FWC Asking Residents To Report Wild Turkey Sightings

June 21, 2022

See a wild turkey? The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is asking residents to report it to help biologists learn more about Florida’ wild turkey population.

Report all wild turkeys seen during normal daily activities through August 31.

FWC is  interested in sightings of hens with and without poults (young wild turkeys), and male birds (jakes and gobblers) from all regions of the state, including rural and developed areas. When reporting numbers of poults, be sure to look carefully because young birds may be difficult to see in tall grass or brush.


4 Responses to “FWC Asking Residents To Report Wild Turkey Sightings”

  1. Eric on June 21st, 2022 9:46 am

    @Brian Williams. If you click in the link in the article above, then click the “report online ” link, you don’t need personal information. You only need an account for the app if you download it. I just reported a sighting using the 1st link, no account required. They may have updated it since you 1st tried?

  2. Susie on June 21st, 2022 8:54 am

    I’d have to report a dead one. My Jack Russells are always on the prowl for alien entries of anything afowl….afoul.

  3. Brian Williams on June 21st, 2022 5:50 am

    I hate auto correct. FWC ….NOT Facebook.

  4. Brian Williams on June 21st, 2022 5:48 am

    I would report this to FACEBOOK, but they apparently require people to create an account just to communicate with them..

    On June 12th, there were 3 adults and 15 poults in my yard. I live in the Beulah community. I have a few pictures which I can provide.