Escambia County Voters Receiving A New Voter Card In The Mail Soon

June 13, 2022

The Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office is sending all registered voters a new voter information card as a result of the redistricting process that followed the 2020 Census.

The Florida Legislature, Escambia Board of County Commissioners, Escambia School Board and City of Pensacola all have adjusted their district boundaries. After the districts have been updated, some precinct lines must also be adjusted.

This means that some districts, precincts and polling locations have changed since the last election.

The new voter information cards will provide voters with updated information on the districts in which they reside and their precinct and polling location for the upcoming elections.

The Primary Election will be held on August 23, 2022. The registration and party change deadline for the Primary Election is July 25, 2022.
The General Election will be held on November 8, 2022. The registration deadline for the General Election is October 11, 2022.

The Supervisor of Elections Office is encouraging all voters to review the information on their new card carefully as their polling place may have changed since they last voted.

If the information is incorrect or needs to be updated, voters should visit or contact the Supervisor of Elections Office as soon as possible.


7 Responses to “Escambia County Voters Receiving A New Voter Card In The Mail Soon”

  1. Jlb on June 14th, 2022 3:27 pm

    Gedunk..disagree. especially after the 2020 election. If you can people need to vote in person. If not absentee ballots can be ask for.

  2. ME on June 14th, 2022 2:36 pm

    @ Shaking my Head:
    Take the time to read the whole article!!! They are mailing you a new card because several precincts & polling locations have changed because some district lines have recently been changed. It may be yours.

  3. Lee on June 14th, 2022 1:36 pm

    @ShakingMyHead – There have been changes to districts and polling locations, so voters need to be notified.
    @MikeHadkey – Work schedules, children, caregivers, illness, people with disabilities, etc., are all reasons people need to vote by mail.

  4. Mike Hadley on June 14th, 2022 10:05 am

    Why vote by mail when you can carry yourself down and vote in person if you can’t drive I’m sure you know somebody that can take you

  5. Shaking My Head on June 14th, 2022 8:57 am

    Not sure why the county is wasting money on this. All you need is your ID.

    We have been rudely told that we didn’t need our card when presented to poll workers.

  6. Gedunk on June 14th, 2022 7:30 am

    If it is safe enough to mail your voter registration card, it is safe enough to vote by mail.

  7. Elderly resident on June 13th, 2022 8:29 pm

    Hopefully Escambia County (Florida) residents can still vote by mail?