Jay Teen Shot And Killed Father With A Shotgun During An Argument, SRSO Says

May 31, 2022

More details have been released in the case of a Jay teen charged with second degree murder for allegedly shooting and killing his father Saturday afternoon in Jay.

Jaden Simmons, 16, shot and killed 43-year old Jonathan Simmons, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. Jaden Simmons shot his father in the chest with a shotgun loaded with buckshot, according to an arrest report. Jonathan Simmons was pronounced deceased at the scene in the 3000 block of Highway 4.

Another person in the home stated that Jaden and his father were verbally arguing in the living room. She told deputies that Jaden walked away, and his father followed. She said she heard more verbal arguing and a gunshot, but did not witness the shooting.

“Jaden walked away from the argument and intentionally grabbed a shotgun,” the arrest report states.

All of Jaden Simmons’ statements to law enforcement were redacted from the arrest report obtained by NorthEscambia.com.

Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson said the shooting was not a “Stand Your Ground” case because Jaden Simmons had an exit from the situation and the father was not armed.

“He could have left, but he did not choose to leave,” Johnson said. “And the father was not armed at the time he shot and killed him.”

Jaden Simmons was booked as a juvenile, but is expected to be charged as an adult.


22 Responses to “Jay Teen Shot And Killed Father With A Shotgun During An Argument, SRSO Says”

  1. Look His DAD Rec Up on June 3rd, 2022 8:42 pm

    Look up his father’s criminal record, look at the man, he has a bunch of kidnapping charges and a record that takes up two-three pages. That being said his father definitely was a felon. Shouldn’t been a gun in the house to start with, the kid diffently didn’t bring it there.

  2. Susie on June 3rd, 2022 6:44 pm

    @judy How do you know the father wasn’t trying to kill him? You don’t and I don’t. If the CHILD has been abused repeatedly, he might think that was his only alternative whether right or wrong and out of pure fear…as in PTSD. You don’t know the decision of the Court either but it’s a definite that this child won’t forget this. I find that very, very sad.

  3. judy on June 3rd, 2022 8:07 am

    There are NO good reasons to kill a parent unless that parent is trying to kill you! The Father was unarmed, and the son was too angry to make a rational decision. Unfortunately, he will now have a VERY long time to learn self-restraint and anger management!

  4. child on June 2nd, 2022 12:38 pm

    “Jaden Simmons was booked as a juvenile, but is expected to be charged as an adult.”

    Seriously!! He is 16 years old! Someone needs to fight this AND find out how much abuse he may have endured. This obviously wasn’t the first “argument” they’ve had and to lead to such violence, I feel there must be more. This child needs mental help for possible past trauma/abuse, not tried as an adult!! I’ve almost given up on our justice system.

  5. Susie on June 2nd, 2022 8:58 am

    Jaden, we are praying for you. You pray too and God will hear you. There are many people who would show you what true love is. You keep that faith and know you are loved. God bless you!

  6. random person on June 2nd, 2022 1:19 am

    I personally know this young man AND his family. He has by far had a rough life with his parents. No. That may not justify him shooting his father, but no matter what, children are supposed to feel safe with their parents!!! And with his past trauma FROM his parents not only his dad but BOTH. He clearly couldn’t feel safe. Not for one minute do i believe that it was just an “Argument.”

  7. EMD on June 1st, 2022 5:48 pm

    Handsome young man with such a beautiful head of hair. And, such a sad demeanor. He does not look mean at all, just sad and defeated. There is a reason he did this. I hope and pray someone helps him and the others in this family. No. This does is not the way, but none of us were there. And we do not have his memories. They must be terrible. This is heartbreaking. The whole thing. And, I do not know him or anyone else in his family. The photo says a lot.

  8. Melanie S. on June 1st, 2022 11:28 am

    Prayers for Jaden and the family. I do not know this family but I do know that there are always at least three sides to every story. There are soooo many reasons as to why he might have taken such drastic measures including a mental health crisis. Although nearly impossible not to judge the situation immediately I am trying not to. I’m interested to see what comes out in the court records. Regardless I hope Jaden is able to get any help he needs. Also if any adults outside this home knew of abuse happening and didn’t do anything SHAME ON YOU!
    See something, say something!

  9. Sr on June 1st, 2022 9:49 am

    The witness states he did leave the room and the dad followed still being heard verbally arguing….which means he may have been cornered at that point….

    What this does not say is what has been happening prior to this incident….was this really an ‘argument’ or more of ‘verbal abuse’??? What all has this child endured from his father, and with no help??? Has he fully left the house before and forced to return by law enforcement being listed as a ‘run away’?…this is a very common thing to happen….
    Adults even have a snapping point after continued abuse….this is still a child, and being such hasn’t fully learned how to handle things…but honestly, no one (child or adult) should be made to repeatedly endure abuse! If he was constantly and repeatedly abused, and not receiving any help or protection, maybe this was the only way out he saw…
    Before passing judgement, remember there’s usually more to a story than initially told. I hope he receives the help he needs..anyone that stands by and watches/knows abuse is going on should stand up and say something! If you’re scared to do it directly to the abuser, then please seek someone that can help.

  10. A friend of a friend on June 1st, 2022 6:24 am

    I know friends of this child, who have witnessed years of abuse, as a survivor of years of mental, physical, and sexual abuse, I can totally see how this happened. I was a 10 yr old child and used to plot my abusers death. My abuser, taught me to shoot his gun and I did pull that same gun on him at 13 yrs old, I threatened to shoot him in his privates if he ever touched me again….He didn’t come after me again, but started on my sister, which was not found out until she started having flash backs. SO I TOTALY GET IT, you can only kick a dog so many times before it turns on you. I am 50 yrs old and this is a LIFETIME of trauma!

  11. Reap what you sew on May 31st, 2022 10:19 pm

    Whether the gun was loaded or not he pulled the trigger….If it wasn’t he would have done it these slaps on the wrist and comforting “You better stop that or else” talks need to stop if you have to pull a gun to settle this kind of debate no physical threat towards the child and his reaction was to pull the trigger.. this kids mentality was he’s gonna get his way regardless not respect that his elder ….HIS FATHER was trying to verbally discipline him but he couldn’t handle the word “NO” So he took his fathers life charge him as an adult a life for a life but that’s not going to happen he’s gonna get the slap on the wrist minimal punishment and he’s going to have that solution imbedded in his head.. that all he has to do is play scared,or ignorant and will get the least of the punishment! This is what is wrong with the world he didn’t get his way so he acted how he did well he took a man’s life now he forfeits his!

  12. Just pondering on May 31st, 2022 8:05 pm

    He left the room what else is he supposed to do. if he leaves the house he can be reported as a run away. He don’t have enough information to form a real understanding what was going on. We should also be asking why was the gun loaded and that easily accessible. This is a sad situation regardless of the final outcome. Prayers for the young man and family.

  13. Wondering on May 31st, 2022 8:02 pm

    At just saying do you know his father that boy is been through it go look at his dad’s arrest reports this man has kidnapping charges after kidnapping charges was told this boy was trying to protect his grandmother but look at that boy face it screams abused, helpless. Js

  14. BC on May 31st, 2022 7:42 pm

    @wondering btw that boy that helped his dad after the shooting is not in prison.

  15. Elsperman Ann on May 31st, 2022 7:41 pm

    What I want to know is how does at minor child give consent to being questioned? Also why didn’t his family get him an attn before questioning????

  16. Carl on May 31st, 2022 6:53 pm

    @ Just Saying..
    Evidently this young man did.
    Look at the world we live in now.
    Nothing anymore requires making sense for anything to happen.
    Praying for all.

  17. Just Saying on May 31st, 2022 5:48 pm


    And really who shoots their parent over an argument???

  18. Wondering on May 31st, 2022 5:35 pm

    There’s two sides and really who tells there parents no if they are abusive, mentally or physically. Look what happened in Walnut hill Where that boy in prison for helping his dad after that shooting. There’s got to be more than what is said this is a very sad situation.

  19. Beach Boy on May 31st, 2022 5:33 pm

    @marshall. I agree….this is a sad situation for this young man….AND….there are two sides to every story. BUT….there is NO reason to shoot your dad. I know it’s easier said than done…but If and when things get out of control….try and do your best to WALK AWAY from the situation. A person has to stop and think of the consequences of the choice they’re about to make. “We are what we are by the sum of our choices.” Praying for this family.

  20. rmarshall on May 31st, 2022 4:50 pm

    This is a sad situation for this young man. He’s hasn’t even started living life to find his self in this situation. Just remember their is two sides to every story.

  21. William in Beulah on May 31st, 2022 3:01 pm

    I agree, but I can also understand how this happens, because I am a survivor of child abuse. My two cousins and I used to lay in bed at night when we were the ages 10, 8 and 7, respectively. Talking about how we could stop their step fathers daily verbal and physical abuse. We were afraid that we couldn’t do it quickly enough and he would get us first. That’s the only reason he wasn’t murdered by children. Violence begats violence and our culture is riff with violence.

    I’m not saying this because I agree with what happened in this situation, but I am saying that we don’t know what the WHOLE story is. My cousins and I weren’t talking about doing something so horrible because we were bad kids, we were children being terrorized daily and I do mean terrorized , while no adults listened to our pleas.
    Even children have a limit and any of us can be pushed to that limit, but sometimes people also react to a bad situation in the wrong way out of duress, but that’s not an excuse to shoot anyone, EVER.
    I’m glad we never took action, but our experiences have given me the ability to empathize, sympathize and even have compassion for someone who commits this type of crime under certain circumstances. This is tragic all the way around and could have been prevented possibly with better communication.
    My heart goes out to this family, all of them!!!

  22. tg on May 31st, 2022 2:14 pm

    This is as sad as it gets.