FWC Law Enforcement Report: Boating, Fishing Violations

May 14, 2022

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following recent activity:


Officer Allgood was conducting resource inspections at Navy Point boat ramp. He observed a vessel return from fishing and conducted an inspection. Officer Allgood noticed a large red drum in the cooler of the vessel. He measured the fish, and it was oversized. He issued a resource citation to the individual and seized the fish.

Officer Long conducted a resource inspection on a charter vessel as it returned to shore. He found the operator of the vessel in possession of an undersized trigger fish. Officer Long issued a citation for the violation.

Officers Jeter and Cushing were on patrol in Bayou Chico. Officer Jeter conducted several marine fisheries inspections in the area. When Officer Jeter contacted the operator of one of the vessels returning to the ramp, he immediately indicated that he had an illegal greater amberjack on board. The subject also had several boating safety and registration violations. Officer Jeter issued a resource citation for the closed season greater amberjack as well as a registration infraction and several other warnings.

Officer Cushing conducted a resource inspection of a charter vessel that had just returned from a trip. As Officer Cushing greeted the captain, he was stepping off the vessel with a basket of vermilion snapper. Officer Cushing asked if there was any other fish on board and he said no. Officer Cushing found three more vermilion snapper in the ice box tucked in the corner. Two of three were undersized. A citation was issued for the violation.


Officer Roberson was patrolling a boat ramp on Escambia River when he observed the recreation area had a catfish on the picnic table as well as empty beer cans and a fire. Shortly after, Officer Roberson observed a vessel pulling up to the boat ramp with four occupants. Officer Roberson contacted the individuals and asked about the catfish on the table. They admitted to catching the catfish. They stated they were bush hooking on the Escambia River and when asked what kind of bait they were using they admitted to using bream on the bush hooks. The vessel operator agreed to take Officer Roberson down the river where their bush hooks were located. Officer Roberson inspected their bush hooks and observed live bream being used as bait and the bush hooks were not displaying a name or address. Officer Roberson cited two of the individuals for using bream on bush hooks for bait.

Officer Lewis concluded an investigation on a vehicle that was dumped in Blackwater River State Forest and used as target practice in a clay pit. Officer Lewis was able to track down the responsible party for the vehicle and charged him for violation of the Florida Litter Law. The responsible party removed the vehicle from the forest. Officer Roberson assisted with the investigation.

Officer Lewis noticed a large amount of recreational activity in the Blackwater River State Forest primitive areas and directed his patrols to these areas. Officer Lewis subsequently issued five citations, and 18 warnings for various violations.


23 Responses to “FWC Law Enforcement Report: Boating, Fishing Violations”

  1. need$2findfugitives on May 18th, 2022 10:27 am

    Talk about a food shortage. LOL

  2. Robert Reed on May 16th, 2022 2:40 pm

    I’ve always found fishing game very professional and nice as long as you didn’t screw up break the law making mess whatever They just guys doing a job and they do it well that’s where we can still grow fishing and hunting since they prevent the idiots from killing everything

  3. Travis Willis on May 16th, 2022 7:00 am

    I am Florida native born in Daytona Beach in 1951& I will respond to the idiot that doesn’t understand the reason for no bream on bush hooks or trot lines. IT WILL DECIMATE THE BASS POPULATION!!
    If you’re too dumb to realize that then stay INDOORS!!
    Those of us who appreciate what FWC does and have lived here a lifetime realize what a great service they do for us. They have brought back the Gators from Extinction the Bears from Extinction are more recently the Goliath grouper in South Florida have been protected and brought back. Those of you who don’t understand the value FWC provides just stay home
    Travis Willis, a real native

  4. Bomber on May 15th, 2022 9:23 pm

    1. Have Owned a properly safety equiped boat for years
    Sober operated it. Never a ticket for either. Officers
    boarding boat never a problem.
    2. Messed up slot limit rule on bass got a ticket.
    Guess what my problem not FWC.
    3. Study your fishing area rules, be sober. Don’t lie, make sure you have proper safety equipment ! You will get checked and on your way Happy.! So easy to do.. However
    some of you know it all and will get busted. Your problem no one else’s. On the shore fishing or in a boat know what the law is !

  5. Wetahk on May 15th, 2022 12:40 pm

    If you take ANY game illegally you are subject to get a citation. Period. FWC have a job to do and that is to protect these resources so that future generations of Floridians can enjoy the SAME things we do. Stop crying because you got caught stealing from us all.

  6. William in Beulah on May 15th, 2022 12:03 pm

    @Tank, It is my understanding that a person cannot fish with live bream but can use them as cut-bait. ALL BUSH HOOKS AND TROTLINES ARE REQUIRED TO BE MARKED WITH THE OWNERS NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION, THIS HAS BEEN LAW FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOW!!!

  7. Tank on May 14th, 2022 10:32 pm

    It’s not that it’s illegal to fish with brem you can’t leave the line unattended cause it’s bass,favorite meal too and it would kill a lot of bass ..if you catch the brem on hook an line you can fish with it no cast nets

  8. Michael on May 14th, 2022 7:06 pm

    I love that there are regulations for fishing and boating. The ones you see complaining about them are usually the ones who consistently break them. I have seen people catching and keeping 40+ undersized mangrove snapper and reported them, because if you allow people to keep as many fish of any size then eventually that fish will be gone for good. People never seem to think of the future. Keep up the good work FWC.

  9. TC on May 14th, 2022 6:27 pm

    Awesome we need more of this FWC at all ramps especially in Florida and especially the Tampa bay area and in Charlotte County the Fisheries are dying and being depleted down here millions of humans transplants have moved here in the last 10 years and bought a boat and want to bring home everything they catch as a trophy and not applying to the rules and regulations! Do ye FOO’s remember back in 2018 and 2019 when millions of fishes died on the West coast Snooks Trouts Mullet and Reds and bait fish due to a massive Red Tide for almost 2 years!!!!!!

  10. Tom Baumeister on May 14th, 2022 6:01 pm

    I support theses officers 100%. If no one takes action there will be no fish. I also support the limits being placed on fish. I may take one on occasion for dinner but the catch and release is far better. Also no one mentioned all the warnings these officers have probably given. I’m sure their desecration entered into their decision making process.

  11. Jay on May 14th, 2022 6:01 pm

    I agree with Joe 100%!!

  12. derek on May 14th, 2022 3:00 pm

    Joe if it weren’t for our law enforcement officers there would bo no resources for honest people to enjoy. As far as fishing for food…… apparently you missed the part where they were drinking beer. I’m fairly certain they were not starving because they had plenty of money for alcohol!

  13. Jason on May 14th, 2022 2:31 pm

    Always going after the little guys,how about trying to make a real difference an go after the big boys can anyone say “red tide” An for those of you who don’t so,remember money controls the narrative in this world. Real EYES realize real LIES

  14. Guy Gerricault on May 14th, 2022 2:24 pm

    Some of y’all are sooo dramatic lol.

  15. Jerry widmann on May 14th, 2022 2:08 pm

    I think these officers do a great service to our state.. Especially in these financial times when these species may need more protection from people who hate the outdoors. I love talking with fwc. I always gain something to help me out or make me more knowledgeable. We work hard and I prefer my money in fwc than the political jerks that run the state. I know I’ll always have fish to fish for and parks to walk in with fwc at the helm. So as far as being a waste of money we should spend more. Enough to buy more parks, put in new ramps and all under fwc guidance. I love nature, people, not so much.

  16. Brian on May 14th, 2022 12:18 pm

    I’m 45 years old and grew up on the water and i routinely fish Mayport. The last time I was boarded by FWC I received my 2022 safety sticker. :)

  17. Leroy Jethro on May 14th, 2022 11:29 am

    Without these officers monitoring fishermen there would be no fishery left. I don’t like all the regulation ( especially grouper and red snapper) but it’s better than being allowed to fish as much as you want and not being able to find any fish. I obey the rules. Thank you officers for making sure most others do too!

  18. Joe on May 14th, 2022 11:20 am

    I think I just found the money for the new fire station this is complete waste of money . We are spending thousands of dollars of our money to save fish. Only in america do we care more about fish than people and the fish have more protection than people. God forgive. America we give you free dental and Heath and a bed and clothes after you brake the law and to the ones struggling just above the poverty line working a hard job living in their cars at the Walmart we can’t give them the help they deserve but we can pay these guys thousands of dollars with full benefits to write petty tickets and drive around in non gas efficient vehicles because they never have to pay for a dime of gas. These guys should be use for life saving services only not controlling the fish population. If I was hungry and I caught an oversized redfish I’d give thanks and eat him tail to head because I caught him it’s called fishing and I need it to eat it’s better than someone going and stealing . What is wrong with this country when did it become more illegal to kill an animal than a human. When did it become illegal to have common since. This country will head to a place where the politically incorrect will save the politically correct a@@ again because the politically correct only fight in courts and home owner association meetings not in war and not oversees. God help us all.

  19. America on May 14th, 2022 10:48 am

    In this economic climate.I find this offensive and horrid We have regulated to many things for Indviduals. It almost looks like targeting. People are struggling.
    Food is becoming an issue for many families
    . The poor are about to find out about washing aluminum foil and saving bacon grease.but, laws are infringing on individuals that are becoming desperate. What about dealing with REAL crime…..

  20. fisherman on May 14th, 2022 8:57 am

    I totally disagree with your statement. There are many rules and regulations one must follow and they are all spelled out. Yes they can be confusing at times and a pain in butt. I have been confused many times I called the FWC and they gladly explained the rules. If individuals are hiding fish they know the rules or they wouldn’t be hiding fish. The majority of the FWC officers will give you a break all they want from you is the truth when they ask you a question if you lie to them your getting a ticket. I have gotten citations before and been given breaks. They are just doing their job.

  21. A Alex on May 14th, 2022 8:46 am

    @DB, you saying the officers are going to cite on every stop? I was checked over five tim ohes over the course of my boat ownership and several times on my friendsboats.never was any oc upants ever cited. Once my registration was passed due and was let go with an understanding it would be taken care of that Monday. IT WAS.

  22. Bubba on May 14th, 2022 8:45 am

    I wish someone would tell me the logic behind the use of bream on bush hooks being illegal. Bream are prolific breeders and using them bream for bait would in no way hurt the population. In fact, most farm ponds are overpopulated with them. Does anyone know the historical reasoning behind this law?

  23. DB on May 14th, 2022 1:59 am

    And this is why I don’t own a boat anymore, or go fishing. There’s almost no way to avoid breaking some kind of law, no matter how hard you try.