Century Switches Prison Water Supply To Backup System From Central Water Works

June 22, 2022

It’s been just over two years since water first flowed through a permanent system interconnect under Tedder Road to the Century Correctional Institution.

And it paid dividends this week when the Town of Century well serving the prison was shut down for unscheduled repairs, according to town officials.

The permanent interconnect from Central Water Works to the Century water system was completed in late May 2020 to provide a dependable water supply to the prison. The interconnect was installed after the town’s water well that was the sole water supply for the prison failed in early May 2020. That forced the town to use two-inch fire hoses from a Central Water Works fire hydrant on the south side of Tedder Road to the prison on the north side of the road until a permanent solution was in place and the well was repaired.

The town expects the unscheduled repairs to their water tower at the prison to be completed as early as Wednesday. In the meantime, the town was purchasing water for the prison from the Central Water Works interconnection.

Pictured: The Town of Century’s water tower at the Century Correctional Institution. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


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