Developer Proposes 400 Single Family Homes In ‘Mathison Subdivision’ Near Molino

July 1, 2022

Development applications have been filed  that could mean 400 single family homes in a new subdivision off Mathison Road near Molino.

The “Mathison Subdivision” is proposed just southwest of the current end of Mathison Road and to the north of the road.

As a three-phase project, a total of 400 single family homes would be constructed on two parcels totaling 133.7 acres.  A portion of the project is partially wooded and has been cleared by a previous developer, according to the application.

The property is owned by Fred Hemmer and Exit 3 Investments of St. Petersburg.

The project is in the staff internal review process before the Escambia Development Review Committee and has not been set for a public meeting. Multiple additional steps in the review and permitting process would be required before any construction could begin, and the developer could choose to never build the project. graphic. May not be to exact scale. Click to enlarge.


58 Responses to “Developer Proposes 400 Single Family Homes In ‘Mathison Subdivision’ Near Molino”

  1. Bob on March 1st, 2023 9:31 am

    Cookie cutter homes, poor quality homes, increase in traffic

  2. Justin on July 7th, 2022 12:54 am

    It’s sad at some point this has to stop y’all are developing farm land and taking away from farmers and American people that have to eat and have clothes on their back idk why theirs a need for that many at one time

  3. Duke of Wawbeek on July 4th, 2022 5:47 am

    @ Chicken Roost; thank you sir.

    I may not be a man of the people, but I am a man for the people!

  4. Melodies4us on July 3rd, 2022 8:46 pm

    Exciting news. I can’t wait to see this !

  5. The Patriot on July 3rd, 2022 10:47 am

    The new business model for home builders is to lease properties in lieu of selling. Interest rates and home prices are driving down first time home buyers that simply cannot afford the 20% down and $2500 monthly payments. Black Rock has been doing this at an alarming rate over the last few years knowing its a win win for them no matter how the economy goes. Take a drive down 9 mile road and you will see the massive HUD housing being built on the backs of property owners. Look in Beulah where large subdivisions have now gone from sale to lease. You keep voting in these good ole boys and let the planning and zoning bord/building departments go un bridled because of the tax permit and usage fees they rake in with no infrastructure to support this mess. No worry’s though all of those new side walks and bike paths with help out with the congestion. Just wait until your property taxes are reevaluated when the real property owners are being driven out.

  6. Chicken Roost on July 2nd, 2022 10:00 pm

    And don’t forget the Well Line Rd connection with Jacks Branch Rd that’s in the works so 900 acres south of this development can be opened up as well.

  7. Chicken Roost on July 2nd, 2022 9:54 pm

    Everybody talking about the gun range does realize it is not going to stay once where it is the development comes, right?

    Y’all have seen the “Sector Plan,” right? Even though the BOCC is not adhering to that doesn’t mean the development isn’t coming right up Hwy 29.

    Like Thanos, it’s inevitable.

    Sad, but true. Get it while the getting is good.

  8. Ernie on July 2nd, 2022 7:35 pm

    Sad day for the people that live there. 400 homes, 800 cars on Mathison Road a day. There will have to be a light on 29. Who is paying for that.

  9. Adam on July 2nd, 2022 3:42 pm

    Bill T and Gwen
    Where can I find where it says this project would be “affordable housing”?.

  10. Adam on July 2nd, 2022 11:42 am

    Question for all you people complaining. Those of you that have kids. Do all your kids and their kids live with you in your house. If any of your kids live in a house that wasn’t passed down to them and they live in a new house, anywhere, there is no difference in them and the people that will live in these new houses. This isn’t Communist China that limits the number of children you can have. Some Bible Scholars believe that Adam and Eve had 56 children. If so, they had to break new ground. Should all of you demand mandated birth control. At some time, someone probably complained that your house was built to close to them.

  11. Cyrus on July 2nd, 2022 11:07 am

    @ Bill T….
    Do you have electricity.
    Or do you use candles
    Do you have a horse and buggy
    Or do you drive a gas or diesel burner
    Do you take percriptions..
    Or do you boil swamp root
    Do you defend your home with a gun
    Or do you use a bow and arrow

    Did you use an electronic device to podt your message
    Or did you send a carrier pigeon to William

    Tell us again how your not going to change

    God bless your delusional soul.
    How many carrier pigeons do you have..

  12. Wes gibbs on July 2nd, 2022 10:30 am

    Hope those new homes enjoy the Large gun club next door.

  13. Jan on July 2nd, 2022 10:13 am

    Interesting! Someone didn’t think this one through or don’t care. We live across hwy 29 to the northwest of Mathison and we hear the gun club range shooting a lot. I cannot imagine living next door to it. Beware!!

  14. CW on July 2nd, 2022 5:52 am

    I keep seeing comments about “affordable housing”, but I do not see any mention of that in the article. I’m pretty sure those houses will not be affordable.

  15. Swampfox on July 1st, 2022 10:08 pm

    All these new homes will need septic tanks ?
    Is there a sewer line on hwy 29 they could hook
    up to ?

  16. Bill T on July 1st, 2022 8:29 pm

    Oh ya got those real winners that say keep complaining the future will plow you under !!! WELL I got news for you I live on 95-A and I OWN a good big of property and will not sell peroid !! Now some people will say if the right price comes along you will sell WELL!!! No I won’t I got money and everything I need not everything I want everything I need!!! And I don’t agree that the future is gonna affect me in anyway !!! I know how to keep folks off my property just ask around !!!!!

  17. J.s on July 1st, 2022 7:59 pm

    Just SAD

  18. Chicken Roost on July 1st, 2022 7:13 pm

    And finally, I say bring it on! Got 50+ prime acres ready to cash out!

  19. Chicken Roost on July 1st, 2022 7:08 pm

    @Duke Wabeek

    Nice to see you rooting for people to suffer.

  20. Chicken Roost on July 1st, 2022 7:06 pm

    The same commenters that tell others to “pound sand, they own that property and can do whatever they want with it!” when another Dollar General goes in are now whining about someone doing the exact same thing.

    Interesting. Lol

  21. Kp on July 1st, 2022 6:07 pm

    When I moved here in 1977 there was a traffic light at 97/29, the next one at 29/Muskogee, and the next one at 29/Brent Lane. I remember parking on the Hwy 90 fill between Escambia and Santa Rosa counties at night to watch the meteor showers in the darkness. Every day there are hundreds moving here. Affordable housing will not work in Molino any more than Perdido Key or Beulah, there’s no infrastructure. I’d like to know why stores like Walmart, Target and Publix aren’t moving out to the north. There’s nothing between Cantonment and the Piggly Wiggly in Century except convenience stores. I still live in Pensacola, but it’s getting harder to say that I love it the way I used to.

  22. Well on July 1st, 2022 5:15 pm

    Come on
    Gotta be room for 800

  23. SH on July 1st, 2022 3:53 pm

    We love our freedom in this country.

    Except now. We want the government to step in and stop these people from developing their land.

  24. Bill T on July 1st, 2022 3:46 pm

    It’s true you won’t even know your neighbors name or anything about them !!! The whole are is done !!! Affordable housing means bringing in the people you don’t want living next to you!!!you will see how the crime rate goes up more congestion more trouble !!! And it gets worse !!! Believe this the county commissioner that said ok let’s do it is getting paid big bucks anc could care less about your community a bunch of smaller W.D. Childers !!!!

  25. BT on July 1st, 2022 3:41 pm

    Gonna need a few more Dollar General stores with that kind of growth

  26. Cyrus on July 1st, 2022 3:06 pm

    Good grief..

    All this yammering on new things and development is funny.
    I bet horse owners complained too about those new fangled gas powered cars back when…
    So keep complaining..and the future will plow you over.
    Funny as heck!!!!

  27. steve on July 1st, 2022 2:41 pm

    I see the reason a lot of people want away from the city and developed areas is terrible neighbors. Blighted areas and the impossible way to clean them up is one of the biggest reason to move out. I see whole older neighborhoods that look like a war zone of garbage and junk and poor upkeep.

  28. Obie 1 on July 1st, 2022 1:26 pm


  29. Cindylou on July 1st, 2022 1:25 pm

    DR Horton has already been banned in Alabama for building crummy houses that can’t withstand hurricane winds and are not up to code.

    These big developers don’t pay impact fees ( the extra money

  30. Duke of Wawbeek on July 1st, 2022 1:19 pm

    Hopefully economic collaspe will slow this abomination.

  31. Unbelievable on July 1st, 2022 1:02 pm

    Unbelievable. So many so worried about their country life being disturbed when so many others are homeless or just looking for a safe location to live in. It’s God’s country for a reason. Love God, love others. Compromise, not complain. Yes talk to your representatives but there are people everywhere needing homes so above all be kind. And just so we are clear, my family has been in the molino area for generations. Petition for changes year round not just when something is happening you don’t like during election seasons. Prayer also moves mountains.

  32. bp on July 1st, 2022 12:52 pm

    More destruction to our rural way of life. Displacing of animals and destruction of forest area.

  33. Jimbo on July 1st, 2022 12:37 pm

    I get move to the country to get away from the hustle and bustle but you still like to be close to a city to have a decent job. ALWAYS the city grows and expands and the country is those that lived on 9 mile road just 30 years ago…if you dont want people to live on top of you, BUY THE ADJACENT LAND!!! If you dont, or cannot afford it, someone else will buy it and they can do with it pretty much whatever they want. As for the gun range, they should be hearing the death chants coming..move while they can and BUY MORE land further north so this does not happen again soon.

  34. Local resident on July 1st, 2022 11:49 am

    We have ALREADY lost our quiet, safe, little community. Nightly prowlers are trying car door handles, drilling gas tanks to steal gas, shooting livestock in their own pastures, and on and on. The only quiet little community left is for those who can afford to buy 100 acres and build in the middle of it. Then they’d have to have a fortress surrounding it to keep it quiet and safe. Those days are gone, my friends.

  35. Floridian on July 1st, 2022 11:34 am

    Well folks, hate to break it to ya, but that’s free market capitalism.

  36. Ol' Skinny on July 1st, 2022 11:12 am

    Remember folks… all of you that are complaining, one of YOUR neighbors sold them that property!

  37. James leigh on July 1st, 2022 10:32 am

    This is one more reason to vote all county commissioners out of office, they are not doing their job. There is NOT enough infrastructure to support that amount of homes,
    They are also building a subdivision off of 95A and a builder is clearing land north of Frank Ard Road and south of Rocky Branch Road, he has already destroyed wetlands and the flow of Rocky Branch Creek. My daughter has called Steven Barry’s office and he will not call her back. The commissioners are only interested in getting $$$$$ from the taxpayers. Just check out the suit they filed against the Pam Childers, County Clerk. People need to protest this kind of expansion!!

  38. FunTimes on July 1st, 2022 10:30 am

    You get what you vote for.. Been a lot of development in that district the past 10 yrs. Commissioner Steven Barry is half way in his 3rd term..Oh, and good ole boy Barry has served on the Escambia County Planning & Zoning Board. Hmmmm?

  39. LEsli on July 1st, 2022 10:16 am

    The county commissioners are the ONLY ones that can change the Escambia County Land Development Code. Our voice is important! Please, please, please start getting involved. I have spent the last week making phone calls and finding out information. DRHorton is putting 296 houses at 95a & Quintette. No infrastructure, bad roads, logger trucks, cement trucks, small schools, not to mention destroying almost 100 acres of habitat. The code has to change for North Escambia County or we won’t have any agricultural left for future generations!!! Be a voice! We are in the process of organizing a fb group to inform everyone of what YOU can do!!

  40. Typical, What Do You Expect on July 1st, 2022 9:44 am

    Everyone involved (developers, planning board(s), county commissioners) knows the Pensacola Rifle & Pistol Club is there and been in that location since the 1980s.Yet they still design their project so houses back right up to the property lines next to a 200 yard range.

    The image shows a group of lots in the bottom right of the development. Look just below that and see the what appears to be a cleared area along the property line. That is one of the club’s ranges. Notice to the left of that how they left a buffer? Shouldn’t they have at least flipped that to leave the buffer opposite the shooting range?

    Not to mention the neighbors who are not built on top of each other would now have the quiet country life destroyed. Along Mathison, what are there 10, maybe 15 houses along that road? Now add 400 more having an average 2 cars each and the outlet to US 29 being the narrow 2 lane Mathison? It will have to be enlarged for all the extra traffic.

    County commission only sees extra property tax dollars and will not care about anyone else. That land doesn’t produce enough money for them to spend currently. So they will approve it and then with all the new money will say we need a new fire station, trucks, etc so we need to increase the fire fee or gas tax on everybody because heaven forbid they use their new windfall on what will be required for infrastructure.

    Make the developers lay out several million $$ to update the infrastructure including the roads that will be needed and that might slow them down a bit. They are depending on the taxpayers to pay up and GIVE that part for them. They make millions while we have to foot the bill to repair and replace what they need to make this work.

  41. Beth on July 1st, 2022 9:34 am

    I’m so sorry this is gonna happen but yes, it will be passed and more land will be destroyed….more animals killed, more sewer issues than you can imagine, and more traffic accidents and loss of life. Remember!!?? You greedy developers…..its all on 2 lane highways that are already dangerous roads to travel!!! This is so wrong.

  42. lovesglass54 on July 1st, 2022 9:32 am

    And look the developers are from OUT OF TOWN. People who don’t live around here are buying up property and building subdivisions not even knowing anything about the areas.
    The signs that go up are usually ignored by people because they don’t know what they are. If you see a green or red sign on the side of the road (with lots of writing), stop and read it. It tells what’s going on and when the meeting will be about that area. We have fought Thomas Henry who is trying to build on Gipson Road and Crabtree Church Road.

    Please Please Please preserve our country life and stop the OUT OF TOWN builders from coming in and destroying it.

  43. William Miller on July 1st, 2022 9:29 am

    At this time the Molino area hasn’t been approved for a public sewer system but when that happens Wal Mart will be coming to our area. Traffic in our area will multiply very quickly.

  44. A Alex on July 1st, 2022 9:24 am

    What a joke, reviw board?! Too bad no board member comes out and looks at the new Dollar store location at 29 and CR196. CONTRACTOR COMPLETED GRADED THE WHOLE LOT AND PUT UP (NO!) SILK SCREEN ON THE PROPERTY. IT HAS RAINED EVERYDAY SINCE AND THIS IS PART OF Jack branch creek head waters. EPA AND CODE departments should heavily fine them

  45. Carrie Grim on July 1st, 2022 9:22 am

    The folks that live out here don’t want suburbia intruding on their country living. When does the community get a say on this “proposal?”

  46. Charlie Odom on July 1st, 2022 9:15 am

    So much for zoning laws!!!!! I guess when the developers can buy off officials, they can do whatever they want!

  47. Rusty Shakleford on July 1st, 2022 9:04 am

    Another greedy developer who’s goal is to create a cluster for locals to deal with while their back 500 miles away on their sprawling estate counting the money. The clouded judgement from the local powers that be is from their pockets being open. Please let those who are not influenced by greed make the decision and side with those of us who don’t want the headaches associated with overdevelopment. I’m not against sharing the gifts we have……just be reasonable enough to not burden our current inadequate infrastructure.

  48. Donald on July 1st, 2022 8:55 am

    Too many developers planning subdivisions in bad economic times. No privacy with very small lot sizes. Can current Infrastructure of water, sewage, other utilities handle potential impact? County should account for lack of quick response time for ambulance, fire and rescue in this area. Also address paper mill train blocking highway 29 and traffic backs up for miles.

  49. NDF on July 1st, 2022 8:40 am

    The houses at the southernmost portion of the proposed subdivision will be about 100 feet away from the .22 rifle range at the Pensacola Pistol and Rifle club. That will be real nice to hear gunshots ringing out all day long right out your back door.

    The entire proposed subdivision is located right next to a very active private gun club. These new folks will probably find out about their long-established neighbors a day or two after they move in. Zero chance their realtor will bring it up.

    The gun club has been in existence since the 1930’s and moved ‘way out in the country’ in 1979 to find a permanent home away from possible conflicts. Development has found its way to the club’s doorstep. The club isn’t moving or shutting down. These new folks are going to be irate when they find out what they bought and who their neighbors are.

    I have also seen development plans for the large parcel to the east of the club that covers the forested area all the way to US29. A lot of homes are planned. Unfortunately for them, they will be situated right next to the high-powered rifle range. I wouldn’t want to live next to an area where high-powered rifles are being fired all day. But that really isn’t the developer’s problem, is it?

  50. Barry on July 1st, 2022 8:38 am

    When and where do we vote on this?

  51. Nice on July 1st, 2022 8:21 am

    Build it….. They will come!!!

  52. DC Lee on July 1st, 2022 8:15 am

    UGH!!!! Heartbreaking

  53. Klondike Kid on July 1st, 2022 8:14 am

    I am very sorry to hear this. The rampant overdevelopment so even more outlanders can move here has ruined this area.

  54. Al on July 1st, 2022 8:12 am

    and this is on top of the 275 they have started at the corner of 95A and Quintette, plus the 316 planned for the intersection at Quintette and Hwy 29.

  55. gween on July 1st, 2022 7:53 am

    I can hardly wait for the affordable housing

  56. brianh on July 1st, 2022 7:24 am

    There is nothing more then our local elected officials love more then developers. This will sail right through and be approved.

  57. Kate on July 1st, 2022 6:53 am

    Once again, overdevelop areas inhabited by the few animals left in Escambia County.
    No protection for the little woods left, no protection for the idiots that will move out here and not know yes, there are rattle snakes, and other dangerous snakes, there are skunks that have routes and you may be living in its path. Cyotes and so many fun things.

  58. barrineau on July 1st, 2022 6:06 am

    There goes the neighborhood ! We are slowly loosing our quiet little community.