise my taxes. I am retired and live on a fixed income. If you can feed the 44 schools you listed . Why did you leave out the rest. My grand kids go to the schools not getting meals. We live within the schools that are not on the free meals but myself and the grand kids parents are paying for the rest of the county with our property taxes. And know you are going up on us again. If you Feed One Feed Them All. My grand kids are just as good as all the rest.
    We need to remember this come election time. We need a change of the guard for the good of our kids and their education.

  29. TEM on July 29th, 2022 10:54 am

    Bill Slayton has been a Fixture in the ECSB as long as Biden has been one in Washington and both have managed to do Very Little !!

  30. Anne on July 29th, 2022 9:49 am

    Serious answer: No member of the public spoke for or against the tac increase.

  31. ELW on July 29th, 2022 9:38 am

    Vote ‘em OUT!!! It’s only going to get worse. The government only knows how to increase taxes and in the process, line their own pockets. Government leaders go in not so rich and at the end of their terms, they come more wealthier than before they were voted in.

  32. grandparent on July 29th, 2022 9:34 am

    In light of current economic woes, it seems as if a tax hike is grossly uncalled for. I am sure with the school population declining, (more parents looking and finding alternative schooling methods) they could adjust their budget and NOT put more of a burden on landowners/taxpayers! Maybe they could sell some real estate or underused facilities, or “gasp” PAY OUR TEACHERS (well) FOR THE JOB THEY ARE DOING…..

    I’m not holding my breath….

  33. SOUTHERNER on July 29th, 2022 9:30 am

    Vote them out.

  34. KRod on July 29th, 2022 8:48 am

    Taxation without representation…?
    Remember this folks.

  35. Frank Gulsby on July 29th, 2022 8:45 am

    Just remember Billyboy Slayton, we are biding our time to vote you out when your term expires! This is just one more reason you have given us to can you. If you have an ounce of honor, do all of us a favor, don’t run for ANY office in this county ever again!

  36. DLo on July 29th, 2022 8:31 am

    Serious question, how does a school board have the authority to levy property tax on citizens?

  37. Michael on July 29th, 2022 8:11 am

    This is what happens when you have an appointed school superintendent and non partisan board members. Democrats sneak in and raise taxes

  38. Voter on July 29th, 2022 7:36 am

    Vote them OUT!!

  39. area resident on July 29th, 2022 3:42 am

    We are on a tight budget and have already set aside our property tax payment for the year. How much more will we need to pay?

    When I clicked on the detailed budget, there were no details. How much of this increase is going toward higher salaries for execs, pension plans (which most common tax payers don’t have), etc? Aside from tax monies, places such as Publix are asking for you to chip in and help with school expenses. What? I just paid double for my groceries!

    We are also paying for free breakfasts and lunches. What is wrong with people growing some character. Take a shower, get a haircut, put some decent clothes on and get a job. Some of these children need a lot more than breakfast and lunch!

    Also, school board, get back to teaching the basics.

  40. Jason on July 29th, 2022 1:46 am

    School Boards Budget —– $810,300,865.
    Escambia County Budget – $622,979,451.

    A total of $1,433,280,316 — Yep, that $1.433 BILLION tax dollars to run Escambia County. Anyone else feel taxpayers arent getting their moneys worth and we are being pick-pocketed by some overly greedy government leaders who like spending that pot of FREE MONEY taxpayers keep providing year after year?????

  41. SW on July 29th, 2022 1:30 am

    Keep receipts.
    These people should not run opposed.
    Vote ‘em out.