Six Charged After ‘Criminal Outlaw’ Biker Gang Beats Man During ‘Vicious Bar Brawl’ In Century

June 14, 2022

Six people have now been arrested for what the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is calling a “vicious bar brawl” that occurred May 7 in Century. Several of the suspects are “documented criminal outlaw motorcycle gang members”, according to ECSO.

One person was transported to the hospital following the violent fight at Odom’s Bar in the 9500 block of North Century Boulevard. The victim was found outside the bar covered in blood with several injuries to his face, according to deputies.Surveillance video is below.

John Percy Johnson, age 45 of Century; Bradley Scott Griener, age 31 of McDavid; Brody Luke Trainer, age 44 of Gulf Breeze; Robert Tyler Dean, age 54 of Pace; and Preston David Perry, age 31 of Pace were each charged with aggravated battery. Dean, Perry and Trainer were also charged with additional felony battery and/or assault counts. All five were released from jail on bonds ranging from $25,000 to $150,000.

The sixth suspect, 44-year old Steven R Jay Arnold of Brewton, turned himself in at the jail Monday on charges of aggravated battery with the use of a deadly weapon, aggravated battery for causing great bodily harm, and aggravated assault for use of a deadly weapon with the intent to kill.

The victim’s girlfriend told deputies that he was attacked by several bikers outside the bar where six or seven alleged bikers were kicking and stomping him. One allegedly pointed a gun during the attack.

The victim told investigators that he had been having an ongoing issue with “Percy Johnson” and the two ran into each other at the bar. He said Johnson told him to step outside where he was attacked by approximately five bikers wearing Outlaw motorcycle gang clothing. In addition to punching, kicking and stomping him, “one of the individuals pressed a firearm into his eyeball and stated they would kill him if he talked to the police and that not to mess with their biker family”, an arrest report states.

After the victim made a statement that he was going to sue the bar, a man believed to be the bar’s bouncer along with three or four other males began to beat him again, the report states. After the attacks, the girlfriend was approached by a white female wearing a biker vest who informed her that if she talked to law enforcement, it would “not be pretty for her”, the report continues.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office obtained search warrants and seized video recordings from the bar.

An ECSO investigator said in his report that the videos show the victim and Johnson walk outside the bar, followed by at least seven other people, most of whom were wearing insignia consistent with criminal outlaw motorcycle gangs to include the Southern Saints and Outlaws.

The altercation was captured on video (posted below), showing the victim kicked, punched, and stomped on several times by numerous individuals, the ECSO report states. The victim remains on the ground for over 15 minutes, apparently unconscious until medical personnel arrive on scene.

The victim suffered a broken arm, broken nasal cavities and lost feeling in his lower back and leg, he told deputies. He stated that when the gun was pressed into his eye, he was told “If you talk to the police, we will kill you”.

The five suspects were released from jail on bonds as follows:  Johnson -$25,000; Griener – $35,000; Trainer – $150,000; Dean – $65,000; Perry – $85,000; Arnold – $65,000.

Video below has no sound.


43 Responses to “Six Charged After ‘Criminal Outlaw’ Biker Gang Beats Man During ‘Vicious Bar Brawl’ In Century”

  1. brianh on July 31st, 2022 12:52 pm

    Um: Odom’s isn’t a biker bar. lol
    Are you even from here?

    Research who owns Odom’s along with several other bars and see what conclusion you come up with.

  2. brianh on July 26th, 2022 7:16 am

    TNbiker: I know these brothers and they are solid….

    How can anyone justify a group of men beating ONE person?

  3. TNbiker on July 25th, 2022 5:41 pm

    I know these brothers and they are solid . You don’t know the circumstances.
    Respect is what this is about ! No respect in this county for your actions !
    For only GOD can judge me !!!

  4. Willis on June 16th, 2022 10:34 am

    Call it what you will , owned by the outlaws .

    Been here longer than since breakfast

  5. Stumpknocker on June 16th, 2022 3:58 am

    Ya know I always gave these guys a benefit of doubt, you talk to one of them and they act like they are part of the community, what a sucker punch. And all of them had to pile on, no one on one. Just goes to prove me wrong, you can judge a book by its cover, some covers are just trash and it’s time to take the trash out!!

  6. 429SCJ on June 15th, 2022 8:00 pm

    Odom’s has about run it’s course.

    Authorities should revoke their liquor liscense.

  7. Wrench on June 15th, 2022 11:59 am

    I guess Percy couldn’t fight his own battles so he had to get backup. Bunch of punks. Your club is weak and should be shut down. 7 people to beat up one civilian is embarrassing to say the least. I hope you all get the maximum jail time and have to pay max restitution. You idiots act like a weak street gang and can’t believe the outlaws mc sanction such a embarrassment. Put them all under the jail including the bouncers.

  8. Why on June 15th, 2022 10:20 am

    I feel sorry for some of these families just saying it should have never gotta that bad and I feel sorry for that individual and his family so there is that

  9. Wow! on June 15th, 2022 9:33 am

    It looks like to me that there should be more than only these 6 arrested. These idiots beat, stomped, kicked and held a gun to him, also threatening to take his life. Well they pretty much well did leave him on the sidewalk to die, and the man did die later. So please tell me why in the hell, these no good creeps are out
    of jail?!? The system is beyond screwed up!

  10. Florida logger on June 14th, 2022 11:29 pm

    The sons of malarchy a lot of horse molarchy century is the new charming lol

  11. Christian Biker on June 14th, 2022 10:21 pm

    I’ve known Percy since he was a teen
    he used to be a great guy till he got up with
    This bunch .

  12. Make It Make Sense on June 14th, 2022 4:57 pm

    This is the result of this country sinking so low these days, that six gray haired drunken misfits in biker vests have the audacity to beat up one slim male, on camera no less, and think they’ve accomplished something. COWARDS wear vests too! And the fluffer off to the side threatening his girlfriend, no doubt has been passed around the club to show her loyalty to such a lowly existence. Here’s the bigger problem with this, this victim would be smart to file Federal Hate Crimes charges, Felony Assault charges, and make sure they stay felonies, not agreeing to lowering them to misdemeanors. Then, go right after that dump of a bar, suing the owner(s), security, and everyone else on the scene. These old buzzards have put their families lives in jeopardy, as they don’t know who that fellow knows.

  13. Disappointed on June 14th, 2022 4:09 pm

    What a bunch of overgrown children.

    Karma is swift and fierce lately, boys. Better go hide with mama until the heat wears off.

  14. Citizen on June 14th, 2022 3:54 pm

    @Lone chief

    You mean Clutch from The Breakers. Panama City Beach.
    The good ole days..

  15. Citizen on June 14th, 2022 3:51 pm

    The churchy folks on Friday night outside there make more noise than the bar. Bad sound system and off key, then someone goes to spitting and hollering sounds like he is about to blow a gasket. Probably against a noise ordinance.

    The council could pass an ordinance to shut it down at 9 o’clock, like the Mexican restaurant.

    The bar could hire a decent bouncer and security person..or be sued.

    Although I don’t approve of violence, nor public intoxication, some people may like a pub or sports bar to go to.

    The scrawny guy most likely mouthed off or something to provoke that.

    Was alcohol involved….

  16. um on June 14th, 2022 1:11 pm

    Willis –
    Odom’s isn’t a biker bar. lol
    Are you even from here?

  17. jeb on June 14th, 2022 1:03 pm

    There’s Odom’s in the news once again!

  18. Beth on June 14th, 2022 9:39 am


  19. just a fact on June 14th, 2022 9:34 am

    Real men do not act like that. They are just a group of low IQ cowards

  20. Just Saying on June 14th, 2022 8:18 am

    @Find them,

    Disabling their bikes…will get you in a world of ****. First because they’re going to be coming after you and second because of the cops find out, you’ll be sitting in a cell, possibly with these same guys and they don’t play about their bikes.

    Vigilante justice has no place in our society. It turns EVERYONE into outlaws.

  21. exBiker on June 14th, 2022 7:33 am


    These guys are wimps one on one… and Odom’s in Century… really… I’d rather drink at home.

    I’d sue the bar, there’s multiple lawsuits here. Finally shut that dive down.

  22. Billy Preston on June 14th, 2022 2:11 am

    Wow! It took that many dudes to jump one skinny guy? I’ll bet their mamas are really proud of them. Somebody didn’t get enough whippings growing up and obviously didn’t have a daddy that taught them about fighting fair. I’m betting any one of them “bad dudes” would run from a fair fight against a guy their own size.

  23. Bag on June 14th, 2022 1:10 am

    They need to run for city council.

  24. Meme generator on June 13th, 2022 11:26 pm

    I hear there will be a battle royale with the MongOdlians next week on PPV. Sponsored by Depends and Big Prune Juice.

  25. Find them on June 13th, 2022 11:14 pm

    These guys are easy to find. They’re easy to find alone too instead of being protected by their thug buddies. It’d be fun to watch them each wet their pants when treated the same as this victim did. Their bikes are easy to find too…….even easier to make inoperable.

  26. Lone chief on June 13th, 2022 10:45 pm

    I remember a very similar incident on the beach @ 45 years ago. The “club” (Outlaws) had some honor back then. Any of you fellows remember “Clutch” ?! Where is he now? Uh-huh!

  27. Willis on June 13th, 2022 9:53 pm

    1st be smart enough to not go in a biker ran bar.
    2nd should have left after the first go round. Alcohol, Alligator mouth,Hummingbird behind.
    3rd the day is likely coming where people get tired of being whipped and go a different route.

    Not an Outlaw not going in their bar to support them.

  28. Susie on June 13th, 2022 9:40 pm

    So what’s their little Biker Club’s name? The BarMitsfits? The Century Dentures? The Half a Centuries? Moron troublemakers.

  29. Mary on June 13th, 2022 9:40 pm

    Percy! What in the world have you become? SMH

  30. Paul on June 13th, 2022 9:35 pm

    Keeping ole Gene busy.
    They pay money to wear those patches and have someone telling them what to do. I just don’t get it.

  31. Just Saying on June 13th, 2022 9:26 pm

    Oh, Percy, honey, don’t you think you’re a little too old to be acting like this? The beef was between you and the victim. Your “friends” had no business involving themselves in it.

    What a bunch of cowardly bullies they are!

  32. Same on June 13th, 2022 8:31 pm

    These Men are a Joke to this Bar , and to there Own Brand and To the Sister Bars That they so call Run…. They have caused nothing but chaos and ran that Bar in the Ground.. No One asked for them to take Our little Bar to what it is Now a Joke.. No One goes there because of all there BullS.. Cant believe their all out and walking around.. What a Shame.. Hate it for the couple that was traumatized and assaulted.. I hope they get there justice

  33. Stephen on June 13th, 2022 8:22 pm


    They ARE the security.

  34. Big man Perry on June 13th, 2022 8:17 pm

    Preston Perry is already on 2 years probation for the same thing. He has a wonderful arrest sheet from a stand off with a swat team in Tennessee, Resisting arrest and a DUI in Gulf breeze.

  35. Bill T on June 13th, 2022 8:15 pm

    Wow the victim must be kinda tough because it took all thes bad boys to beat him so badly !!!! They are lucky he didn’t shoot all of them!!! They are real bad RIGHT!!!!! Bunch of over aged drunks !!! Nothing better to do !!! Slumming and bumming!!! Hmmm why didn’t they go one on one bunch is sissy’s probably would have got hurt that’s why !!!! Lock them up for a while then let’s see how bad they are !!!!

  36. T on June 13th, 2022 7:44 pm

    Way to put the victims girlfriend at risk too. She put her trust in the system because she was probably scared and on the news she’s now labeled as a snitch to a motorcycle gang who clearly isn’t scared if they beat her boyfriend up on camera.

  37. JustMe on June 13th, 2022 7:42 pm

    Why wasn’t the bar security and the 4 others arrested also? Ben Boutwell revoke this business license, or President Gomez. They need to go.

  38. Greg on June 13th, 2022 6:40 pm

    A bunch of sissies! Real tough guys. MORONS!!! GET A LIFE!! LOSERS!!!

  39. Me on June 13th, 2022 5:49 pm

    The town misfits

  40. Jr on June 13th, 2022 5:39 pm

    COWARDS!!!! That’s all they are. 6 on 1 because one of their boyfriends got his feelings hurt. I hope they mail this bunch to the wall in this case. The fella that is clearly shown with the gun got a bond? None of these cowards should have received a bond for such a cowardice act towards one individual. Yeah, I can hear some want to say how outstanding people these COWARDS are…save it, tell yourself this enough and maybe you will really believe it. Thanks NorthEscambia for reporting this so we know these types are free back on the streets!

  41. Pam on June 13th, 2022 5:38 pm

    Adults acting like school yard bullies. Get a life. Never have I seen people of that age still acting out. Some people never learn. Hopefully jail time will do you some good. On another note, this place should be CLOSED. How many people have to get hurt or killed at this location before the city pulls their business license?

  42. BT on June 13th, 2022 4:59 pm

    No place for people like this in society

  43. Ol' Skinny on June 13th, 2022 4:55 pm

    Hopefully a GREAT attorney will be hired and Odom’s will once and for all join the ranks of the “remember when’s” (Remember when that nasty old bar used to be here, you know, the one where people got killed or beat up?)

    How often does ECSD get called to go there? Didn’t Pensacola (City) shut a few places down that were a constant drain on Law Enforcement?