State Budget Includes $1.3 Million For New Water Meters In Century

June 7, 2022

The new budget recently signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis includes just over $1.3 million for new water meters for the Town of Century.

The funds would replace about 825 water meters with remotely readable radio-enabled units.

The $1,301,892 will be use to replace all of their approximately 825 existing water meters, moving from a manual read system to a radio reporting system. The town will purchase new meters that can be read remotely by radio, two mobile readers,  and a base station with a laptop. Fund will also be used for mobilization, grass and landscape replacement and other associated costs.

According to the town, water meters are failing and service connections are leaking. Replacing the meters and repairing leaky connections will improve water quality. Due to limited staff, the town has previously only been able to replace about 20 meters annually, according to their funding request.

Water meters not otherwise replaced in Century are 11 years old, purchased in 2010 and installed in 2011.

Both commercial and residential meters will be replaced.

Pictured: Century Town Hall. photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “State Budget Includes $1.3 Million For New Water Meters In Century”

  1. David Huie Green on June 8th, 2022 12:06 pm

    “I was told one time that the water was free and the reason you have to pay is for the delivery system. Not having to pay for the water and not upkeeping the delivery system, so what are they spending the water fees collected on?”

    It is free. You can go down to Escambia River and get all you can carry.

    NOT FREE: Lines, valves, connections, storage tanks, pumping, power, fuel for maintenance vehicles, treating to kill bacteria, water chemistry adjustments, fire hydrants, maintenance equipment including vehicles and diggers, record keeping, billing, testing, personnel.

    David for safe water

  2. Js on June 8th, 2022 9:15 am

    I’m forwarding all this and including the past stuff to Gov. DeSantis along with state representatives to look into all this spending, they doing this and this but don’t never see any improvements. There’s been so much corruption and so much money going into pockets of the council. Unless this is the reason all the ppl look like methheads is its bc it’s in the tap water? Clean Century up!

  3. Well on June 7th, 2022 9:40 pm

    @ concerned
    Century is trying to hire and could use a capable person such as yourself.

  4. Chris on June 7th, 2022 7:49 pm

    So in 30 days they cannot install two meters. Pathetic.

  5. A Alex on June 7th, 2022 5:36 pm

    Our dear governor vetoed a walkway to safely put our kids over 9 mile road but willing to give $1.3 mill to the wolves of Century. He lost any and all support and votes by me.

  6. TAX PAYER on June 7th, 2022 5:28 pm

    if they hire a 2 man crew just to install meters @ 5 per day that is 165 working days,
    20days a month is 8.25 months. so lets give them a year.

  7. Swampfox on June 7th, 2022 11:23 am

    Is that $1500. Per meter ?
    sure glad it’s free !

  8. Concerned on June 7th, 2022 11:05 am

    I use to work for West Escambia Utilities I could replace 15 meter a day by myself when we they went to remote read this is horrible no wonder there are always leaks I see while traveling by ace hardware…

  9. ensley boy on June 7th, 2022 10:05 am

    ” Water meters are failing, and service connections are leaking “. What are they doing with the water fees they are collecting? I was told one time that the water was free and the reason you have to pay is for the delivery system. Not having to pay for the water and not upkeeping the delivery system, so what are they spending the water fees collected on?

  10. Century circus on June 7th, 2022 6:36 am

    So by Century’s average meter install it’ll only take 41.25 years to put all new meters in. The council will find a way to reallocate the funds for loans. Put this project out for bid and save the tax payers time and money. The town of Century is a fiduciary failure.

  11. mnon on June 7th, 2022 3:28 am

    hahaha, really, didn’t Century just have a long running issue upgrading and installing meters before? Now they are going to redo them all… queue the Yakety Sax, Benny Hill theme.