Sweet Tea. It’s The Southern Way To Thank A Fireman.

May 2, 2022

When a truck hauling nitric acid burned early Saturday morning in Century, surrounding businesses were quickly evacuated.

Local volunteer firefighters rushed toward the burning truck despite the dangers. A specialized hazardous materials team was on the way from Cantonment and Ensley, but time was important.  They battled the truck fire, and also worked to keep the tanker cool and the nitric acid inside.

The Saturday morning breakfast crowd was evacuated from the Southern Panhandle restaurant, directly next to the old gas station and the fire.

When the work was done, a Panhandle employee was out, thanking the firefighters. It’s a Southern thing to say thanks.

And passing out sweet iced tea in foam cups. With no lids; firefighters are adults, you know.

There’s nothing like a cold sweet tea after a hot job. It’s also a Southern thing.

The firefighters stood around sipping sweet tea, like family at Sunday dinner. Come to think of it, they are family.

Thank y’all. And bless your momma and them.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Sweet Tea. It’s The Southern Way To Thank A Fireman.”

  1. Suzie B on May 3rd, 2022 6:37 pm

    Love this, especially the way it’s written.

  2. Positive thought on May 3rd, 2022 7:01 am

    Thank you so much for publishing this!! Those boys and girls worked their buts off to keep everyone safe and did a fantastic job. Every morning I do a Positive thought” post on Facebook, this story was my post yesterday and the restaurant staff couldn’t have said it better, God bless your mama and them!!

  3. TUMOM on May 2nd, 2022 4:03 pm

    What an absolutely adorable article!!!! Thank you firemen for everything you do!!!!

  4. Panhandle Breakfast group on May 2nd, 2022 10:47 am

    The Panhandle Staff are the “BEST”, so thoughtful and caring of their clients.
    Thanks to all the Firefighters for your service!

  5. Jr on May 2nd, 2022 10:07 am

    Great job to the Fire fighters who ran in there just to do their job. May OUR GOD BLESS YOU ALL. That gesture from Panhandle Restaurant? I wouldn’t expect anything less from those fine people. Their attitude (and the food) are the reasons we go eat every weekend during hunting season…great job to everyone and THANK YOU.