Man Accused Of Murder At Highway 29 Circle K Released On Bond

May 25, 2022

The man charged with a deadly shooting Monday morning at a Highway 29 convenience store was released from jail on bond Tuesday night.

Charles Tyree Moore, 35, is charged with second degree murder for the shooting death of 35-year old Durrell Dupree Palmer at the Circle K on Highway 29 at West Roberts Road. During his first court appearance Tuesday afternoon, his bond was set at $150,000. Jail records indicate that he made bail and was released at 6:39 p.m. Tuesday.

Under the terms of his release, he must surrender any firearms within 24 hours.

Moore is due back in court on June 17 for an arraignment hearing.

Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons said there had been “interaction” between the individuals going back two years. He said they had an argument over Palmer’s wife about two weeks ago, but she was not involved in the incident Monday morning.

“During a conversation that they had actually at the Circle K ended up escalating and ended up in gunfire,” Simmons said Monday afternoon.

Both men were at the Circle K at Highway 29 and West Roberts Road about 7:30 Monday morning when Moore pulled a handgun and fired four or five shots at Palmer, according to the sheriff. The incident occurred outside the store near the gas pumps at the southern end of the parking lot.

Moore fled the scene, but called the ECSO and told them that he would be stopping and placing the gun in the glovebox of his vehicle. Deputies took him into custody within minutes on Palafox Street at Nine Mile Road.

The sheriff said Moore had no criminal history and held a concealed weapons permit.

Palmer was a father, community activist and local business owner involved in the Black Lives Matter efforts in Pensacola.

Pictured above and below: A man was shot and killed at the Circle K at the corner of Highway 29 and West Roberts Road about 7:30 Monday morning. Pictured first below: The suspect was taken into custody minutes later on Palafox Street at Nine Mile Road. photos by Kristi Barbour and others, click to enlarge.


35 Responses to “Man Accused Of Murder At Highway 29 Circle K Released On Bond”

  1. Tazzzzz on May 26th, 2022 6:58 pm

    I agree with “stand your ground “ law.
    If you were stuck on an island with 7 ppl you don’t know would you;
    A) agree that only one person should have a gun (not you)
    B) agree all people on the island should have a gun.
    If you were in a situation where you are about to lose the life of your child, would it be ok to use a semi automatic long gun to protect them by killing the threat?

    Food for thought….

  2. Djuan on May 26th, 2022 1:36 pm

    Present behavior is a predictor of future behavior. There are no “good guys.”

  3. Cantonment Boy on May 26th, 2022 1:06 pm

    That definitely does not surprise me one bit, Escambia county is a joke is quick to let a murderer out on bond smh, you mess around and get pulled over driving on a suspended license around here and ur going to prison. Escambia county justice system is a joke

  4. Steve on May 25th, 2022 8:19 pm

    Lot of people on here that have no clue how the bail system works.
    Judges have rules they must follow. They don’t have leeway like they use to have

  5. Anita on May 25th, 2022 5:37 pm

    @ jksmith
    On inmate lookup the home address is listed as “homeless Pensacola”

  6. Tim Barberi on May 25th, 2022 4:52 pm

    Our legal system hard at work… If this person kills anyone else while he is on bond.. The judge should be responsible… It is their action that allow the to happen…

  7. brianh on May 25th, 2022 4:28 pm


    “Assault Weapon” is a made up term that can include anything. There is a thing called Assault Rifle and that is a military rifle but which the general public can not purchase.

  8. AAlex on May 25th, 2022 2:44 pm

    Bet murderer Farrow at the gym yesterday gets NO BAIL

  9. SMH… on May 25th, 2022 1:03 pm

    Every one that’s arrested for committing murder should remain in jail with no bond until their trial. There shouldn’t be any exceptions. Mr. Moore could have easily just driven away instead of making the decision to shoot. I don’t have any sympathy for him.

  10. Susie on May 25th, 2022 12:04 pm

    Thank you Jay, for setting the record straight.

    People don’t realize there are guidelines for bond. Judges just don’t pull a number out of their…robe. Yeah, sometimes we all want our own justice but it doesn’t work that way.

  11. David Huie Green on May 25th, 2022 11:27 am

    “I wonder why so many people on here are so upset about him being out on bond…?”

    They assume guilt.
    They believe he has killed, assume he will kill again if not in jail or prison.

  12. Susan on May 25th, 2022 11:13 am

    @brianh -it’s obvious from the context Joy is talking about assault weapons which were made to be used by military. But you knew that.

  13. Dj on May 25th, 2022 10:57 am

    Thank you Jay for the positive side
    I thought I was the only person reading actually article . If you always see the negative side of a things then negative it is . And if you only see the positive then positive it is . But very few people can read something and see both sides ! We are a society of judgements and blame .But yet we think we’re going to end bullying racism and all get along !
    Image that !!!

  14. Jr on May 25th, 2022 10:31 am

    Before you jump on me read this…as sad as this situation is I firmly believe there’s more to this story than we are being told (LEOs can’t tell all during an investigation). What led up to this? Did the other fella(deceased) have a weapon? We’re threats made from deceased that could have caused this? I’m in no way making excuse for the shooter because MURDER IS MURDER no matter what degree it is. For them to give this fella a bond shows me that they have a reason to believe that this may not be as everyone else is saying/thinking. Yes, I’m sad a life was taken and I pray for ALL INVOLVED. Things just look this way to me that there’s more to this than we know. Again, this is my thoughts and I’m not excusing the fact a person was taken way too soon. I will sit back and see how this unfolds before casting stones…no, I will not respond to replies concerning my thoughts. Have a BLESSED day and stay prayed up.

  15. brianh on May 25th, 2022 10:30 am


    Please show me where I can buy a “military gun”.

  16. Jcellops on May 25th, 2022 9:56 am

    It should be interesting to find out what the other side of the story is. Tragedy that someone lost their life. I am thankful that Moore decided to de-escalate a bad situation and not make it worse- as it very well could have been.

  17. Jay on May 25th, 2022 9:55 am

    The guy has no criminal history, he had a permit for the gun, and will claim self defense at trial. He left the scene he claims due to his own safety, called the cop immediately, and surrendered peacefully.
    I wonder why so many people on here are so upset about him being out on bond…?

  18. rational on May 25th, 2022 9:49 am

    Really? Just another murderer walking amongst us. Who will be next before his court date, if he shows up! Outrageous!

  19. SueB on May 25th, 2022 9:45 am

    I guess his defense is that he didn’t perpetrate the crime. Read FLA LAW on
    Second Degree Murder Defenses.

  20. Lisa Fuller on May 25th, 2022 9:26 am

    Just a few thoughts here for some of the folks who have commented. I agree with your outrage about the low bond. I don’t understand the guidelines for determining bond. We definitely need to become more pro-active in changing the bond and sentencing guidelines. To Joy: This has nothing to do with our governor and name calling doesn’t defend your position. It has nothing to do with gun control either. Criminals have always managed to get weapons. Sometimes people who have never broken any laws make really bad choices using a weapon and they should be prosected. Making it harder for law abiding citizens to get weapons to defend themselves won’t stop criminals who don’t care what the law says. To Beach Boy: Florida has the death penalty in place.

  21. Agree on May 25th, 2022 9:03 am

    @ Need prayer


  22. tg on May 25th, 2022 8:51 am

    Let him out on Bond he has a few more on his list.

  23. Bill T on May 25th, 2022 8:47 am

    Remember what I said if you kill someone in cold blood it less on you than getting into a fight !!!! Sounds crazy but it’s so true this is a prime example of how ignorant the people in the judicial system are!!! They don’t have a clue !!!! Now if he happens to kill another person then he will stay in jail

  24. Bill on May 25th, 2022 8:41 am

    Our system is weak!!! Out on bond and has 24 hours to surrender weapons

  25. A Alex on May 25th, 2022 8:25 am

    @ Joy. You can move to Mexico, the gates are opened. The man had a cwp, Which means his gun was legal. QUESTION, what actions did Palmer do to be shot at 4-5 times?

  26. Deborah Daugherty on May 25th, 2022 8:05 am

    Really???? How stupid is this??

  27. Richard on May 25th, 2022 8:02 am

    Are you kidding me?? Released on bond? Has 24 hours to surrender any weapons? What a joke!

  28. Beach Boy on May 25th, 2022 7:44 am

    WHAT?!?!? I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!!! Released from jail after killing someone???? Oh yea….sure…..he’ll be here for his arraignment hearing. If you believe this…I have waterfront property for sale in Arizona. He’s more than likely gone from this state then there will be a nationwide manhunt for this killer paid for by our tax dollars. It’s past time to bring back the death penalty to get rid of over-crowding in our jails that allows murders to go free!!!!

  29. Jksmith on May 25th, 2022 7:27 am

    @Carl. I read the article and am wondering whereI missed reading he was HOMELESS? Your eyes must be better than mine.

  30. Need prayer on May 25th, 2022 7:24 am

    I don’t blame the guns. Bad people will still be able to aquire guns no matter how many laws are put on paper. What wrong is people have no consequence of actions anymore. It’s a godless society that does not care about human life or who they hurt. More laws will only make it harder for the law abiding citizens to protect themselves when that piece of paper will not.

  31. Anne on May 25th, 2022 6:27 am

    Released on Bond..????
    Recalling when fokls who killed another human being were KEPT IN JAIL until their trial.
    What a mess for the families and friends to have this guy back on the streets.
    Sad state of judicial system.

  32. joy on May 25th, 2022 6:06 am

    RELEASED ON BOND!!! of course-and I am NOT even shocked – just sell some more guns -look at the babies in Texas – no license to carry – no permits and carry military guns -well that is what Gov. degenerate wants here – so sell more AKs – and prepare yourselves – God knows I am soooooo disappointed in this country

  33. Denbroc on May 25th, 2022 5:49 am

    Revolving doors of justice.

  34. Anonymous on May 25th, 2022 5:45 am

    How is it that a man charged with murder is allowed bond, however, there is another man recently in the news charged with a large residential burglary with no bond?

  35. Carl on May 25th, 2022 4:46 am

    A HOMELESS man with 15k to get out of jail for murder?
    You cant trust our own system.
    Im sure he will abide by the “no gun” rules!!!