One Charged With Murder After Highway 29 Circle K Shooting; Victim Identified

May 23, 2022

One person was shot and killed at a convenience store at Highway 29 and West Roberts Road Monday morning during an argument about the victim’s wife.

Sheriff Chip Simmons said 35-year old Charles Tyree Moore is charged with second degree murder for the shooting death of 35-year old Durrell Dupree Palmer. Simmons said there had been “interaction” between the individuals going back two years. He said they had an argument over Palmer’s wife about two weeks ago. She was not involved in the incident Monday morning.

“During a conversation that they had actually at the Circle K ended up escalating and ended up in gunfire,” Simmons said Monday afternoon.

Both men were at the Circle K at Highway 29 and West Roberts Road about 7:30 Monday morning when Moore pulled a handgun and fired four or five shots at Palmer, according to the sheriff. The incident occurred outside the store near the gas pumps at the southern end of the parking lot.

Moore fled the scene, but called the ECSO and told them that he would be stopping and placing the gun in the glovebox of his vehicle. Deputies took him into custody within minutes on Palafox Street at Nine Mile Road.

The sheriff said Moore had no criminal history and held a concealed weapons permit.

According to our news partners at WEAR 3, Palmer was a father, community activist and local business owner involved in the Black Lives Matter efforts in Pensacola.

Pictured above and below: A man was shot and killed at the Circle K at the corner of Highway 29 and West Roberts Road about 7:30 Monday morning. Pictured first below: The suspect was taken into custody minutes later on Palafox Street at Nine Mile Road. Photos by Jason Robbins/WEAR 3 and others for, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “One Charged With Murder After Highway 29 Circle K Shooting; Victim Identified”

  1. David Huie Green on May 24th, 2022 6:49 pm

    “Not sure if you have lost a relative to homicide but it is a real bad deal”

    Not that it matters, but this one was my cousin’s ex husband’s nephew.

    It’s a bit of a reach but not really all that far. Another cousin’s husband killed their children and then himself. (He waited for her but she took too long to get home, so he skipped that murder.)

    There are many people who might kill. No way to stop all of them.

    David for better people

  2. just a fact on May 24th, 2022 2:27 pm

    No lives matter to tyree moore

  3. Mike J. on May 24th, 2022 9:44 am

    I agree with Olin. Let me add as I’ve stated many times: EVERY murder should be followed by the death penalty of the convicted criminal. 1st or 2nd degree doesn’t matter. The intent was to kill, therefore the convicted murderer should be executed in a similar manner to how they killed their victim(s). The time period should be 5 years or less. Less money for the taxpayers on the prison system and fewer murderers on the streets. They don’t fear the death penalty because it’s 20-25 years down the road. Make it swift and just as violent then they think twice.

  4. William in Beulah on May 24th, 2022 9:03 am

    Two lives ruined over a woman, what a shame, because no man or woman is worth it when they are messing around with another.

  5. Olin Schultz on May 23rd, 2022 9:20 pm

    1 murder is too many is exactly right. Loosing a loved one to violence is never good. 1 too many is what you asked? Senseless loss of a son or daughter, husband or wife, or any relative is just wrong. I don’t want this to turn into anything else but what Was written. Not sure if you have lost a relative to homicide but it is a real bad deal! Of course we can’t stop murders and I never said we could but no murders would be great! Just saying!

  6. Cindylou on May 23rd, 2022 7:59 pm

    Was right by there after it happened, traffic was backed up on 29 and 95A,

    That was frighteningly close to the high school

  7. David Huie Green on May 23rd, 2022 5:50 pm

    “1 murder is too many”

    Too many what?

    To be happy about?

    People murder each other. Nobody has ever found a way to prevent every murder. With that in mind, fewer murders is better than more murders. Some places have very many. Some have proportionally more. Each is one we should regret but the murderer is to blame, not the community or anything else.

    David for better people

  8. steve on May 23rd, 2022 5:10 pm

    Olin Schultz : What do you want the SO to do? Stand around every person in the county and force them to behave? How about people take RESPONSIBILITY for themselves and hold CRIMINALS accountable?
    Why burden the good with the bad.
    Also most agencies are being held back from putting criminals in jail as the work load is far too high for the amount of cops on the street.

  9. straightshooter on May 23rd, 2022 5:01 pm

    “Concerned Citizen” We all know why Mobile has a high rate of violent crime.

  10. Eugene on May 23rd, 2022 4:43 pm

    @ CRIME DATA – Although I will not take the time to refute the statistics provided, your statement is delivered upon the mistaken premise that they are accurate and without bias regarding political, demographic, and societal constructs. I received my final orders from the Los Angeles area to Pensacola and subsequently retired 30 years ago. My perception and first hand witness after living in both cities, in addition to tv and newspaper accounts of crime 30 years ago, provided ample evidence that Pensacola had “virtually NO crime” in comparison to my previous home in Los Angeles. You appear to have quoted my statement incorrectly in that you typed “20 years ago”. If that is the case, you are not being fair to this news site’s readers/commenters; Perhaps you will take the time needed and re-read my brief comment with greater attention to detail in that I stated “30 years ago”.

  11. Olin Schultz on May 23rd, 2022 1:54 pm

    Esco Leo,
    I think you are missing the point that the citizens are trying to make. If it is 1, 300, 3000 or more, 1 murder is too many. True it is not the Wild West but there is extremely too many bad things going on and it needs to stop!

  12. Concerned citizen on May 23rd, 2022 1:37 pm

    The reason why mobile has a high rate of violent crime is because the state of Alabama gives murderers a bond, and doesn’t truly punish offenders. Felons only serve a fraction of their sentences. Florida rarely gives an accused murderer a bond, and all felons once sentenced must serve 85% of their sentences. No parole. Florida did away with parole a long time ago and all of that has made Florida safer.

  13. Justbeachin on May 23rd, 2022 1:24 pm

    I am native. These are isolated incidents which may or may not be drug related. Geez! We are not LA! Y’all calm down . Sadly, they DO happen. I’ve lived in a big city. This is nothing in comparison. And they are not calling out SWAT teams and using helicopters to hunt people on the run! Pensacola is mild in comparison to big cities!

  14. Bill T on May 23rd, 2022 1:13 pm

    The bottom line is people don’t care about other peoples lives and I’m referring to criminal element!!! People overall have no common respect or care for the fellow ma or woman!!!! And it’s only gonna get worse!!! It’s getting to the point mind your own business and if you get involved with anything you are subject to getting killed!!! So as it goes it’s getting to the point of either kill or be killed choice is yours !!!! Now understand I don’t like this and pray it doesn’t continue but in the meantime choice is yours !!!! Might add it seems like if you kill someone for whatever reason you will get less time in prison but if you assault someone you will likely get 30 yrs !!!! Makes you think don’t it !!!! Also don’t even think about showing me I’m wrong lol

  15. Ando on May 23rd, 2022 12:47 pm

    Okay, comparing Pensacola to mobile is a REACH. Mobile is downright AWFUL compared to what goes on over here. Mobile has multiple episodes and at least 2 seasons of First 48 Shows so let’s me real here..

  16. Anne on May 23rd, 2022 11:35 am

    Used to be very rare to hear of murders here, now seems like it’s almost anticipated to read, view, hear our local news and learn, daily, of one or more new killings and/or shootings.
    Would be interesting to know what goes on in these brains that tells them it’s okay to murder another human over the most trivial of things.
    Just sad and ruins many families.

  17. Esc co leo on May 23rd, 2022 11:20 am

    @ welcome to LA?

    Escambia county typically has about 30 homicides per year for 300,000 residents. That makes for a 1/100th of 1% chance you will be a homicide victim. Not exactly the Wild West.

    Even LA is down to 400 homicides last year, when it was over 1,000 per year in the 90s. So even LA isn’t “LA” anymore.

    So let’s keep things in perspective.

  18. CRIME DATA on May 23rd, 2022 11:16 am

    @Eugene – this is objectively wrong. From the FBI Pensacola 2003 had 667 violent crimes per 100k. The peak being 2008 at 940 per 100k. As of 2018, it’s 541/100k, which is less than “20 years ago ” and almost half of the peak (15 years ago). You have a skewed perception of your community.

  19. Jan on May 23rd, 2022 10:57 am

    Same-thing happens in Mobile almost everyday. Someone said to me one time they didn’t see how we lived in Mobile. We are from Pensacola and know they same thing happens over there just as much.

  20. David on May 23rd, 2022 10:43 am

    This is the very reason I moved farther north away from the city and why I am a CCW card holder.

  21. Eugene on May 23rd, 2022 10:10 am

    There was virtually NO crime here when I retired 30 years ago……Welcome to Los Angeles.

  22. J.Larry Seale on May 23rd, 2022 9:54 am

    just another murder for Escambia

  23. tg on May 23rd, 2022 9:46 am

    Say goodbye to fist fights say hello to gunfire.

  24. MVP2019 on May 23rd, 2022 9:18 am

    Praying for this person’s family. Crazy!! I work across the street and heard the shots, but didn’t realize what I was hearing. Glad they caught the creep!