Florida Average Gas Price At $4.18; Escambia County Below $4

May 2, 2022

Florida gas prices averaged $4.18 per gallon on Sunday, eight cents more than a week ago and $1.40 per gallon more than this time last year.

The average price per gallon Sunday in Escambia County was $3.96, the lowest metro area price in the state, according to AAA.

The lowest price Sunday in Cantonment was $3.84 on Muscogee Road in Cantonment. In Pensacola, a Nine Mile Road station was at $3.77.

“Florida drivers are finding the most expensive prices at the pump in four weeks,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Global supply concerns are keeping upward pressure on oil prices, as many countries look to limit the import of Russian oil. The global crude oil market remains an important issue for motorists, as oil prices account for more than 50% of what drivers pay at the pump. Oil prices have ping ponged dramatically since Russia invaded Ukraine and that volatility is likely to continue through the summer travel season.”


7 Responses to “Florida Average Gas Price At $4.18; Escambia County Below $4”

  1. David Huie Green on May 5th, 2022 1:29 pm

    Natural gas powered vehicles still look good in the short term until they get the battery problem solved. (And the power distribution problem, and the metal shortage problem, and the…..)

    On the other hand, if more people used natural gas to power vehicles, demand would drive up the price.

    People try to sell what they have for sale for as much as others are willing to pay. Corporations and individuals owe it to their investors and loved ones. Otherwise, they war making them do without.

    Imagine you have gasoline coming from a magic fountain.
    Say it makes a thousand gallons per day and will dry up in one year.
    You want to sell it.

    How much do you charge?

    If you charge more than those around you, few if any would bother to buy.
    If you charge much less, you get much less.

    Put yourself in their shoes.
    (Not MY shoes, I ain’t got no gas — or magic fountain.)

    David for treating others as we would like to be treated

  2. Kate on May 3rd, 2022 7:04 am

    It’s not the Presidents fault, he did not go out and tell Corporations charge up the prices, get what you can like Trump did and then give them tax breaks. What is the matter with you people who are so inane. The world is felling the fossil fuel costs. The united States are n0o different in E.U. they are paying a lot higher prices, are they stupid enough to go oh its the presidents fault, sadly no they are smarter than US people.

  3. Thomas Paine on May 2nd, 2022 7:11 pm

    Pssst. Gas prices are high all over the world. Not just in the US. It’s almost as if we shouldn’t be dependent on fossil fuels or something.

  4. Henry Coe on May 2nd, 2022 9:27 am

    I paid $3.59 a gal in Gautier, MS last week. It would be interesting to see a graph that shows the increases and/or decreases in Florida fuel taxes over the past decade.

  5. concerned on May 2nd, 2022 8:17 am

    this is nothing compared to what is comming the hurricane season is upon us and so far I’m getting a gut feeling it’s gonna be bad for many states the coastline I’m afraid is going to see destruction unlike ever seen in history. most will be forced to hunker down ( gas ) there won’t be any to leave the area and get out of harm’s way. many will have regrets moving to the coastline . to much building going on in pensacola way to many people moving here
    get prepared the storms are comming this is going to be a very very bad weather season. bank on it.

  6. Elijah Bell on May 2nd, 2022 8:11 am

    The current administration in DC is doing great harm to our great country. Our southern border is wide open to all who want to enter. Crime is out of control all over the country like it has never been. The education system leaves doubt in our parents mind. Inflation is causing the cost of living to surge upward so much that everyday American families are struggling just to live day to day. There can be a new direction started in November and finished in 2024.

  7. brianh on May 2nd, 2022 5:44 am

    Meanwhile diesel that this nation runs off of is now over $5 a gallon. Look for MORE pain in your pocket book when you go to buy food or other items. This is NOT the fault of Russia, the fault is who currently occupies the White House.