Cantonment Man Charged With Alleged Sexual Assault Of Young Girl

June 21, 2022

A Cantonment man is accused of the sexual assault of an underage girl.

Garrett Lee Constantine, 29, was charged with capital felony sexual assault on a victim under 12. He remained in the Escambia County Jail Tuesday morning with bond set at $200,000.

The victim told investigators that Constantine entered her bedroom and touched her inappropriately and “that it occurred almost every night”, an arrest report states.

An adult female told deputies she questioned him on two different occasions about being in the underage female’s bedroom.  He told her that he heard the girl making strange noises and went to check on her, and he caught her using the wrong bathroom in the house and went into the room to make sure she was asleep,” according to the arrest report.

The adult female told investigators that after the second incident she purchased a surveillance camera for the girl’s bedroom, but never recorded Constantine doing anything inappropriate.

After the allegations surfaced, Constantine agreed to meet with investigators from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the Florida Department of Children and families. His arrest report states that his statements throughout the interview were inconsistent, but his statements were redacted from the report.


23 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Alleged Sexual Assault Of Young Girl”

  1. Perplexed on June 28th, 2022 8:02 pm

    So Jack, you don’t this the man knew there was a camera put up in there and that’s why the molestation stopped? Okayyyy lol

  2. MothersRight on June 26th, 2022 9:15 pm

    Mom. Said it best.

    A capital felony is no simple crime.

    No one’s life is more important than my child’s.

    If I’ve got to ask you more than once then you’ve got to go.

  3. Bill T on June 22nd, 2022 10:06 pm

    I read one comment that said none of this is true !!!! Well if that’s the case and you know this why aren’t you defending this person and why is this man arrested and in jail and why aren’t you there to prove what you are saying!!! And how do you know so much about this person and case that you believe all this explain !!!! Look it’s supposed to be innocent until proven guilty!!!!my suggestion to the friend that said this guy is not guilty of this be there as a friend be there constantly for the court hearings write the judge talk to the defense attorney as a character witness!!! Be a very big part of the innocent effort to protect your friend from going to prison for possibly the rest of his life !!!!!!

  4. Susan on June 22nd, 2022 10:45 am

    Why is he going in the girl’s room AT ALL if her parents are in the house? He ‘caught her using the wrong bathroom??!’ What’s up with that. Go find the parent first.
    It takes ALOT to get charged with this and that child had to go through some serious questioning.
    Just cause you personally know or like someone ppl can be doing all kinds of activities you would never imagine.

  5. Old friend on June 22nd, 2022 10:30 am

    I’ve known him a long time. None of this is true.

  6. Just Saying on June 22nd, 2022 7:48 am

    So the adult female, who may or may not be mom, was told that Garrett was being inappropriate with the girl and put a camera in the girl’s room to find out. I’m pretty sure she did NOT tell him it was there as that would have defeated the purpose. The camera provided NO evidence of wrongdoing on his part, so WHY is everybody acting as if the allegations are fact??? He hasn’t been proven guilty. If he is proven guilty, then by all means talk about how horrible it is, but until then, remember that this is an allegation NOT FACT.

  7. George Poulos on June 22nd, 2022 7:24 am

    Is there a class that you go to so you can look “Bad” when you pose for one of these (mugshots)?

  8. Bill T on June 21st, 2022 4:14 pm

    Again like I said if proven guilty in a court of law !! I will agree there are a lot of innocent people in prison for things they didn’t do !!!! And there are a lot guilty people there that got caught do things but also did a lot more they didn’t get caught doing !!!! Bottom line is now you must figh for your life and don’t quit !! If your innocent you better prove it somehow !!!! Your life depends on it !!!! But if your guilty !!! Well you already know !!!!

  9. Bewildered on June 21st, 2022 2:02 pm

    the two magical words in today’s society are racism and sexual misconduct. A lot of times neither one can be proven, but just hinting at it assures turmoil in all aspects of the accused people’s‘ lives.

  10. Innocenttilprovenguilty on June 21st, 2022 1:07 pm

    All right I understand everyone wants to play jury but remember this not everybody who goes to jail is guilty and not everybody in church is innocent I do know this young man and from what I have always saying he is a really good uncle and he was always close with his brother until his brother got back with his baby mama please remember this could happen to your husband’s your son’s your grandchildren where anybody can say what they want you can be arrested but he has not been proven guilty so before you pass judgment remember there have been many cases where a child was coerced into saying things and also myself have gone through not just like this but something similar wear if my child didn’t get what they wanted oh wow yes believe me he was ready to take me downtown because I wouldn’t buy him a brand new system after he destroyed his it was only until they realize what was going on and told him that they were going to take me away and he confessed the truth so you don’t really know which way this is going to go but before you play God or jury remember this could happen to you and you would really hate for people to pass judgment on you before you’ve been convicted and like everybody said isn’t it hilarious how she put a video in there after the girls said it happened every single night almost and nothing was found

  11. Mary on June 21st, 2022 12:38 pm

    As a Mom I could not imagine my daughter telling me she’s being sexually assaulted at home and going out first to buy a camera, set it up and wait to see f I see this man touching my child again on video before kicking him out. How do you go to sleep at night knowing he might be touching your child but you won’t know until you check the video the next day? Praying for this child!

  12. SueB on June 21st, 2022 11:09 am

    Stupid Adult Female needs to protect her child and get rid of the Stupid Adult Male. If and IF the adult male is found guilty, the Stupid Adult Female should face charges too!

  13. RaD on June 21st, 2022 10:44 am

    @molino mom – Never? Not a single one? God has transformed murderers, gang bangers, and drug dealers lives but for some reason can’t seem do anything with pedophiles?

  14. Bill T on June 21st, 2022 10:17 am

    There is a good possibility he is where he might need to be !!! Let the evidence provided as well as the testimony of the victim be presented in a court of law !!! And if convicted you will truly regret doing this to a child !!! In prison they have a unspoken code !!! In prison if they find you out at that point your life is pretty much over !!! Knowing this should have kept you from even considering something as perverted as this ( if convicted ) !!! It’s a life changer!!!!!

  15. joe on June 21st, 2022 9:43 am

    the sicko stopped cause he new about camera ! he will get what’s deserved ..

  16. Sad on June 21st, 2022 9:39 am

    So we let him stay around when we are suspicious enough to put up a camera? NOPE! So we’re going to let it happen until we catch him on camera? NOPE! Something isn’t right about this.

  17. AC on June 21st, 2022 9:37 am

    I’m not “weirded out” at all by a mother wanting to ensure the safety of her prepubescent daughter.

  18. Molino Mom on June 21st, 2022 9:18 am

    Ok …so the “adult female” is so suspicious that she puts a camera in the child’s bedroom??? How about you put his a$$ out of your house! If you have that gut feeling that something just isn’t right –SOMETHING IS GOING ON! Act first and plan later.
    Pedophiles never change – trust me on that..they continue their behavior as long as they are breathing! Hopefully they get their punishment in the next life because they rarely get it in our judicial system.

  19. judy on June 21st, 2022 8:41 am

    I have a 10 yr old niece that accused her uncle of inappropriate sexual contact. Police were called, no evidence found and it turns out the uncle had refused to buy the girl something she wanted! A man’s life ruined by a spoiled brat…and NOTHING was done to the brat!

  20. Mom on June 21st, 2022 8:00 am

    Reader. If i thought someone was going on my kids room i would put in there too.

    The reason nothing showed after she put the camera in there is the sicko knew it was there and stopped.

    You are looking at the wrong details people! We believe a child until they are proved false. We do not question their validity to then. If the evidence States they are false then we can talk to them.

  21. Reader on June 21st, 2022 7:42 am

    Anyone else weirded out that the lady put a surveillance camera inside a child’s bedroom? That sounds inappropriate

  22. jack sherburg on June 21st, 2022 7:14 am

    Girl stated it happened almost every night, but security camera didn’t show anything

  23. Hmmm on June 21st, 2022 4:23 am

    Florida and their pedophiles strike again.