Escambia County Approves Sheriff’s Budget For The Next Three Years

July 20, 2022

The Escambia County Commission on Tuesday approved a funding agreement with the Sheriff’s Office for the next three fiscal years.

The interlocal agreement will set the Sheriff’s Office budget from the BOCC at $77.4 million for 2023, $82.7 for 2024 and $88.2 for 2025.

The funds will include all costs for personnel services, operating expenses and capital outlay as required to operate the law enforcement agency.

The agreement also has additional contingency funds of $1.25 million for 2023, $1.25 million for 2024 and $1.5 million in 2025. The contingency funds may be used for additional costs, including but not limited to, increased retirement costs, employee healthcare or higher fuel costs.

If the Sheriff’s reserve funds are not used, they will roll over to the next fiscal year of the agreement, up to a maximum reserve of $2.5 million. photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Escambia County Approves Sheriff’s Budget For The Next Three Years”

  1. Bob on July 22nd, 2022 12:09 am


    Yep. There’s another story on hear about them voting on increasing the school budget, and it’s filled with comments like “how will we afford it?” and “just tell the teachers to work harder”.

    It seems kinda twisted that our ECSO budget is over twice the size of our school budget.

  2. Well on July 21st, 2022 9:08 pm

    Bob have you heard of the Escambia County School Board. They control local taxes for schools not the BCC.

  3. jimbo on July 21st, 2022 4:02 pm

    #Stumpknocker… I agree that it is absolutely increasing, much like meth, crack, cocaine and weed before that. It has been around for awhile, remeber what killed Michael Jackson in 2009??? Fentanyl Only then the rich could afford to get their hands on it. Now it is everywhere and killing people like all of the drugs before it did. The problem I have is when you say it is a Biden problem..should I site Fentanyl famous deaths while Trump was President for you?? It is a problem, but it is an American problem and as long as we think that one political party is the answer we will never fix it.
    PS Chip Simmons is the real deal and I support him fully!

  4. Stumpknocker on July 21st, 2022 2:16 am

    @Jimbo you have no clue about what your saying regarding fentanyl. This death dope was not entering the US at this rate until Joe took office and it increases everyday. Go work the streets and start saving lives every day/night and maybe then you will understand. And it’s thinking like Bob is what has got major cities in big trouble with rising crime rate , so defund the police and let’s see what happens, I’ll get the popcorn.

  5. Laurie on July 21st, 2022 1:34 am

    To Bob…
    Education, manners and how to behave in society should start in the home when children are small, not once they go to school.
    Once they start school, it shouldn’t fall solely on the teacher’s shoulders! There is only so much they can do with classrooms full of 30 children.
    When my children went to school, if they got into trouble and I received a call from the teacher for bad behavior, they were talked to And disciplined At Home…by Me, their Parent. My children weren’t Angel’s but they understood if I got a phone call their Would be Consequences!
    Education Starts in the home.
    Parents today don’t do anything about their children. They only get defensive and aggressive towards the teachers, saying the teacher is just picking on or singling out their child….Which is Not True.
    It’s No Wonder we have a teacher shortage!
    I wouldn’t subject Myself to what they go through EVERY DAY Trying to Educate children for what little bit they actually earn. Most teachers start out Wanting to help each child, but between parents and misbehaving children…they get fed up! They feel like failures because they just can’t reach every child, but that’s where the parents come in…
    It has to start in The Home.
    So..Parents, Put those darned cell phones DOWN and pay attention to what your children are actually doing as they’re growing up and getting ready for school.

  6. Laurie on July 21st, 2022 12:54 am

    I agree 100% with ‘North Side Resident’…the flow of fentanyl has increased unbelievably since the southern border was re-opened. I personally know one person who died of a fentanyl overdose as a result of a bootleg Lortab! And another who survived because she was able to get narcan in time. The Drugs such as these, laced with deadly fentanyl need to be chased down, removed from the community and those dealing it, responsible for bringing it here, need to ho to Prison for a long time!
    We also have to have Law Enforcement in place to fit the wat on ILLEGAL Guns. Those of us who have taken classes and are registered to carry, shouldn’t feel the need to be locked and loaded, but we do!
    Hopefully this budget that Sheriff Simmons has to disperse, will go to the community and not some arrogant statue, like our previous Narcissistic sheriff did for himself.
    I think Chip Simmobs cares and will do a great job.

  7. Bob on July 20th, 2022 2:39 pm

    @North Side

    Education is one of the best tools for preventing poverty and, by extension, crime.

    I’d rather my tax dollars go toward making sure a kid has a future and doesn’t have to resort to dealing drugs to support their family rather than paying some guy to come to my house 4 hours after a break-in, writing down a report, then never contacting me again.

    Maybe our schools wouldn’t be such an embarrassment if we provided our teachers with the same amount of resources we provide our cops. Money doesn’t solve everything, but our kids are worth more than a single underpaid teacher trying to manage an overcrowded classroom and inadequate supplies.

  8. Jimbo on July 20th, 2022 12:49 pm

    #Northside Resident… Lets be for real and get away from your conservative rhetoric…drugs have been flowing thru the borders for as long as we have had them..remember Ronald Regan war on drugs in the 80’s?? Then it was cocaine and weed.. now it is numerous drugs, including fentanyl. Do you think that it stopped during the Trump administration?? Absolutely not and it will not stop during the next 20 administrations… Don’t spin that rhetoric as if it is an absolute because you see it that way.. We have to get away from this political us against them mentality and start working together for real change.

  9. North side resident on July 20th, 2022 9:54 am

    Clean it up: Homelessness and drug problems are societal issues.

    There is not much the sheriff in Florida can do when fentanyl is flowing like the Rio Grande across the border with Mexico. If you have drug complaints you may want to go comment on who is currently in control and making decisions about the border: Biden.

    Not sure of you have noticed through the blinders but nearly all the overdose deaths are from fentanyl….

    Courts have ruled panhandling is not a crime. That is the main source of income for homeless.

    Bob: Public safety is priority #1. Clearly the commissioners know this and made sure that was taken care of. If you haven’t noticed, public schools aren’t that good at teaching kids. Money won’t fix that problem Bob. That is also a societal iissue.

  10. Legal mind on July 20th, 2022 9:43 am

    most of the homeless in downtown pensacola has a check coming in each month from social security. For example on the corner of pace Blvd. and Garden st. everyone on that corner gets a check each month.

  11. Bob on July 20th, 2022 7:44 am

    Schools ask for more funding: “How are we going to pay for it?”

    Sheriff’s office asks for more funding: “Ha! Money printer go brrrrrrrrd”

  12. Clean it up on July 20th, 2022 6:43 am

    Hope some of this budget is put toward getting serious on the homeless and drug problem. Homelessness shouldn’t be a crime but many of the activities that stem from it need to be cracked down on.